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Geeks #610
I don't have many steam friends, can I add you? We don't even need to talk, I'll just be in your friends list
Hey guys haven't made a post here in a few weeks but I'm back for a bit
How to get a sunshine gf if I'm a sobber bf?
I refuse to provide for a woman
Pitbulls are one of the few things i just can't wrap my head around
Why do americans have such a weird paranoia about socialism? Is it all due to the cold war or is there something else?
How am i supposed to get a girlfriend when i'm ugly and british?
They got one of us bros
/clg/ Cocklust General
It sends you memes too? Holy fuck, what's the point of having a girlfriend now then?
Fuck this world man
When did it become socially unacceptable to want a virgin gf/wife?
The latest trend in Japan is small breasted women wearing male swimwear. How do you feel about this, female robot...
/drugfeel/ Disso Edition
Messaged all my old high school bullies on fb telling them to fuck off
If there is one universal trait femanons have its thin spaghetti lips
It's all fine when you really think about it
How many words is the Japanese language missing?
25+ Thread - Can you survive? Edition
Tfw his bank account is less than-
Are women actually attracted to men...
Fembots, imagine you woke up next morning and your pussy looked like this, wat do
Which sex has it the worst?
What are your fetishes/fantasies?
Would you date me?
You WILL get a job
Homosexuality should be banned and faggots annihilated
Tfw Michelangelo was making masterpieces when he was 19
Hello robots
Femanons, what do you think about redheads?
Why are all these christfags proselytizing all over Zig Forums when buddhism is clearly and obviously the superior...
What are you asking for / giving for christmas?
Do you think you deserve a nice girlfriend? Or a boyfriend if you're into that
Trans-gendered persons never did anything to anybody
Feels bar thread?
Tfw no robot friend(s) to suck the dick of and cook nice meals for when they come over
Seeing America turn into a dictatorship overnight while half the country applauds is the most disheartening thing I've...
Zig Forumsshitter has an opinion
Panel 1
Post your favorite dinosaur and I'll tell you if you're based or not
NEET and Hikikomori General Thread
This image fucking pisses me off
Are you celebrating Thanksgiving, Zig Forums ?
Books that can/will change my life? no joke replies please
Shit, why is gay porn so hot? I am straight but shit like pic related is just so damn sexy. Anyone else agree?
Where were you in life in summer 2004?
How do you feel about reincarnation? Does the thought of it horrify or excite you?
How do fembots feel seeing so many threads of guys asking or literally begging for female attention...
Tell me robots, how accurate is this?
What are some of your fondest memories?
User, I have a confession to make. I have a fetish that I haven't told you about since we started dating
Why dont you just settle for a fat doomer NEET girl with giant milkers, user?
Reminder that Japanese girls are sexually attracted to and are in love with: Japanese and Korean and Taiwanese boys and...
Why does this mediocre Twitch streamer make incels absolutely seeth and cry?
It's our first Thanksgiving without Ciara
Vent thread
I dont get it guys wtf makes this so special?
What are some good body language signs that a woman is attracted to you
The middle way
I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father
Why do so many normal-looking dudes think they are hideous?
Whats a girl gotta do to be with a boy like this :c
Be angry with society
Prove you're not a blind hater. Say ONE (1) thing you like about Donald Trump
I don't think love is real, or happiness, or any positive emotion...
Letter Thread: Why Live Without You Edition
There are milfy 30-40 year old femanons here who have a fetish for the pent up sexual frustration of robots
Somehow managed to get tall blonde gf
Why dont robots just settIe for a 4.75 gf?
Embarrassing Fantasies
God gives you a superpower of your choice. What's your superpower and superhero name?
We are currently in the timeline where girls are the most open about sexuality and are the sluttiest and easiest they...
Sup, user. i hate women. They all are fucking bitches and they're not sucking my dick immedeatly after saying hello...
/r9gay/ #1213
Secret Santa Thread 11 (no holes)
Where does the average robot live?
Ok im ready for a not pretend bf. how do i find the guy for me?
Tfw your code is aesthetic af
Secret Santa XI - Fembot Edition
American doctors will genitally mutilate an Infant potentially causing him extreme amounts of pain and taking away 90%...
I turn 30 tomorrow. I told myself this was going to be my year, but then this fucking virus happened. As of midnight...
