What level of hell will you go to?

Take the test:


Attached: rtrd.png (668x458, 211.32K)

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Oh says here that you've been miserable all your life and that made you gloomy.... doesn't look good for you I'm happy to say, that's level 5.


Sick, I got Limbo. Might get a chance to buttfuck and/or get buttfucked by aristotle n pals

I got Limbo
Sexy shit for once

I am pure and virtuous ^_-

Attached: Capture.png (476x332, 103.16K)

I think OP meant wee were meant to take this test.
Anyway I got Dis, check out Dis nuts hahaha

here's my results by the way

Attached: level.png (552x380, 120.78K)

Where do you go if you have all the sins? Is there a different place for those or do I just get thrown into the level of your worst sin?

Nvm i got 8th level malebolge

Do people actually unironically believe this shit? I don't mean any offence to people if you do but it's so fucking alien to me that people could actually honestly believe in any of this

my results, looks like im going p deep

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-10-05 17-12-30.png (457x386, 149.93K)

I'm genuinely a good person, I'm just a depressed individual

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Ah well shit

Attached: USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--1124830134.jpg (720x566, 53.26K)

>Do you play video games?
>Would you/have you hurt anyone
>Violence: High
Gamers rise up

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-10-05 at 2.23.03 PM.png (852x612, 365.66K)

Where did it say you guys were gonna go?

Limbo. Feels good having values and standards.

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Oh well fuck it I guess I deserve it.

Attached: Test.jpg (1600x2050, 967.83K)

makes sense. I don't do much sinning but I don't believe in god

Why don't you repent user?

Attached: The_Beauty_Of_Eyes_Wide_Shut (1).gif (520x293, 1.79M)

Because I deserve suffering.

City of Dis, though most of the questions notably lack context.

No you don't. Repent.

Attached: The_Beauty_Of_Eyes_Wide_Shut (8).gif (400x225, 1.68M)

I thought i could get limbo

Attached: Inferno.png (497x335, 136.19K)


I took the tet here's what I got

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looks like im going to hell when i die for sure
am i fucked or will god forgive me for being a degenerate?

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you can tell if someone is a virgin or not by their rating for "lustful". A low rating = virgin.
This test is designed to trick virgins into outing themselves. You've been played.

You're right, I also don't masturbate
I'm this user

I'll see you there fellow doomed user

Attached: Seventh Level.jpg (438x339, 43.28K)

But I got high lustfulness and am still virgin af

i got limbo. kinda sucks but it's whatever.

Attached: limbo.png (797x411, 493.41K)