Do you watch any twitch streamers?

do you watch any twitch streamers?

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Haha twitch streamer so funny! Hahahaha I love twitch streamer I love watching while I ride horse cock in my gayming chair!!!


poggers MonkaH 5head
No shot

not really. i watch some of the vinesauce streamers (vinny, joel, limealicious), but i don't really try to keep up with all of their content

I watch xQc, he's really funny and just a bit Pepega LULW

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I watch XQC as well but never say pepega lulw ever again cunt or I will kill you

Sadge I just wanted to make you laugh

sorry buh, I forgot I was meant to say on this board, I'll give you an XQCL as an apology brother, but lets keep to the Zig Forums nigger spam memes.

I once watched a 12 yr old perforate her hymen with a sharpie back in the day. There's no content like that anymore on twitch.

Sounds like a based stream brother

train was my favorite streamer before he switched to among us. he's really funny and his advice streams helped a lot, but among us is so boring to watch! now i just watch erobb which is a way funnier stream but there's nothing to learn because hes retarded

No. Twitch is pozzed faggot shit. All of the content is sterile politically correct normie garbage

pog dud xqcL

i only watch qt chess girls

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yeah but where the fuck else am I going to find 8 hours+ straight content per day for me to get through neetdom?

marathon anime on your 2nd monitor bud

the only good streamer is Hachubby.
>Doesn't care about politics
>Devout Christian
>Dresses modestly
>Makes music on stream, good at piano and collabs with other musicians
>really weird personality and throws herself in weird situations turning her IRL streams into a mix of Mr. Bean and Lazy Town.
>saw a Jewish holocaust memorial in Germany on stream and said "I don't care" and laughed
she's a legend

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I don't want to watch anime on my second monitor. Second monitor is usually just bland sterile shit while I play hoi4

i watch xqc, greek,tyler1 or trainwrecks i always have one of them on my second monitor

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I watch Vinny and Jerma, no self respecting person should waste their time watching anyone else on Twitch

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t1 and greek arma days was the best, holy shit
also Lrobb is funny to watch

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yeah they really were, i have been following greek since day 1 and tyler since he was in college, I really miss the duo but they grew apart, also agreed lamount is funny as fuck

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I only watch xqc

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i fucking hate the both of you so goddamn much i can't put it into words

2/7 days Sadge

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i have tried to watch a lot of streamers but never found them very interesting, i only watch mizkif. the only guy on twitch i have found to be somewhat funny and entertaining

seething norman can't grasp people having fun

i only watch forsen, erobb or gross gore i like when community shits on a streamer it's funny

now this is baseda

he ditches too much

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xqc Tyler1 Destiny Soda reckful (rip) mayahiga and jadeyanh to satisfy the coomer inside me on lonely nights this list is in order of who I watch most to least