ok Zig Forums what do u think of my bookshelf
Ok Zig Forums what do u think of my bookshelf
I guess you could kill yourself if you want
Yeah I kinda want to you're right
you can kill yourself in my bed
Why is your bed more appropriate for suicide than my bed
I am going to bathe in your blood and embalm you
to keep you preserved and safe in my tender care, my doll
A little carefully-placed lighter fluid and a couple of matches will clear that up for you nice and quick.
you're right it probably would
If I saw this shelf in a garage sale I'd offer you 25 bucks for the 2 Gladwells, 2 Tolkiens and 2 Daredevils
You read cringe, bro. Sorry.
A lot of fiction. I don't have that many books in my shelf but I have variety between the non-fiction and fiction
You're a faggot. Read Philosophy. Start with the Socratics -Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Then Hellenistics -Zeno, Seneca, Epictetus, Aurelius. From there, you can take your own direction. You could go back to the Presocratics -Parmenides and Heraclitus. Otherwise make sure you pick up Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Kant, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Schmitt, Heidegger, Burroughs, Bergson, Whitehead, Deleuze & Guattari, Derrida, Baudrillard, and Nick Land. I can't stress enough how lame your book selection is. I would feel some sense of shame if I were you.
Fun stuff. Two things stick out.
Speed Secrets the guide to race car driving. Maybe that was a fantasy as a child, I hope.
The complete works of Shakespeare. Nobody goes from Marvel comics "Nuff Said" to "Neither a borrower nor a lender be". I think you liked the fancy cover or you got a deal on it.
its called autism ,, anonn
Lots of nerd content which is appropriate for someone who browses Zig Forums. I would recommend more books with naked anime women in them.
No user I race cars in real life actually no meme. And yeah I got shakespeare for high school I had to read quite a bit of it and I enjoyed it
>no Holy Bible
good selection for fiction, but you should add some non-fiction in there. Add some history books, helps the aesthetic as well.
are you one of the reds?
yeah what about it oregano
Long halloween
Year one
God loves man kills
Brave new world
Oliver twist
Jackie stewart
Heart of darkness
Doomsday clock
Ultimate spiderman
Star trek
Stephen king
Star wars
>dont care/know
The rest
kinda cringe, but well at least from the books you've read... my guess is that you're critical of the totalitarian communist regimes?
I will only defend Ultimate Spider-Man out of those
I mean yeah ancom mode
Too much comics for my taste but there is some cool stuff too, like the classics.
The bookshelf looks cheap and boring but seems to get the job done I guess. You even have room to grow your collection if you so chose.
I score your bookshelf
3 out of 5
Looks just like my bookshelf from my first apartment. Plus Zizek, Hegel, and Kropotkin, so you're technically cooler than I was
This is my "bookshelf". I am still looking for a real one.
thanks user any recs?
Not bad user. I would also suggest Kafka, Borges, David Foster Wallace, Fernando Pessoa, James Joyce, John Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, William Gibson's Neuromancer, Stoner by John Williams, and Journey to The End of the Night by Celine. Oh and if you like Naked Lunch look into Deleuze and Nick Land.
Gay, Get rid of that commie trash
I like your style. I notice you have a lot of collections of works, which is great for space, but it'll be a lot harder to find someone to take them off your hands. I find people will start reading an author more readily if I give them a smaller tome to start. Curious what you could recommend to me
Futurability for a modern ancom perspective with a twist of tantra, can't recommend this enough. Maybe a little camus or dostoyevsky? I've been trying to read more fiction, and they're easy to jump into. I'm currently reading the stranger, but the rebel and the plague are better known; also, notes from underground, by dostoyevsky.
I've heard of or read most of those, but I'll check the rest out too, thanks! What is a good place to start with Deleuze?