You were in school, slaving away on your assignments, stressing constantly...
Is sex a basic right?
Fembots why don't you get a robot bf? normalfags need not reply
This is what an autistic girl looks like
Mental Illness Thread
Gf is MILF in her 40s
Pretend bf liked the postcard i sent him
Americans are so goddamn stupid this is amazing
Believe on Jesus Christ
I just want to sniff a girls butt bros
Fucking lol
The lockdowns have me so incredibly angry...
I think we are suffering an egirl drought
In 20/30 words or less, explain why you are the biggest loser on r9k
Why do so many people give up on themselves? Especially before they even tried
Give me 5 good reasons why autistic kids shouldn't be bullied
How do I force my e-bf to get lewd with me more often?
All slightly pudgy femanons need be impregnated immediately
My girlfriend just sent me this
If you were a boss battle, what would your weakness be?
Who was in the wrong here Zig Forums? Not sure
Why doesn't god want people building a tower to heaven?
I love the sound of fembot's voices. Post femanon's voice's
Normalfags Leave
Failed-urbex-date-with-an-althoe user here
How effective is pulling out?
I have some loose money to blow. What would be a better investment:
How do I meet men online?
Come on user we wanna hear what kind of music you listen to!
Emotional bf beat up sexual bf
What do you think about this?
Is it a bad idea to marry a girl with severe mental illness? Talking about schizophrenia and BPD...
Asian gf
Dear femanons, do you think the men on here are justified in not liking you or not?
Waifu General /waifu/ #432
What the fuck is up with women being so seething mad about bisexual men...
How the fuck did she know?
Covid19 Vax - no bully
What was the "event" at your school?
It's another can't sleep without trembling and constant abuse flashbacks night
100% agree with this pic
/r9gay/ #1212
Drank a whole liter of vodka last night
Are people that peddle self improvement just examples of survivorship bias?
What are some good body language signs that a woman is attracted to you
Only 1 week left for NNN
99% of male "depression" would be cured if people did nofap
Why does every girl expect to be immediately entertained by me every time we meet? Why are they so entitled and boring?
I'm thinking about getting an escort. Anyone have any experience with them? Don't need anything special...
Let's have one of these chart threads, I like reading up on you guys
Secret Santa Thread X
I'm a failure
25+ You're a wizard, Harry Edition
I'm convinced that men here will never understand what it means to be female...
If you dont smoke you should start
Do you guys get so upset with reddit because deep down you know it is a better and less toxic community than Zig Forums?
Manlets, where you at? What's your height and what is your planned suicide method?
It almost surreal to me that I will never have a cute girlfriend. Most men just don't get to have a cute girl love them...
Have you ever been gaslighted, robros? Share you experiences with this psychological torture
Femanons with slightly pudgy tummies come in this thread and let us gently verbally grope you
RNs are average intelligence girls that came to the realization that they don't have any redeeming qualities and never...
Do Mexican-American girls like white guys at all?
Why don't fembots just get a robot bf? a real robot bf not the normalfags on this board
Are there any real robots left?
How can people work full-time and still have time for all their hobbies, games, self-improvement and socializing?
Why didn't you make a move on the shy nerdy girl in your class?
Weekly FamilY Thread Part II
This is unbelievable. The monster on the left is a mentally ill women with a sexy ass girlfriend
2020...I am forgotten.... What was his name again, robots?
Secret santa thread 9
I guarantee there is at least one femanon here that want to fucked voldemort
Even on this board people are constantly meeting up and getting together
I want a quarter pounder with large fry and large sprite
British people
Do femanons get randomly wet the same way guys get random boners
/gg/ - Guitar general
How's /uni/ going lads? I just failed my Calculus 3 Exam...
Any femanons wanna b cute girls together ;-;
What are the societal ramifications of this?
He talks enthusiastically about his favourite things and hobbies for ages
I want to date a cute girl but I am bald
Tfw babydick
Why is it so hard for men to let go of women?
If you don't work, you don't have your own money. You're somebody's bitch
/clg/ Cocklust General
Letter thread - cant be bothered to give a fuck edition
What truly is the meaning of life? There has to be more. Not just being born than pissing, shitting...
Who started the myth of Latinas (young, US born ones) liking white guys?
