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depressed edizione
Fuck off to you general thread spamming cuntface dicknose syphilis and gonorrhea manwhore
i still need someone
just for like an hour even
Reposting from previous thread
>tfw no bf into older vidya and metal
I feel like most guys I meet are rarely into one of these things, let alone both.
Rude, no need for that kind of hostility my man.
please please please
you guys always talk about wanting a bf im right here im not ideal but i need someone and you want someone
Tell us about yourself then, what hobbies do you have? Are there any hobbies you don't currently have but are interested in? What are you looking for in a boyfriend?
Would you pat my head as I suck you off? Maybe afterwards i could go cook something sweet for us to eat back in bed...
You'll never turn me gay stupid homos
>what am i looking for in a bf
live near me
be nice to me
hug me alot
don't be ugly, dont have to be handsome or cute or anything average is fine
>what hobbies do i have
i play video games and run thats it but ill pick up other hobbies for a bf
I'd love too but we have to get married before we do anything lewd
It's not like we'd want you anyway, converting straight people is unnatural and anyone who does that should be shot
>live near me
You can't just say that without mentioning location
What do you mean by older vidya user? Also what bands do you like?
>i still need someone
What do you need someone for?
I'm in Orlando
hugs and love and affection and physical closeness
you know, like platformers, oldschool shooters. Been slowly getting into JRPG's with Dragon Quest. For music, I like a lot of thrash, some death, doom, NWOBHM. I like more than metal too. Some of my favorite bands: Bolt Thrower, Rush, Judas Priest
Define ugly, and what kind of games do you play?
I just want to see the digits man. Yall can have a bump or whatever.
I have plenty of that to give, user, if you're up for it.
a couple roguelikes, a couple tactics based games, a few isometric gamee, etc.
game with most logged hours on steam is running with rifles
are you nearby orlando?
>are you nearby orlando?
No, I'm not near there. Sorry for wasting your time.
That's a decent selection of bands user, I pretty much grew up with Black Sabbath, Motorhead and Rush and the like. Have you recently got into metal or have you been listening to it for a while?
I've been playing a fair amount of the new Dragon Quest on switch and been thinking about looking at some of the older ones myself. Ended up buying a bunch of gba and ps2 games recently to play through too.
It was a shitty joke user. Im already gay
I've been listening to metal since I was a teenager, and playing guitar for about the same amount of time. DQ XI was fantastic, just finished it last night. I'd say DQ III is my favorite one so far. Finished 1, 2, 3, and 11, GBC version for 1, 2, and 3. What games did you buy man?
Any fellow Canabros?
tfw no bf to hold hands with and snuggle persistently into the night.
>tfw a straight androgynous NYC model uses you as a human wallet
>tfw a straight good-looking robot neet uses you as a human wallet
feels good man
be my bf pls?
I want to hold hands and snuggle
are you cute? completely original
Yeah I'm loving 11 so far, taken a break from it to play Deadly Premonition 2 but I'll definitely come back to it after. I got Extermination, MGS2+3, Gungrave and RE Code Veronica X on PS2 and Doom 1+2, Duke Nukem, Serious Sam and some of the warioland games I was missing for the GBC+GBA, so it's a fair backlog but I'll be able to blast through them fairly easily I think. Also picked up the quake games on PC which I've been playing in between too.
It's really cool you can play guitar user, I don't really have much in the way of musical talent so I'm always jealous of people who have it. What sort of guitar do you play (like electric or acoustic)? Do you play in a band or anything?
I don't think so
just average I guess
illa sententia cum nullus bf mihi sit
Oh, I taught myself how to play guitar and bass. It's all about practicing how to play more than anything. If I had a bf I'd teach him to how play so he wouldn't have to be jealous, haha.
I've been told Gungrave is cool, I should check that out. Warioland is great, have the first one, two carts actually. One can save, the other can't. Doom is always great, you get the GBA ports? They're interesting, especially since iirc Doom 2 actually used a new engine on GBA.
You got a discord user? I'm sure we could be friends, see where things go.
Do you guys exercise? I run 5 km every other day now and do push-ups/plank/squats/dumbell curls every other day. My goal body looks like this but with fewer muscles, I really want to be thin and have slender legs, currently I am a skinny skinny fat at 65 kg, 180 cm. As a bottom who wants to be smol but masculine there are few guides on the internet on how to get slender but muscular, I think just cutting and fasting while lifting and running is good enough for becoming athletic?
no exercise
no bf
no job
just wake up and go to sleep
>tfw shorter but top
I guess its just important for me to find love and happiness.