How have women reacted to you showing them your dick? Have they ever made fun of you? Or been in awe?

How have women reacted to you showing them your dick? Have they ever made fun of you? Or been in awe?

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Only one girl's seen my dick. She said "nice dick mate" and gave me a fist bump.

Did it seem genuine? How big are you?

Seemed pretty genuine. Maybe 6 inches if I had to guess I dunno.

Cool. Did you have sex or what?

she didn't see it just felt it.
told me it was big I'm around 6.5 inches rock hard.

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Nah it was a dare. I just had to show her my wang.

Damn dude nice. Context?

Cool. Any other interesting details?

When my gf first saw a pic of my cock she said she thought it would rip her open. Flash foward a few months, she was gagging on it every chance she got

First time my ex saw my dick she did a cocked eyebrow, angled her head a bit, and went "well HELLO" like fuckin' Gilbert Gottfried.

To this day I still don't know what emotion that was supposed to be.

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That's so fucking weird. Did she like it?

Yeah, never got any complaints. Not like I'm huge but I've got decent girth (6" around).

Cool user originalyl

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I've only shown it to random girls on Kik. They're usually impressed, I'm 7.5 inches, but it looks bigger than it really is since I'm a turbomanlet.

Wish I wasn't a grower at least, because I'm an exhibitionist and would love to flaunt my dick at a nude beach or something.

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Yeah, I would love to have a big soft bulge.

Only shown it to one person that I can recall, we were two sheltered teenage autists who masturbated together on webcam and eventually met up to actually fuck. I was only 18, pretty fucking fat and only a flat 6 inches at the time. She told me multiple times that I was "so big". Even back then I shrugged it off knowing she was just trying to make me feel good, she'd keep doing it anyway. Recently lost the weight in my twenties and realized the massive fat pad had been hiding a full inch, so I'm actually 7 inches and kinda want to see what reactions I get now, have to admit I'm a bit of a girthlet at only 5 inches though. Haven't been with anyone since because I'm a NEET shut-in.

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Very cool user, I'm happy for you

The only woman to ever see my dick was a female urologist. She laughed under her breath and apologized. Feels BAD man.

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one girl. she didn't see it but jerked me off under my pants. she immediately wanted to have sex after that. but my parents and all my siblings were home so I told her no. I never did get to fuck her. should've just been a chad and banged anyway. moral of the story never say no to sex

Damn. Are you really small or something user?

Wow, that must have felt really good

>are you really small or something?
I'm 5.5 erect but less than 1" flaccid. Unless I have a boner I can't use the fly on my pants or even pee standing up. I didn't think to give myself a chub before going to the doctor; I think it would have gone worse if it had.

I feel you there. I'm a grower for sure

You unironically should have done everything in your power to make her somehow suffer for that. To someone like her it is just a little slip up, but to someone like you it is literally your entire manhood being mocked and called into question. It makes me angry she has not faced the consequences of her actions

He should have peed on her

gotten 3 blowjobs from different girls in my life, still a virgin and never came from any of those blowjobs. Each time the girl pulled it out (probably like 2 inches soft) she was completely silent and none of them even looked at me, the either played with it for 10 seconds or just started sucking, so the boring answer. I heard from the friend that hooked me up with one that she said my dick was huge, even though it's only 4.5 inches when I'm skinny

Why were you soft? Porn induced erectile dysfunction?

Depends, my whole highschool saw it flaccid and i was bullied about it a lot, can't be bothered telling the story again. I was the 'small dick kid'.

But when I finally lost my virginity at 25 the girl I had sex with wiggled like a worm while saying 'oh my god' when I took my pants off. I am close to 8 inches erect and maybe 2 inches flaccid on a bad day.

Life's funny. Still not sure whether to feel happy that I have a big dick or sad that 99% of the people i know think i have a small dick. Maybe on some level they knew flaccid size doesn't really mean anything and just wanted someone to bully, who knows

By the way the girl i fucked has been my gf for 2 years. She is obsessed with my dick

>you should have made her suffer
I'm a 6'2" guy -not a lanklet, like a normal person scaled up- with a smol pp. By comparison it looks like I have a baby's penis. When seeing something like that I'm not sure what there is to do but laugh. I'm not going to ruin someone's life over one mistake; I'm a khv anyway, if when someone sees my dick they're going to laugh, it might as well be some doctor as opposed to a qt I care about. The thing about being a dicklet is that you ultimately come to terms with it.

I was there for severe frequent urination, so I probably could have.

Yep it's really bad for me, add in crippling performance anxiety and time pressure for 2 of the instances

Have you considered nofap? I'm on day 15 and I'm popping a random boner every 10 minutes after years of ED

I'm 8", white, uncut, and I even groom it.
No one's ever made fun of it.
A lot were in awe.
Only one girl just responded "5/10" but I'm pretty sure it was a catfish.
My ex was intimidated by it and had vaginismus, so not all good came from it but I absolutely would not want a smaller one.

Growers are bigger then showers.

I can pop stiffys at home no problem, but something about a person being there throws it off in a huge way. Of course the human contact is what I most want, my dick just gets confused as my head starts going a mile a minute with anxiety

Maybe take beta blockers? Funny name I know, but they're legit