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Geeks #603
What was the absolute worst, most dreadful point in history?
/r9gay/ - 1156
/simp/ Simping general
'sup incels. My little sister has a crush on some rando...
Hi robots. Just wanted to get your opinions. I know girls aren't supposed to admit that they are sexual beings...
Is it gay to go down on a girl?
Any other teenagers here that were fucked up beyond belief by unrestricted internet access since they were a toddler?
Failed to curl a 30lbs barbell more than once
25+ thread
I trust science
Let's talk
As an acne scarred, socially retarded, working class 30k/year 23 year old, why should I STOP paying for her onlyfans...
Finally doing it tonight, bots. I'll put in a good word for you faggots on the other side
Submissive men
I hate fat women
Misaki Friday
What's your star sign, anons? im a leo :)
Based Me
Try to talk to girls
How are you doing tonight, Zig Forums? Feel free to talk about whatever or vent here. I will reply to everyone if I can
Is getting Zig Forums a meme. Are any robots shredded as fuck like pic related...
Thiss is someone's daughter
Selling out your data just to talk to disgenic tasteless socially retarded zoomers, trannys, and women
What should be done with low value men
What was the most embarrassing/autistic thing you've ever done?
I'm 32 years old and I still wear DC's
Here's my dream girl anons. what does yours look like?
Fembot here
The truth abt vox
Do women really like men? Do they really like penises? Men are uglier and less sexually attractive...
I wish I was courageous enough to hang myself
Confess your sins, anons
Ask me out on a date Maleanon! I've never been asked out before
Lmao I guess robots were right
Imagine fucking a cute Asian med student on the first date. With no condom. I did it. You wont. Stay mad
How to be male sexpert?
Just why is this the case, Zig Forums?
Why do zoomers always get this godawful haircut? It looks like shit
Cut myself tonight
At what age did you realize that this wasn't going to be you?
Hello, mentally ill anonymous who likes to crawl through/explore drains here
This is our future
No matter how good a partner you think you are or how great you think your relationship is...
Tall fembots
Does anyone want to vc with a lonely fembot im kinda sad
Ask A Catholic Priest Anything
Just want a bf to think about all day and then dream about all night why is life so unfair
What's your fetish?
I wonder what /ourgirl/ is going through :(
So guys, whaddya think? you in or what?
Describe the type of emotions this image conjures up
Wagecuck General
Right now I'm taking the stairs to the rooftop and I'm going to jump. Could you guys tell funny stories...
Why don't more women look like this?
Would you switch your gender if given the chance?
Is attacking roasties with acid the most based of punishments? Without her face, her entire soul is gone...
Friend says I sound smart in text but retarded when speaking
Why dont you just fuck a fat girl user? they're easy and usually have big tits/asses
Music thread
Drank a cup of coffee 2 months ago and ended up addicted to it
I want to lick a femanons ass, girlbutt looks very cute and lickable...
Why do normies have to ruin literally fucking everything?
Dating isn't worth it
So Tahlia got exposed as the lying whore she is
How attractive are you?
Born into poor white trash family
/mommyissues/ general
What would make you happy long term?
You May Choose one Gift
I am curious
How do we solve the egirl problem?
I'm so close to sending her an e-mail. please stop me. it will only end badly
Why are you smoking reggie that will barely get you high when you could roll up a fat K2 joint and get higher than weed...
The r9k Talk Show
Describe your quarantine experience with one image robots
When you remember something cringe
Would you date someone with opposing political views to your own if they were fundamentally a good person?
What s gayer to like, tomboys or femboys?
Severe Trust/Abandonment Issues
I'm going to be a landlord soon
Waifu General reborn - /waifu/ #2
What's the worst way you've ever screwed yourself?
If you dont score 20/20 why are you even alive?
/drugfeel/ My Liver Is Fucked Edition
How to save someone from suicide?
Ways to make money online?
Why yes, I'm a chud, how could you tell?
Would you kill a politician if you had the power to do so and he was about to turn your country communist?
Who wanna be my friend? my iq 74
Homosexuals are disgusting and should be put in jail prove me wrong
I'm 35 and live w/ my mommy. I saved up $40,000 and live a cheap/simple life. Tell me about your life
I think I should've joined the military
Have you ever tried to get married Zig Forums? How'd it go?
