What do fembots think of irl shotas?

what do fembots think of irl shotas?

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I had a fembot who does porn make a very weak attempt at arranging sex in exchange for money with me because I look pretty femboy shotaish.
So at least a couple of them are into it.

>what do fembots think of irl shotas?
They're cute and beautiful and not for lewding

That kid looks like me when I was little, now Im scared some faggots on the internet might have been jerking off to pics of me.

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>not for lewding
are you sure? some of them have really big pps

tfw weren't born with the right genetics to look like that

>now Im scared some faggots on the internet might have been jerking off to pics of me.
Why, that's hot

God was on some weird shit when he decided to make young boys look so feminine and pretty

you were cute. are you still cute?

I'd rather not tell you Mr G-Man

irl shotas make my heart pop

>not for lewding
When I was 12 I was masturbating 3-4 times a day and I didn't even have pubes.

Same thing here. Worst part is that there is probably many pics of me on the internet as a child.

Did you shoot cummies at 12 or was it dry

He's gorgeous. He's a prettier girl than I am! What the FUCK

I am such a shotacon, they are so damn cute.

i would ghost every robot i'm currently e-dating for a shot at shotachad like this

it's only dry if you just got into puberty at like 10 or 11. at 12 it's peak horniness, it's like a fountain.

Not particularly, I look alright but its not the same.

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fembots are such degenerate pedos, drooling over little boy pp, but god damn is it hot.

I don't get the appeal. I generally hate kids and tweens though, so it's not surprising.

If I wanted to date someone cuter than me I'd just be a lesbian. That being said I'd rather date no one at all.

That's kind of hot. How old are you?

I know right? There's just something about women getting turned on by little boys that hits just right.

i mean, if fembots want to see some more irl shotas(wink-wink), then they should add me on wickr: mainthrowaway

18. cute shotas are impossible to find

wth is wickr, get discord

Snot nosed brats. I can't see then anything as kids. Whoever thinks they are sexually interesting should be shot on sight and hanged for good measure.

Fucking kill yourself, pedo. There are no "IRL shotas," just kids you exploit

do you mean children?

>what do women think about children?

I guarentee you there are several underage boys lurking this thread right now.

Post cutes or gtfo