She has a literally perfect vagina despite being a ho
Math monday
Mfw im cuddling with my robot bf
Secret Santa Thread 8
/r9gay/ - 1211
Why do you play as a girl in games?
ADHD is real
Femanons don't have weird boobs do they?
Why does Zig Forums no longer have any sense of humour?
I hate this nonsense. I had a panic attack and went to the bathroom quickly just to see this condescending shit...
Why are f*males like this?
Being a trancel
Why are so many men so deeply immoral?
Would you date Pokimane?
Your Worst School Memories:
Why are anons so hard on themselves?
Tfw really hate myself, but also feel superior to everyone
It has now been about 15 months since the last time I had my penis inside a vagina...
Not a land whale
Why do some men like to pretend that they arent attracted to sluts...
What changes can we expect under the rule of King Biden?
Why do people always talk about manchildren and how men aren't growing up...
Yeah, about that vaccine
You can create one new law in your country that will be in effect immediately. What do you do?
This is the cock of a 27 year old virgin
Have you ever considered becoming a mercenary?
Tfw below average looking non-white in majority white area
The autism
Phrases that trigger you:
>mfw there is no painless/dangerfree way to kill myself
What happened to your old Pokemon cards, user?
Give it to me straight, is this recoverable?
I need the strength to kill myself. Everyone please insult me and tell me do it
Anyone else constantly consider suicide here? This isn't a get help thread, let's just talk about our reasons
Let's face it
I fell in love with a girl below my standards because she is so enjoyable to be around
I have decided to embark on a journey of self improvement. I don't think I'll ever fix myself, bit I'll try
All that really matters is your happiness
What is the gayest thing you've done, user?
Kennedi Exposed
Rape thread
How many Bibles do you have?
Is it me
I am almost 100% sure my nerdy friend has a gay crush on me...
Seriously, why are there so many trannies all of a sudden...
L should not exist
/r9gay/ #1210
Touch/Affection Starvation General #2
Secret Santa 2020 : Thread 7
Why don't men look like this anymore?
What is your favorite album of all time?
Anons, what meds do you take?
Yesstyle Clothes Thread
Imagine being born a female, but hating yourself for it to the point where you just want to end it all
To all the incels, i want you to name three reasons on why its the fault of women and not yours
Suicide fuel thread
I unironically survived for three years of my life by fucking landlords and couch surfing through booty calls
Femanon question, what would you do if we were cuddling and my pp got hard?
Why not get yourself a semen demon?
/drugfeel/ Scary Salvia Edition
Twinks are not real
Little sister is refusing to abort her rape baby
I know this is an ugly question BUT if you were able to got 5 years in the past what would you change?
Lazy art thread
I uninstalled Discord, I will be a wandering online ghost from now on
Omegle thread! Another day another thread edition
Femanons would you date a bisexual guy who has been with other men?
Hello anons. Due to personal reasons I will be changing my legal name. (No, I'm not a tranny)
Dating apps
His music sucks and he was never funny
Why can't we have human pets? I take care of my cat just fine...
Where on the internet can I find my good cute asian boi with cat ears to dom if there is none in my country...
I stabbed myself playing with my brothers butterfly knife. Ouch
Went out last night
What's stopping you robots from joining your country's military and making something of yourself?
How the fuck do i kill my appetite. its overwhelming. i cant stop feeling hungry...
/r9gay/ #1209
Your jealousy/rage/fear at passable trans women and young transitioners stems from your fundamental belief that trans...
How and when did you first discover and realize you had your fetish? What were your thoughts?
Today I just shaved my head bald at 19...
Imagine being female and having tits like this, it must be hell
Lmao imagine not investing this user made more than wagies do in a week playing games all day
There are fertile ovulating femanons here right now
Does Zig Forums like noncon?
Whats the longest you've gone without eating? 3 days for me
If I buy 3 liters of wine at the store (2 1.5L bottles of wine) will the cashiers probably think I have a problem...
Cocklust Thread
Should I get a daki
Being ugly as a woman makes life horrible in a way that many men can not relate to
My therapist told me I'd be better off in a psychiatric hospital a few sessions ago
Taxation is theft. It is not possible to dispute this...
What eye colour do robots have? Pic related is mine
Lets say hypothetically you were redesigning Zig Forums. How would you do it...