/circ/ Circumcision general 1: Foreskin restoration edition
Why can't I be articulate? Why doesn't my memory work? Why can't I dream at night? Why can't I generate thoughts...
Women can get affection and intimacy so easily and I feel so much jealousy over this
Escort General - /EscG/
Would you date a girl with a bigger penis than yours?
What is the most degenerate, immoral hentai doujin you've ever read?
Guys, how do I refute this?
/Therapy/ Thread
How extreme are the mood swings you experience?
/r9gay/ - 1155
Tfw no gloomy borderline-alcoholic deeply philosophical book writing boyfriend
Which one are you robots?
Is there any reasonable argument against misandry when men do shit like this constantly?
Therapist told me to try online dating
Post your fetishes and get judged
It is literally this easy you incel fucktards
Another other trans girls here? Please don't save my picture and use it for memes UwU
Girls have masturbated thinking of you
You literally have to be attractive to do anything as a female. shit sucks i wish i was male
What do guys think of brown labia ?
What's r9k's height and weight
Everything before 2012 was alright. 2012 truly was the end of the world. It's just happened slowly
Pray for me / overdose = forget?
Letter thread
What the hell is wrong with women?
You do respect women, right user?
What are your thoughts on Ciara being a pile of ashes in an urn?
Post your hobbies ITT
How many languages can you speak, bots?
Fembot feels
How much girth to satisfy a woman?
Where my RuneScape niggas at
Post some new torture methods that only an autist could come up with
/Rei/ General
School Stories Thread
Black guys have it SO easy when it comes to dating
Racist people are dumb and ignorant i dont understand racist people at all
Why are latinos so underrepresented as incels?
What did you guys get on your test? (Obviously this shit is not meant to be taken seriously...
Proper Virgin Thread
Maximum Bulli
Grades starting to slip
Any nosecels uggos here tell me about your struggles
Do femanons like firearms? Why/why not? If you had a bf who shoots as a hobby...
What are we listening to tonight everyone? Post some albums or YouTube links or whatever
Waifu General reborn - /waifu/ #1
Girls tell me they refuse to date "apolitical" guys because to them it usually means that they're either a conservative...
State your color and letter
What are some words that you can't fucking stand? For me, it's
I want to kill her with my bear fucking hands
Any anons with cute feet who I can simp for
Is there a more beautiful sight than a nice tight boipussy? Truly breathtaking
Do you like Latinas?
There is a war brewing
I miss my ex husband
This guy pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's stomach
Are you a pervert, femanon?
How can I get over my urge to get online attention?
There are people who believe a single one of these tenants are true
The Philosophy of The NEET
Fembots what does your ideal boyfriend look like?
What is theoretically wrong with being homosexual/bisexual?
Why don't you self improve? You know no one is coming to save you, and no one cares about you
On a scale from 1 to 10, how badly do you crave a loving relationship right now?
How can bio roasties even compete?
"All right everybody, lets sit in a circle and everybody introduce themselves! Why don't you start, user?"
Neet thread
If you had the chance to marry an onlyfans thot and save her and she would quit doing porn and marry you and you move...
Has Zig Forums or Zig Forums in general affected your sexuality over the years? me for example...
"I'm Losing My Faith" - Brendan
Using Jewgle Chrome
If you are conservative, what is one issue you think liberals are right on? If there's nothing...
Local Hooters offers all-you-can-eat wings on Wednesday
What is the point of living if you will never get a loving blowjob from a cute girl?
Thought I was already lean
Are you a boxer-wearing kinda guy, a brief-wearing kinda guy or a panties-wearing kinda guy?
Join us r9k
Why are women so confident in their stupidity?
How can nazis justify not being attracted to this?
You don't have a female height right?
What do fembots think when they see their men dating outside of their race?
How common are women who like femdom?
She want's you, robot
/Therapy/ Thread
Fembots, how does it feel like knowing that you will NEVER be prettier then her?
Be 28 year old incel
How do you overcome extreme social anxiety? Are we all just destine to be social outcast neets?
Has anyone wonder if someone posted about you on Zig Forums?
