Whats the real reason you arent getting laid?

whats your incel story, robots? ill start
>be me
>deep, alluring voice
>masculine build
>people of both sexes try to befriend me left and right
>develop offputting, seemingly aspie habits to come off as undesirable
>people still don't fuck off
>turn them down constantly because rampant human narcissism disgusts me too much to permit myself to cash in on any of my natural amenities
>eventually put on weight and cut back on visible hygiene
>men leave me alone almost entirely
>women only hit on me perhaps twice a year now
>feel relieved I don't have to be emotionally taxed by people
>crave intimacy regardless

what about you?

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>not tall
>don't leave my house very much
that's about it

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I'm extremely disgusted by how casual people are with sex. I don't want sex before marriage and she must be a virgin.

Also I never leave the house, but I did date for a bit. She was a slut in the making though. Never let a girl have slutty friends, find a way to slowly exclude them.

>mother starts weighing me daily at 7
>get put on SSRIs at 11
>get chubby from SSRIs
>weight fluctuates wildly in an 80lb range and stomach is a deflated bag even when thin
>teeth kind of fucked too
>cannot even get myself to go outside when fat much less date because I am subhuman
>when thin social skills are too atrophied to ever reintegrate
>rinse repeat

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>4.5/10 male
>4.5/10 girls are attracted to me
>not attracted to them

>whats the real reason you arent getting laid?
Haven't saved up enough money yet (but I will next month).

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>hair is thinning on top
it's the winning combo of being a totally unfuckable loser, even if i am white and have blue eyes

Barely talked to any girls in college due to poor social skills, the ones I did talk to weren't interested. Also I'm 5'3.

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>involuntary celibacy
>voluntarily worked extra hard to stop people from fucking them
Son, I think you need to consult Urban Dictionary and shut the fuck up.

>skinny (negative)
>average looks
And that's about it. I'm pretty average across the board. I can't even be a fetish to someone is the problem. I also don't feel like putting in the effort required to even have a boring ass superficial conversation with a woman. I prefer traps anyways, but even they're all slutty and bad at conversation. Before it wasn't so bad in my teens talking to people though. Nowadays people ghost you within 10 minutes when they find out you're not trading nudes or messaging about sex. It's all just a big fucking hassle, too much work.

im in quarantine

I try to avoid social interaction as much as possible. I'm also pretty ugly and stupid

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>be me
>do nothing all day but videogames every day starting 10 years old
>move into middle school with absolutely no irl friends, complete sperg lacking any self awareness and carefree, people laugh at you behind your back
>fast forward to high school, start thinking about things more, go for long walks at lunch to discover and think more about the world that you previously never really cared or thought about
>grade 10, acting like a fool one day in class again, sometime during that day after getting laughed at, it all hits you like a truck
>see all of the fake consumerist culture that people blindly followed, the vapid social media and dating culture that i didnt understand, the worthless competitions and gossiping and drama happening that i didnt care about, the complete disregard for people outside of cliques, the notion that i did not have a single friend that cared about me and that the only place i ever had fun was on the internet, when hanging out with my internet friends, the only true friends that i ever had
>after this revelation, remove absolutely everyone in my real life, don't talk to classmates when talked to, always look busy, sleep in class until you can go home and play videogames, stay up all night, every night, playing videogames with the lads
>be 21, 6 years since this event, never have a single real life friend to this day, nevermind a girlfriend
it was fine at first, but now there is nothing. my life is completely devoid of both activities and people, and in a way it is driving me insane. i really want to get out of this hole, but it might be too late for me. i am extremely stubborn in changing my ways, and ultimately the only person that can fix you is yourself. i would like to think that i can alter my state of affairs one day, but i can hardly be optimistic about it.

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Stunning amount of reality in this thread. So little posturing and outright whining. Wasn't expecting that, really.

>not very talkative/don't talk just to talk
>have interests that make it hard to relate to male peers
>women don't expect men my age to have such interests so they probably think I'm a liar/weirdo
>my body is average; but at least I'm not fat
>face isn't making anyone turn their heads

bro become jehovah's witness
they give you trad virgin wife for free

I don't beelive in myself

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I convinced myself a long time ago that I wasn't worth it and I just never tried. I genuinely have no desire to interact with females and I couldn't care less about losing my virginity.

I don not lack self-awareness, just discipline and grit.

>cant find any virgin religious women that arent stupid or ugly

Well I'm a 33yo wizard with no friends. Intermittently employed, now a neet again. Not quite fat as fatass but definitely overweight. Not sure what I would talk to a girl about if I did meet one. I think I'd pretty much need to be an entirely different person to have a chance of having sex. In theory it's possible for people to change themselves into entirely different people, in practice, I don't have nearly the drive and determination needed to do something like that.

I don't have eenough money.

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I dont fucking know
I'm not ugly, I know that now
But God damn. I think its just probability working against me. Not everybody can be a winner, and some people are fated to lose heavily all the time


You seem like the kind of person that contributes to a school shooter acting out and then cries and wonders why this all happened
Its good though you probably are a lot more unsettled by life than I am

That actually a thing? Shit the girl who visited for them was qt.

> be me
> solid 7/10
> 6'6
> only 4/10s find me attractive
> I'm not attracted to those 4/10s

That's pretty much it. I'm attractive enough where I can't complain because a lot of guys have it worse, but never the less I am still a virgin.

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>be me
>not an incel
>had sex with my girlfriend last weekend
>meeting her tomorrow
>probably gonna have sex again

Feels good bros

One word for you:
but actually I feel like getting an escort is the smartest course of action.

Never put much effort into my appearance other than working out, no job/car, never chase woman.

youre volcel numb nuts

I relate to you a lot, and i have the same build with the same problems. however, I do not prefer traps, I actually think that is pretty gross.

What about before quarantine?

There are people that are worth it, even in places outside this internet. the issue is how you find those people.

What are your interests? I have never understood the dead with redheads, I usually find them attractive.

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Your a fucking liar, no way you can't get hot girls when you 6,6 your pratically a giant.

That's what you say, but here I am. Girls like tall guys but they like big and tall guys. I'm built like a stick.