Admit it, you only want Stacy
Secret Santa 2020: Thread 6
Come talk to me :#c
People that have girlfriends are very lucky. I would be so happy if I had one
How true do you find this to be?
E-Slut hate/shame thread
Are there any robots here who don't like video games, anime and other forms of mindless consumption...
Wake up
Any other guys here bisexual but decided not to have sex with men...
Whats your favorite type of cock Zig Forums?
It's just 41 days until Greta's 18th Birthday!
Is anime good for you?
He calls me by my full name with an angry tone
Eastern europe thread
YOU get transported to a fantasy game world with equivalent stats/abilities/interests
Let me redpill you about mental illness
Arch Linux
Help with computer clock
C'mon down and have some grub with the rest of the family, Champ! Don't be a stranger! Tell us what you've been up to...
Work for like a year to buy a gaming PC
Group project
Letter thread - sincere care edition
I'm thinking about enlisting in the military. Getting combat training, discipline and getting paid for it as well...
Question for 1996-2002 zoombots. Why don't you just take HRT and become a cute girl...
Alright which one of you faggots left this on my car?
Confidence totally matters btw
Why can't I get the thought of getting fucked out of my head...
Im pretty drunk and just about fucking had it with this life my life has ammounted to nothing except being a piece of...
Good morning Zig Forums
Autism you've witnessed in highschool
Brother found out the kid his wife had wasnt his and I can't feel bad for him...
This is what native americans look like in canada
Dear females
I want to hold a robots hand... They have the most handsome hands on earth
Want friends? Why not go to a leddit meetup? Who knows, you might even meet your future wife!
Even if you think no one loves you or accepts you, that is not true. Jesus loves you for who you are
/waifu/ - Waifu General #431
Alright femanons, what are the little things you love about men?
Would anyone here date/be attracted to a girl who looks like this...
What are you final thoughts on tahlia?
What are some comfy video games that you can just hang out in/ play at your own pace?
How many times are you guys able to cum it during sex, anons? If many times, how tf can you do it?
Convince me not to buy a daki
Okay, I am pretty confident I have ADHD. How do I self medicate?
Why are people into blacked/cucking?
Wagie general
Tfw not German or Japanese
Where do E-Girl/Goth/soft grunge girl types hangout irl?
Can we have a confession thread to make me feel better about my shitty life and choices lol...
What is the ugliest male race in the US
I fucking hate niggers so much its unreal
Where do atheists get their false sense of superiority and righteousness from?
Agatha is now a faggot
What do you think of this game...
What makes femanons go full rage mode like dany
This all happened three days ago. My older sister is 22. I only met her in person when I was 15...
28+ thread
A Real Passage to the Pokemon World
Who here has been to the loonybin?
/r9gay/ #1208
Belle Delphine just announced she's planning to release "Hardcore porn" on Christmas day...
How are you going to avoid taking the Covid-19 vaccine?
Politics is low IQ
Cockmeasuring Contest Edition
Anyone else here that used to play games constantly but stopped due to it getting boring and now subsists with the...
A 9 y/o girl is a child, not a pubescent teen
The guy I have a crush on, his birthday is in 4 days, on Thanksgiving. I bought him a rolex...
I feel much better after quitting weed. It's been 8 months and I have no desire to go back
How to Shut Down a Woman
Wizard thread
Whats your stance on buying pussy? Based or simp ass trick shit?
Im a lolicon and im tired if hiding it. all of my friends hate lolicons, i feel like im living a lie...
My dad put this under my door earlier this week
You WILL get a job
Creative r9k
Love fapping to fag porn
Weekly Family Thread
Any 1997-2001 zoomers here?
Is it true that women hate bisexual men?
How the hell are abusive relationships real?
Tfw giant freak
This is why men beat women
I have a friend coming over tomorrow with the knowledge that I'm gonna be fucking her brains out
Is there any reason at all to pursue a gf once you're 30...
Redpill me on reality
Is it truly over for us whitebros?
Games you've recently started playing
What do you think about Kyle "commie killer" Rittenhouse being set free and cleared of all charges?
Whites on hapa girls
Psychologist here
Have you ever had a girlfriend? What was it like?
Suicide Fuel
Be me
How often do robots take a shower? I never go outside so I don't see a reason to do it twice a day like normalfags do...
This is the ideal female body. Why don't women look like this anymore?