Be honest
How old are you? What is your income and occupation?
You will take the test
Had sex with my mom's friend when i was 8 years old
How do women suddenly lose attraction to men all of a sudden?
Do you robots have asex toy ?
Wagies are asleep or dreading another day
I feel like I am too trash to be loved ever and allow somebody to love me. I literally have 0 to offer - i am not cute...
Ywn get those teenage years back
Ever since normies took over the internet and PC rhetoric became the norm online...
How bisexual are bisexual people actually...
26 days til Biden saves Western culture and makes the internet good again
Anyone done rock climbing and dated rock climbing girls ?
Just a failed semi Chad failed ex normie. I've had girlfriends, friends , sports success...
Autism Thread
Girl gives me attention
Server for neets hikkis and mentally ill frens
/drunkthread/ Post a song and tell me about your day. What are you drinking and how did your day go...
I think the reason plump isnt coming back, because he think i'm a bit obsessive with him and weird
Communists tears from leftychan
No entry without a mask user! No exceptions!
Post your most odd political views
How do robots feel about shy girls? What about girls who have social anxiety or even agoraphobia?
/Rei/ General
Why aren't you having breeding sex?
What's the weirdest thing about you a girl has found attractive?
What does r9k drive
I need a bf who will comfort me every day because my nervous breakdowns make me unable to function...
How do we stop Zig Forumsteens from ruining all our good vibes?
I turned 19 today and the only thing for me to do is lay on my bed crying like a little faggot for God knows what...
/r9gay/ - 1154
Practise gf blocks me
Praise kek boys
Creative General
/drugfeel/ DUDE WEED Edition
Australia thread: I want a qt Asian gf
First post to end in 0 decides what i masturbate to
Be me, a 33 year old effective virgin
Lewd Research - Day 3
My unattractiveness which prevents me from having a young hot girlfriend is my biggest problem in life and it provides...
Choose one and ONLY one:
Hop in user, the water is nice and warm
Which aesthetic you you guys prefer in fantasy?
Should a man still be alive if he missed out teenage love?
Whenever a man pulls down a girls pants for the first time he's hoping for an innie
Do repressed traumatic memeries exist?
Missed connections
Pls, in the name of god, however who made this go outside, get some pussy, smoke weed or do some other shit
How do you deal with the fact that you're gonna die? I'm gonna be 23 in a few weeks and its hitting me hard...
Beauty angel Tay
Why don't you join the military? All women love military men
How do I avoid being a simp?
I fucked former Stacy and I feel miserable
I Don't Get Religious People
Are you a big or small user?
Even robots incels and robocels ghost me is all hope for finding a bf lost
Welp, looks like I'm voting for Biden then
RIP Eddie Van halen
Just finished watching Breaking Bad, its definitely a must watch. Also Walter was in the right...
Brothers room constantly smells like cum, hes 30 and forever alone
Ten years after being molested I finally got back the ability to feel sexually aroused from therapy...
What is that thing that keeps you going in life, Zig Forums?
Tell me, why would anyone in their right mind choose a chestlet over a titcow?
Fuck this place. If you're not 200% normalfag you're beyond fucked
Going to make women happy today and treat them like queens! :3
You like trans, Don't you Zig Forums?
Why doesn't Zig Forums have such a rule like Crystal Cafe??
Is male virginity looked as a negative from a woman's perspective?
Fall in love with every girl that's nice to me
What are your hobbies?
Can't make /soc bois to trust me cuz they think that all Russian females are filthy gold diggers
Is Greta a robot?
Reminder that if you have one of these in bathroom...
What steps would be necessary to flip society so that women are considered horny beasts who would fuck anything that...
Do you feel bad for asian men?
'Vox'/Allissa exposing thread. Alright, so we have Spencers fucking classmate posting...
Virgin over 23
ITT: autistic shit you do
/r9gay/ - #1154
Do you believe in anything paranormal
What do fembots think of irl shotas?
Let's put all our brains together and figure this out once and for all:
Sex sells, mens lives dont
Letter thread: dear
Waifu claiming and protection hole
Alright femanon, which one of us do what to take you in the back and bang you?
