>been talking to qt girl with mental issues for about a year
>she becomes obsessed with me and clingy as fuck
>shes a virgin
>she just turned 18 a few months ago
>wants to lose it to me
Bros why am I so gay? I'm avoiding her now because I feel like I fucking groomed her or something. I was in a dark place mentally when I met her and just wanted a friend, no sexual intentions. Should I do it boys? I'm 20 and still a virgin as well
Been talking to qt girl with mental issues for about a year
lmao exact same thing happened to me a couple of years ago, same ages too
ended up just ghosting her
now im 22 and still a virgin haha
>Hey guys I groomed an underage girl and now she wants to have sex with me because she's 18, did I groom her?
Yes you groomed her.
Coom in that bitch.
> i fucking groomed her or something
and? isnt that what relationships are based on? fucking bum
well then the morally correct thing is to make it clear to her that i did not intend anything romantic and then cut her off? right? or should i be a shitter and coomer
>19yo grooming a 17yo
i don't think that's possible
I guess... why you calling me a bum bitch boy ill body ur faggot ass yo
at least i can fuck a girl when she asks me - unless you're actually a fag, you should have sex with this fine piece of legal tail
ur right im being too considerate thanks bro
Wife her, retard. Sex is meaningless it's only vapid pleasure, but a long term realtionship brings long term hapiness. Also the more partners you have befire marriage the more likely you are for divorce.
yep youre a faggot
Do you want to go another 5 years being a virgin? Sex isnt something special
uh. no i dont think so, unless you were purposefully flirting with her and telling her to send nudes or smth. also a 2 yr age gap is pretty normal lol
just get consent and youre good
just treat her with respect. She's mentally ill but she's also still allowed to make her own decisions.
Like, yeah she was probably vulnerable enough fall for the first guy who made her feel special, but you're at least concerned enough to post here about it so i imagine she was lucky enough to not fall for some dirtbag that would outright abuse and take advantage of her.
Good job OP
This 100% user, save the nuclear family for us who are pussies that can't get pussy.
thanks user i think you're right. i do have feelings for her i just feel bad. especially with the metoo stuff going on.
Fucking a mentally ill girl that is obsessed with you is a fucking awful idea user
Ignore the social pressure and like earlier anons said, waifu her. Dont judge yourself for your bad days but try to make every day with her worth it ^_^
Does she have BPD? What mental issues does she have?
You're a plain fucking retard, that's for sure.
dont miss this shot, you got this user.
are you this fucking stupid? why haven't you held hands and kissed her while going deep within her yet? Fucking hell you normalfags sicken me.
thats what im saying man. i dont think the people calling me retarded have any experience with this stuff
i think i will im just weary and kind of jaded from past relationships. scares me. she has always had my best interest and cared for me deeply so im just being a retard. thank user.
Be honest and tell her that the relationship feels uncomfortable and you feel like you unintentionally groomed her. I'm sure she'll find reasons why that isn't the case and It'd be best to hear it from her rather than strangers on the internet
meet up with her take her on a date and bring her home and give her the dick she wants
Just fuck her already. SHes legal and everythings fine.
This is probably the only time youll get pussy nad the only relationship youll have so do it.
bpd and i honestly think shes a bit schizo
You can't unintentionally groom someone retard, her feelings are real and if you rexiprocate there's nothing wrong
Your predator sense is going off trust me. Fade away pimp. This chick is crazy.
chill out, and just be honest and open with her. if you're concerned about a relationship with her, tell her about those concerns.
liking her, even being sexually attracted to her doesn't make you evil. your concern shows conscientiousness, and in all honesty, girls are not that different from dudes.
good luck, user, i think you can do this!