Robots without psychotics levels of social anxiety/AvPD: how do you exist/what is your deal...

Robots without psychotics levels of social anxiety/AvPD: how do you exist/what is your deal? I know some are just autists but what else? I would not be a robot if there was some kind of permanent Xanax.

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AVPDfag here. Life seems hopeless, I don't even care anymore because I'll never make it like this. I'm probably going to kill myself pretty soon.

Schizoid/schizotypal tendencies. I am seemingly mentally incapable of forming bonds with other people, nor do I have interest in it left.

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I just avoid leaving the house as much as possible

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Oh fair, I forgot about cluster A.

I'm a bot with psychotic-grade social anxiety/AvPD and I have aspergers and BPD as well.

Eventually I found comfort in accepting being friendless and lonely - it's just far easier than hanging with/dating/being in relationships with broken girls and cringy spergs. I just listen to Zig Forumscore, scrool and fap to yiff all day while on NEETbux.

Shut up lol you just sound annoying. Try being not annoying

I live in fear of being judged. For about 2 years I didn't leave the house. I go to school but don't talk to anyone. When I'm out of the house I wear large headphones and sunglasses so that no one will look at me or talk to me. I don't speak unless spoken to, and even then I'll reply in as few words as possible. My psychiatrist tried to send me to a class for autistic people where they teach you how to socialize and interact with others, but I was too scared to go. Obviously, I have zero friends. I don't feel connected to other people. For the most part I just feel trapped in my own head, watching everyone else live their lives around me.

what website is this
i have social anxiety too and i had to take therapy back in early high school but i deemed "fine" after a couple years, but after a couple years of being done in HS, I still have no friends, no job, can barely speak without messing up my words, making convos awkward and shaking like a scared dog when im talking.

He's a genetic dreg. Under a eugenic policy he wouldn't have existed. Personality disorders are given us type of guys. Never seen an attractive man with a personality disorder.

don't think there are any robots without social anxiety. that's kinda why we're robots.

Post the link to the website and I'll show you what I get.
This will be best in order to discuss the topic at hand.

google "social anxiety disorder test" as shown on the OP pic. its literally the first hit

forgot, i got an 37 btw

I smoke weed every day and work in a warehouse, I've pretty much removed everything that gives me anxiety
I still can barely leave the house every day, but at least I _can_ leave the house

Feel ya, when i hang out with my bros to eat KFC or shit like that, i usually let them do the order and stuff.

>Imagine being too autistic to speak to a waitress or a cashier

Also i'm too lazy to get mental help lmao, my college haves free psychologist but i just don't wanna.

Is going to the psychologist worth it, robots?

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>he's on r9k and he's never seen elliot rodger

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>Never seen an attractive man with a personality disorder.

Are you fucking serious? lmao.

that's how a major bulk of cluster bs prey on people and get things they want/cover their asses. The excessive attractiveness and superficial charm.

This is probably caused from me being relentlessly bullied for being a manlet and introverted in general.
My ideal has always been to just stick to myself and stay away from people. Went all through hs and college like that. Motorcycles and video games keep me occupied for the most part.
Ill probably end up trying to find a job with as little interaction as possible and go from there. Been thinking of going for graveyard shift stuff.

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How so?

True. I do not think many of us would have existed.

I don't have anxiety i just fucking hate talking to people because they boring.

please leave this board

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I think I won

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Why are there so many schizophrenics on this board? what the hell is attracting them?

>never seen attractive person with a personality disorder
Is that why celebrity using drugs left and right? I'm pretty sure all kinds of people can have some sort of disorder.


"OMG two of the same number!!!!! What do the channers say again?"

go back


I do have enough confidence but I'm highly anti social and too orderly to hang out with people, I easily get annoyed by the slightest signs of chaotic behavior. Of course, others also don't like my quiet behavior so conversations and friendships don't last long. That is the life of a schizotypal autist.

I don't know what my deal is because I don't want to go to a psychiatrist and tell them the truth, I don't want to be labelled. I've been a hikikomori for a long time, I do a lot of drugs with a preference towards NDMA antagonists.

You're just retarded and lazy.

this test is so hard to do because I'm never in those kinds of situations. Like "Expressing a different opinion to someone you just met", I don't even remember when was the last time I met someone new