Why are women are pretending to be autistic online?
Why do so many spics become white supremacists...
Do women like boypussy?
What do you think of marrying a woman from developing countries such as Colombia, Brazil, China, Thailand, Vietnam...
I am alone in this world
It's literally all about the jaw. nitpicking about eye area, nose...
If you wear a mask, you're a cuckold. Period
Do any robots want to vc with me pls it has been so long since ive talked to someone not related to me
Tfw almost 3 centuries of late stage capitalism
BPD Feels
You arent legally allowed to live in a piece of shit hovel like this
Give me one good reason not to induce lactation
Ciara is alive and well in our hearts
Boobs Thread
I did it Zig Forums i got the job
Anyone else?
Im a horny dyke hrh help
Therapy Thread
How often do you shower...
How do you cope with not being a high IQ antagonizing douchebag?
/drunkthread/ You know the drill post a song and tell me what your drinking and anything else you would like to talk...
I tattooed the name of my online boyfriend. Now what?
Be mid twenties fembot volcel virgin
I'm really worried Trump is going to win
Sigh why are robots lusting over a fat nigress right now .. theres plenty of skinny non black femanons on here
Why do otherwise straight guys get off to gay stuff?
I'm horny and feel generous. I will be having sex with one (1) user...
Endless Tower
Do you anons believe you would make a good father?
Femanon Thread
The Onlyfans problem
This kills the volcel and MGTOW coper
/r9gay/ - #1153
US user here
Do girls really prefer medium sized?
/bar/ thread
Imagine having a working class latina wife that'd provide you kids, dinners, and sex
I want to be orbited so badly but i am literally the embodiment of everything hated here...
What kind of posts do you like reporting?
How am I supposed to cope with the size of my penis? (12cm)
How do I stop wanting to give cute girls my money? I hate it rationally, but when I'm horny...
Would you date a girl that use to do porn?
Has any meme in the history of Zig Forums cause this much seething? Only the amerimutt meme can really compare
Anal Sex Thread/General
Have you ever watched a YouTube channel grow from obscurity to extreme popularity?
Tell me about the times where women have manipulated you
How bad is your anxiety?
Please can someone chat with me. I can't stand this anymore, I don't have anyone to talk with. I'm completely alone
Why are Strats the best guitars ever?
Literally the ONLY 16-25 year old girls who have real boyfriends are anorexic Stacies and alt Stacies with big butts...
Who else likes ancient, non-dinosaur animals?
Let's talk about anything teeth related you guys!
Is he... you know... a virgin?
Any buttplug recommendations to enchance my fapping experience?
Age and bodycount
What level of hell will you go to?
Penoid Hate
42% of white men reported that they had seriously considered or attempted suicide
Hey Zig Forums why does my gf not compliment my body but girls at work and in my social circle always mirin...
Most girls on tinder have 3 kids and a onlyfans account
What video game have you enjoyed the most lately?
I am seriously convinced that girls who play games don't exist outside the most mainstream of games or "girl games"
Type like an adult
Why is dating younger frowned upon if its legal?
Why aren't you losers at the gym, becoming a better you?
Anyone else find it funny that the "fuck your feelings" crowd is crying about liberals who wish for the death of the...
Fembots, did you grow up with a brother? How far did you two go while experimenting?
What boards other than Zig Forums do you use
What are your experiences and opinions regarding therapy?
What happened to brony fandom? Why did it die?
Expert here - ask me anything - guaranteed answers
What's the worst mogging you've seen?
Anyone here like ugly girls
How would you get away with murders?
You guys got any weird childhood stories...
Please logically explain how its morally acceptable to eat meat
Weekly Family Thread
Schizoid Personality Disorder is linked to negative outcomes, including a significantly compromised quality of life...
Vox thread
Did you ever meet someone who didn’t realize how Hot She/He is?
Imagine being 7/10+ lady on this site which doesn't have at least 5 discord orbiters polishing her ego 24/7
Kicked out of uni
Fembot thread
Tfw got 2 delivery driver interviews
Where do find girls like this...
Am i a faggot?
Tekken. I don't like what you do to boys
Which 2D girls get you hard instantly?