Have you gotten your name yet user?
What the fuck is wrong with america...
How do I get an e-gf?
Anyone else have a desire to be an artist / renaissance man but too lazy to actually try anything? I wish I was an
Was school hard for you? Why did you drop out?
Anybody else here fell for the "self improvement" meme?
Upstairs guys are repeatedly dropping stuff on the floor again, right above where I sit on the computer
Touch/Affection Starvation General
Have not been on here since a teenager, I'm far from home and drunk and this could be fun...
Reminder that your soulmate is literally lurking this board right now...
Would you fuck a transgirl
Are you prepared for General Donald J. Trump and the White Race's glorious march across the Rubicon?
I literally just nohomo sucked my friend's dick. I couldn't take it anymore. I am a cock sucking faggot
Fembot feels
What does a qt girls butthole normally taste like?
Your social intelligence isn't under 50 right user?
/r9gay/ #1207
How can one possibly ignore constant new evidence that they're utterly worthless?
Why aren't you embracing your faggotry?
How do you guys feel about science?
Secret Santa 2020: Thread 4
The great replacement
Is there such a thing as women who enjoy fucking virgins?
It stopped hurting. What does that mean?
I just spent an hour and a half on Zig Forums arguing with people. Never visiting that place again...
Post boys in maid outfits
/skelly/ - Skelly General
Doomer night walk again boys
Lots of money
Wtf bros, trannies look like THIS?
Stop using porn as a substitute for affection
Nympho Roommate
Men are disgusting subhuman pigs. The niggers of the sexes. Women belong with other women. Reject penis...
Who else here easily sees through normalfags' bullshit?
User, on these lonely nights, why don't you smoke weed?
When girls say they like being dominated, what exactly does that entail?
Femanons of Zig Forums! Are you more likely to talk to random guy off Discord if he has an anime pop?
When women are being murdered by Chad...
Is this really the next big fashion trend with zoomers? Is that even allowed in public?
Poster you recognize
Ladies of r9k, what would compel you to lick a man's butthole?
God doesn't give the hardest battles to His toughest soldiers...
Even if you don't believe in Him, user, God loves you
Suicide Encouragement
I want a nice boyfriend but all i meet are boring normies or "interesting" guys who reveal themselves to be literal...
I truly have a hard time respecting those who demand that their rights be taken away from them. Like...
Walk into your room, see this on floor, wat do?
It's OK to play Slaanesh if I'm alt-right?
All men are gross. take the lespill fembots. it's the only way we can save ourselves
Vagina sniff smell pussy vagina sniffing smell this smelling sniffing smell
Sleep for 12+ hours
Today is the day! For what you ask? It's the day to find my polish gf. I'm sure she must lurk on this board
Wage slavery
Fembots/robots, what is your aesthetic??
I have no boobas
Questionnaire time boyos!
I'm meeting with a black hung shemale in a couple of hours...
If God is benevolent, terrible things wouldn't happen to good people so often
Secret Santa 2020: Thread 3
Are you strong enough to pick up you girlfriend?
I feel like we're all paranoid
The end result of hypergamy
Got my bussy ravaged last night bois. Would recommend to anyone who is desperately craving sex...
Do fembots like getting their pussies licked
/r9gay/ #1206
Who here /bpd/?
I just want a boyfriend from my country with whom I get along and have reasonable chances of succes
Please I need a femanon gf Please
Female redflags go
Female here. you know what...
Would a small shitty tattoo, on somewhere visible naked but not in specific clothing eg on the front of the body...
Portrait AI thread, lets see how robots looks
Do any of you own a sex doll?
Medication and anxiety
Why dont Chud-looking incels on 4crap just go trans?
Texting a girl from uni
Would you rather date a BPD girl or stay a lonely virgin forever?
How is this possible
The thought of having a girlfriend is completely alien to me. I simply cannot imagine it. Living with someone...
What do robots think about sleeping in separate rooms during marriage?
Can Chud ever recover?
Secret Santa 2020
Wrote embarrassing manifesto that convinced nobody of significance
I am going to throw myself off of a tall building
Now that normies have stolen "based" from Zig Forums, what do we use now instead?
2020 recap
What freaks you out on an existential level?
Female "nofap"?
Is it normal that guys in STEM majors do not get girls?
