Honestly, why do women get involved with men if they have even an inkling of suspicion of them?
If you're not absolutely, 100% confident that the guy is on the level, don't fucking bother with him.
Honestly, why do women get involved with men if they have even an inkling of suspicion of them?
If you're not absolutely, 100% confident that the guy is on the level, don't fucking bother with him.
Why would you take a photo of somebody's carplate
She's sending it to friends, in case something "happens" to her.
In case she disappears after going with him, he will be a possible lead to her location for the police.
i would feel humiliated too, i aint haning out with a bitch that thinks im going to kidnap her
I would just be creeped out that she's recording personal information like that and spreading around. That's crazy person shit.
Like 95% of women have poor decision making skills, are overall retarded and need someone to make choices for them. Thats why you get 13-18 year old little whore girls meeting up with older men and getting raped and killed.
>Honestly, why do women get involved with men if they have even an inkling of suspicion of them?
because the risk of it is what makes their pussy wet, but they don't want to admit it
To feel important.
>omigod I could like totally be the next murder victim on those true crime podcasts
>I'm like totally fearing for my life right now but instead of going home I'll still get in his car :3
>Honestly, why do women get involved with men if they have even an inkling of suspicion of them?
Because that would rule out literally 100% of men lmao. Every man comes with red flags.
>have been a plant in a bar or restaurant for friends that are meeting new men for dates
more women do this than you realize. its like how we know to step in for our friends that cant get away from some overly pushy guy. i love cock blocking in clubs.
You are 10000x more likely to be killed, assaulted, or robbed by a random nigger that walks into your shop then a woman is to be kidnapped by anyone. Yet if anyone started texting photos of every jogger that jogged into their store to friends "just in case" these same cunts would screech about racism on their jewish social media.
This is why for thousands of years fathers picked husbands for their daughters. No danger.
You just love cock, faggot.
Every girl who ever got in my car asked if I was gonna kidnap them.
Every human being comes with red flags. But if you have even a modicum of doubt when meeting one, just enough to give you pause, then maybe take that as a sign to avoid them.
t.rapist typing furiously behind computer screen
Someone who tells you you should avoid people who make you feel slight suspicion is a rapist?
Okay, can't say that I follow that train of logic (or lack of).
>If you're not absolutely, 100% confident that the guy is on the level, don't fucking bother with him.
Okay, so what you're saying is, don't fucking bother with any guy ever, and let the fucking species go extinct. 100% trust in a guy is not possible. Period. It's foolish to expect that.
Look how many little boys get molested by adult men. Priests, scout leaders, coaches. Would you tell a 7 year old not to participate in any activity if he wasn't sure the adult in charge wasn't going to massage his scrotum and check what ring size his anus is? How the hell would a kid even evaluate that? The sad truth is, you are basically monsters. At least potentially. And there is never, ever any way to be sure ahead of time.
>inb4 women molest kids too, it's in the news all the time
That's a completely unfair point, because I don't have a rebuttal ready for that.
KEK originininininininninnin
These two are the correct answer. lt's a mixture of self importance/overinflated ego
>omg l'm so hot that guys would risk going to prison for years just to fuck me
and then the tingle feeling they get from being around a dangerous guy
>Wow this guy really knows what he wants. lf he wanted he could totally just hold me down and fuck me and there's nothing l could do about it.
what's the point of dating someone if you're not in love with them yet?
just be friends and if you fall in love then you can date
>a seven year old is the one who chooses which sport he plays or what activities he participates in at church
are you retarded, children have parents to do that for them. May be literal patriarchy should actually be reinstated so that fathers can choose who their daughters date.
I never got it either
it's inorganic
it's probably out of desperation
>so what you're saying is, don't fucking bother with any guy ever
If you have so much as a doubt in their character, yes.
>100% trust in a guy is not possible.
Then you're ill-equipped to interact with them, hence you shouldn't be involving yourself with them. Only the few individuals who managed to earn your complete trust and confidence in them has any right to be your acquaintance, friend, family, or even partner. Those who do not should not have so much as a second of your time.
>Look how many little boys get molested by adult men. Priests, scout leaders, coaches. Would you tell a 7 year old not to participate in any activity if he wasn't sure the adult in charge wasn't going to massage his scrotum and check what ring size his anus is? How the hell would a kid even evaluate that?
False equivalence.
>The sad truth is, you are basically monsters. At least potentially.
Everybody is. Your best friend might suddenly hurt their families one day, or your mom is an abusive alcoholic, etc. Everybody is a potential monster when put under the right conditions.
>And there is never, ever any way to be sure ahead of time.
That's why you don't bother with people until (if) you are completely certain.
some of us fell in love with our partners from the get-go. :/
>just be friends
you shouldn't be friends with just anyone.
>If you have so much as a doubt in their character, yes...Everybody is a potential monster when put under the right conditions.
You're contradicting yourself.
That's a complete non-point. Ancillary rather than salient. Also not 100% true.
I don't believe in love at first sight and half of everybody breaks up. so how could you even say that you fall in love from the get-go. what would that even mean. how do you know what love is. can you even explain what love is. I don't think romantic love exists. there is lust and greed.
>You're contradicting yourself.
Irrelevant, and a red herring.
well? did you kidnap them?
I suppose that's the world we live in. Shout out to the morons who kidnap people that require this type of cautionary behaviour.
>I don't believe in love at first sight
they're a rarity, but still happen if you're lucky. and it's not necessarily a 'fight sight' thing. it's when you romantic feelings from the start, when you get to know them, etc.
>and half of everybody breaks up.
most relationships with people end. even friendships end after a while.
>so how could you even say that you fall in love from the get-go.
if there's love from the beginning.
>what would that even mean.
see above.
>how do you know what love is. can you even explain what love is.
kind of asking a logical explanation for some that's (by definition) not.
>I don't think romantic love exists.
not for everyone, no.
>trying to make sense of women
just accept that they're giant high-functioning retarded children and go on with the rest of your day
No point in sending the plate if you're not going to check it against carfax which I guarantee you they're not doing.