Asperger / ASD general
ITT: Words that trigger your autism
I fucking hate having phimosis. I wish I was cut
Okay, you're the head warden of a prison. A dangerous genie is making you choose one of 3 outcomes for your worst...
Why do people obsess over trannies so much? Why can't they just let them live their life?
Do trannies seriously think calling anyone who disagrees with them a nazi some ebic comeback?
How do your parents not kick you out for being NEET at 22+?
Your in class
Post your kicks, fags
Racist people are reallhy dumb and unlikable
NEET and Hikikomori General Thread
Is being a emotionless a gift or a curse?
Why is it typically incels who have this rabid hatred and disgust for big women...
Letter thread
Do women really like getting their cervixes penetrated?
This guy browsed this board and livestreamed his suicide in 2018. Anyone know his story or what happened?
Do you like your accent?
I posted this on b but they were no help...
How would you feel if tomorrow you wake up and look like webm related?
Just found out that this angel is a whore
Let's discuss philosophy
/mbti/ threaderino
Only a girl that likes Zig Forums could ever settle for you
Fuck me
I've met some nice fembots, but none seem to live in pic related area. I've also only ever met one robot who lived here...
I want you virgins to be completely honest. Do you genuinely believe that you would make a good boyfriend or husband?
Would femanons want anything to do with a schizo collecting neetbux who works part time?
Why have men lost the capability to be openly kind, compassionate, considerate, and soft...
/r9gay/ - #1152
Guys literally turn 21 and choose one of these guys to model their personality on
ITT: Red flags/turnoffs you've encountered in women
Anons, serious question here
Best way to livestream a suicide on phone?
Why do some guys have impractically large penises, while others have impractically small ones? Whats the purpose?
The Average 2020 White Girlfriend/Wife
How do I get my gf to allow me to treat her like the facial abuse gang?
Redflags for guys
My ears started ringing this week. Now it's constant. Will this go away?
I'm very autistic and got kicked off neetbux
Delicious angel ciara biting into a delicious apple
I'm gonna buy a pretty dress for the first time in 3 years. I'm so excited!!
White Fever
Fembot feels
I'm still buying a PS5
When did you grow out of your liberal phase?
Afternoon Art Thread
You have no idea how bad loneliness and no sex can get. I'm 31, a final level incel, and I'm at my limit
Why do white men give up so easy?
Sometimes your arm hurts
For weeks my friend was teasing me about a threesome together with her boyfriend...
Already made a full recovery
Spencer hate thread
What is the best way to conceal carry cyanide if you ever need to take the easy way out?
Are any robots christian?
Have you ever walked in on somebody having sex? What was their reaction?
Pick your gf
Neko uber
Are there any 30+ year old neets/robots here? i want to date you
Pick a superpower and say what you'd do with it
What type of clothes does Zig Forums wear?
Lebians really do this shit?
Post comfy images please, ones with snow are top tier
What should i do anons?
How do you cope with the knowledge that you will be a wageslave for the rest of your life?
Do you actually feel like A man or do you feel like a child?
Women hate thread
Why are men so scared of/avoid single mother?
Every internet board I've asked has remarkably consistent results. Girl on the left most popular...
How racist is your country?
This shit has me fucked up
No Social Media
Just lose weight br-
If you are balding stop being a bitch and embrace it, no one cares except you...
Memes aside, are japanese/korean women actually much different to our average white women...
/drugfeel/ -- Watson Concoction edition
Here's that homely fembot gf you wanted bro
Girl thinks me being a virgin is cute
Tfw no big titty ugly cute semi-retarded brown gf
What do you talk about with girls when you're on a date? How do you make sure there is no awkward silence?
Manic general
Been making music for a couple of years
Got stood up on a date for the third time in less than two months
Whats some music only soiboys listen to? I'll start
How do you get motivated to self improve if you have a lot of problems that can't be fixed?
Trying to reason with the left is nonsensical...
24 hours until I turn 20
What the hell did this dude want?
Are North Americans all insane?
How do people work for less than 100k salary?
Today I won, then lost, my life...
"Trust me user, you can talk about anything with me, i'm not like the other girls"
Is this guy supposed to be inspiring? His entire thing is running long distances like a literal Forrest Gump retard...