I'm killing myself, I cant believe it got to this point. Someone please convince me otherwise
Almost a cuck
It's a "the fat chick in school asks you out" episode
Tfw even Chads are wifeing used up ex coalburners nowadays
ITT: Fembot copes
Found myself in a cringe compilation on youtube
Obama was a beta in college who tried to woo women over by pretending to be woke and failed hard
/waifu/ - Waifu General #430
Why do white women willingly have sex with black men?
What's your race tier list?
Desktop Thread
I'm pretty sure I've started to have schizophrenic episodes or something close to them...
Why do you still look like shit?
Plz respond :(
Hello, resident sissy trap faggot here, I am currently wearing a gigantic plug while I talk with my family. Ama
"what do you mean you've never had a girlfriend user? ummm how old are you?"
One shot at life
What do you think about Asian girls?
Liveblogging Suicide by Speed
My boyfriend is autistic and doesn't really talk much in general...
I am a tall boy who likes to occasionally dress up and look cute. I love the attention I get from fat hairy virgins...
Would a fembot ever rape a man?
I dont even notice flat chested women. theyre like the "extras" in a movie set, they exist but theyre invisible to me
Do you sexually fantazise about any family members, user?
I know beginner to intermediate German. I want to practice my German with someone...
Why are Americans so retarded and extreme with everthing...
This was voted as word's sexiest man
"Good morning user, I made you a glass of tea :)? Would you like surger or hunney to sweeten in it?"
Anons that are drinking can post in this thread im really sorry but if you're sober you'll probably just bully us but...
Which would you rather date? Left or right
Cocklust thread
Give me a polish girlfriend...
The state of Americ*n women
Wtf bros.. why are trannies so cute? Any trannies can explain?
You niggers have any hobbies that you're not particularly good at, but still do anyways...
Just curious, how much porn do you guys watch?
My bf and I are both virgins, but hes a porn addict and has been watching porn since he was 9. Hes nearly 30 now...
Why don't you have any cool interests femanons? If you only like gay girly shit it's no wonder you can't get a good bf
I feel nothing but bitterness towards people who are more successful than me...
Asian Males are the least attractive race by far
How do i get bigger boobs. i am going to kil mai slef if i remain flat. help. please
"Bro, just hire an escort."
It really is over isn't it?
Name a show that's better than southpark season 1-6
Post ur room bots
Secret Santa 2020 : Thread 1
Why can't I find a femanon gf I make threads everyday????? REEEEE
Creative r9k
All I want is a big and comfy house
Do fembots make tiktok videos?
Tfw too old to be molested by sexy older women
Consider Destiny:
Why don't you just settle for a big butt gf?
Why don't you just settle for a flat-as-a-board gf?
How big will the inceldom problem grow? Since the criteria of attractiveness is evolving...
Is it just me or has tranny porn gotten way better over the years?
Post lyrics/poems you've written, and other anons post their attempted cover of that song...
Fucking lol they actually let me in
Fort Zig Forums is looking for fresh recruits to protect & expand it's territory
Letter Thread- Praise mike, King of the Schizos edition
/r9gay/ #1205
Online GFs
How would you commit suicide?
Retarded femanons
Got drunk
Dad's girlfriend home all day again
Zig Forums ruined in one picture
Does anyone else get violent with anti-maskers in public?
Why so hostile towards atheism?
"Digital Natives": Children with Lower IQs Than Their Parents
BPD Hate Thread
Slugs are moving inwards now into town
What guys do femanons like?
Why do robots eventually turn gay? They either become the girly faggot, or the guy that fucks the girly faggots ass
Lets figure this out once and for all...
Typical fembot day at school after she tries to flirt with Stacy's boyfriend
At what point do boobs become unreasonably large?
Major tech companies will start handing out immediate suspensions for violence and hate threats in the coming months...
The christianization of europe was not because they actually intellectually thought and choose it...
Really makes me think yknow
What was the last thought you had that made you go "maybe I'm a bad person after all"
35 y/o NEET incel kills girl in her bedroom after stalking her online for more than a year
Whats your desktop background Zig Forums?
Answer me, robots:
How to smell really good
"Heh, religion is for weak minded people and slaves."
Whore stories
Do you watch any twitch streamers?
Free Will does not exist
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine
Zig Forums
Video Games
Television and Movies