Mods, im trying to get banned from this garb board

Mods, im trying to get banned from this garb board.
Smite me down already...
Anyway, how are you tonight user?

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god speed user, don't look back.

is that you daniel? fucker, where have you been

You look like a faggot who just lost his virginity to a tranny and is bragging about it to his E-Freinds


youre a cutie go out and meet real people you don't deserve to be in this shithole

thanks user, gl to you
im not Daniel but Daniel sounds great
nope, havent lost my v card and wouldn't touch a tranny with a 10 feet long pole
yup exactly
thanks user, i shall do my best

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we'll miss you user
good travels

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You're a faggot you're a fucking faggot buddy kys faggot ass kid

genuine idiots. All of you. IP ban? Pull out your router, plug it back in, new IP and you're back. Ban evasion is a big problem since it's so easy. If you wanna leave, just leave. Nobody can make you.

thanks user, good luck out there and what not
damn, some serious projection coming in. might wanna check in on some internal affairs happening with you right now
>If you wanna leave, just leave. Nobody can make you.
Im pretty aware of this, figured this would make it easier.

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Show your dick please. Thanks.

you look like a guy called nathaniel

literally young pewdiepie


Hey I know you. Fucking pathetic loser lol

im doing OK, thanks
how about you OP, how are you tonight?

im gonna have to decline
nah, would hate to be named Nathaniel tho
maybe i should start a lets play channel

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You're very cute user! I hope you succeed in life and reach your goals.

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Mods ban me too but from all boards. I'm ready to leave Zig Forums. Ban me for a year

>Anyway, how are you tonight user?
n-nobody ever asks me how im doing...

>daniel sounds great
>nathaniel bad
what did nathan do to you

stop dad, not in front of my friends please
alright, thinking about playing some Persona 4 later
thanks m8 gl with yourself and your life
good call user

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Do you have any plans after you leave here?

how you doing tonight user?
I have a friend named Nathan, hes a total dickhead

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good bad and ugly is a good film, Clint Eastwood is cute I want to watch all his films someday when I have time

There's no projection you little pussy ass faggot, you need to kill yourself buddy you're bitchmade buddy

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u look like pewdiepie if his channel never took off and he wanted to kill himself because he thought he was a failure and his parents were disappointed in him. still cute

What is that small thing in the frame of your closet?

do you have a brother called james?
if so he is a lazy cocksucker and i hate him

I bet you have a brother called James

you look like the retarded brother of Jonas from Dark

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