You Wake up with 100 Billion Cash. What do you do with the Money?
Leave a message for *them* in the replies using yours and their initials
500 dollars a month every month for 5 years
What's your favorite gun Zig Forums?
A succubus offers you sex but there is a catch at least 1 person you know will die. what do?
R9k girl thread
I would like to acquire a gf to cuddle with and do lewd things with
Why do incels call everything enjoyable and life-affirming "degenerate"?
My penis
Self harm
/r9gay/ - #1151
What went wrong with my life that this is somehow the legacy that I decide to leave behind...
Would any robots like to play some games with a lonely fembot ;-;
I'm most likely the highest iq poster on this board
Make your ideal gf anons
I'm so jealous of women. All they have to do is just exist and there is a guy who will do everything for them...
Redpill me on the war on drugs
Gentle Femdom
Can Zig Forums save Riley before it's too late?
Profess your love for best dog korone itt
I like to bully mentally ill fembots
Would you date a girl with stinky feet, Zig Forums? How would you deal with it?
25+ I'm So Tired Edition
Post your most disgusting example of female behavior
First solo acidtrip must haves?
How can a femanon find a cute r9k bf that isn't verbally abusive
This is a 10/10 in 2020
As i said yesterday i am remaking this thread
You wake up one morning to discover that everyone else on the planet has seemingly vanished without a trace
How can I salvage this?
What lewd experiences have you actually had irl, robots?
Where are the robots fleeing?
E-gf ignoring me for about 3 weeks
Got one shot in life
/Robot Creative General/
Daily janitor appreciation thread
Your Mental State shown by image
Zig Forums Comfy Corner
Have any of you got to sniff a girl's butt before?
Why did this get so many likes? It's just a picture of a girl
Welp, its confirmed...
How much of a loser are you?
I am an unironic gymcel. I've been lifting for 2 years, I'm in the best physical condition I've ever been in
Have sex for the first time last night
Anyone else have too much dignity and self respect to act on your gay urges?
Please contact suicide prevention hotline. get help
Femanons? Do you truly empathize with men's issues and wish they got better...
ITT post something pathetic about yourself
AMA: Alcoholic
Zig Forums embassy to /bant/
"Hey, we will fuck, then I will try to kill you, if you survive we will marry. Deal?"
Im lonely anons please give me attention or replys
I would most likely be normal if I was not so fucking fat. All my life been a fat fuck
Tfw unironically simping for a negress
Why does every guy these days have so much emotional baggage, even the hot popular ones. I already have a pussy...
Why don't you ever try to be with a teenager?
Have you ever met with an internet friend?
Why do white guys have yellow fever? Don't these white boys know everyone is laughing behind their back? I don't get it
Did you know Nikola Tesla likely died a virgin? Also Isaac Newton, J. Edgar Hoover, Immanuel Kant, Andy Warhol...
Femanons, would you a sub bf?
Bifags, how do you choose between fapping to straight/gay porn? Its always a struggle for me...
Reddit is circlejerking over this image right now. Apparently it's very common for redditors to feel this way
Canada is so much better than the USA its like being rich in the USA just existing over there
Dies from a virus he could've mobilized his entire country to contain and manage
Vocaroo Thread:
NEET and Hikikomori General Thread
So, user... are we actually 'doing it' or what?
ITT: we draw outselves in mspaint and we guess things about each other
5'8.5 female
Is this enough concerta to kill me
Why do you retards think that having a gf will suddenly solve all your problems...
Sensational cheese
/r9gay/ - #1150
I'm a 23 yo neet with $150k. My area is expensive and I'll be out of money in 3 years. Then I will go byebye...
You guys can solve this, can't you?
Give me one reason why I shouldn't do it
/Rei/ General
"I'll be honest user, this has been the best date I've ever been on."
Redheads vs Asians
The BBC Folder Is Now 6.6GB
What capitalism promises
Be me, lonely femcel
Fear experience
Why don't women see race mixing as earasing themselves?
These people are actually as brainwashed as the Zig Forumstards, except there are way more of them...
What's your favorite meal anons?
Me lonely fembot me will pay real good monies for robot bf pls
Misaki Friday
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine