Is attacking roasties with acid the most based of punishments? Without her face, her entire soul is gone, yet she still remains alive. A walking corpse. Purgatory on earth.
Is attacking roasties with acid the most based of punishments? Without her face, her entire soul is gone...
nope, having a little girl raise a disabled mother will cause her to be the most caring, mature and sweet girl who will appreciate you a lot. So break mothers legs, thats the best way.
This girl has half her face zombified and is still out of my league.
You ever see a pogram like diy sos? When a little girl or two little sisters have to do all the washing, cooking and cleaning because mummy has atheritis and cant move her legs or pick up stuff?
Those girls are very mature and smart and caring and loving.
Then you the girls running young carer charities because they have been through it and they are pretty and sweet and caring and motherly.
Make mums disabled to cause good little girls to grow into good woman.
No, all roasties are whores. Attack them with acid before they >settle
I hate women, hate them. Fucking hate them.
You are cringe and would never acid attack someone!
Just ignore them all together like me.
You truly have to be a sad sack of shit to post that even ironically. I may despise women for the idiotic sheep they are but I don't want to maim them for life you fucking retard.
>I don't want to maim them for life you fucking retard.
go back
apparently she's a cunt and deserved it
How empty does your life have to be for you to accrue this much hatred for somebody just because they don't want to touch your dick? Does so much of your life revolve around making peepee feel good that being denied that feels like extreme violence to you? Get over yourself and go outside, this is pathetic.
>You truly have to be a sad sack of shit to post that even ironically
Beat it moralfag.
Why are communists so fragile?
kys simp
we found the first roastie OP. What should the punishment be?
She can just do hand modelling and go on a road trip with a crazy pill popper
they have been sheltered and spoonfed all their lives. Any time a f*male isn't praised or complimented, they feel their world is threatened.
>What should the punishment be?
Gang raped by incels and forced to raise their offspring
OP I unironically hope admins have reported this post to police and they find some crime to hit you with, im gunna forward this to my relevant gov email as a tip and I hope they take interest.
i know you're baiting but imagine typing this and clicking "post". Faggot
why am i baiting? im sure some organisation would be interested in finding out who these pepole are
if police contact Zig Forums admins theyd happily comply.
for the love of stirner, you are an even bigger faggot than i even imagined. You are the biggest cuckoldest faggot i have ever seen. Is the final boss of cuckolds?
I dont think acid attacks are ever really justified but I'm a well adjusted human with a girlfriend so I dont expect people here to agree.
yeah this is basically what god did to me trapping me in my small town. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE FUCKING EVIL ALL SUFFERING IS GOD
people who are discussing torturing women openly on the internet deserve a knock on the door from their countries intelligence agency.
pussy licker, saddest part is that not even literally, bet you don't get any, simp, flush yourself
and you deserve to have your balls castrated for being such a little faggot
Holy fuck lmao, you can't even tell people like you to go back to red.dit, this is some twitter or instagram shit
How long have you been using this site? Faggot.
Why are you getting so angry? Maybe getting laid would help you relax.
at least 10 years, its gotten a bit too 'chud' for my liking
Its turned from 'tfw no girlfriend' to 'girls wont touch my pp time to incite violence'
pic related, its you
you don't get to pull a "u mad" here, you're the one calling for people to get v& fag
So quick question for "robots" , do you guys really not see how making fun of this, or behaving like you are right now, showing all this hatred for random women, is directly related to both your romantic and social failures.
>le pol face
oh, a leftypol refugee, no wonder you're such a faggot