Arch Linux is the Robot's desktop operating system of choice.
Post pics, specs, stories, questions, or complaints in this thread!
Arch Linux
>Arch Linux is the Robot's desktop operating system of choice.
>Post pics, specs, stories, questions, or complaints in this thread!
Install gentoo faggot.
no, its windows. robots barely care about life in general. they dont have the energy to bother with something as finnicky as linux, they just want their pc to work really
i tried linux once, but i guess it's mostly for programmers and i can't code. Guess i'm not autistic enough
you are wrong filthy proprietary software user.
me as an intellectual uses Gentoo Busybox/Linux-libre as my main and only operating system.
>it's mostly for programmers
It's not, it's just a operating system.
yeah but isn't arch mostly terminal? i can't be bothered to learn 100 diffrent commands
first of GNU/Linux is a operating system not desktop environment.
You can install a simple Linux distro for retards such as Linux Mint, Manjaro etc.
Arch is just a minimal distro where you got to configure it.
Here is a list of desktop environments LXDE, GNOME, XFCE if you want a tiling window manager that ledditors on r/unixcoomers try DWM, i3wm, awesome etc.
Terminal programs are better and can easily be extendable.
The terminal is not hard, the most basic stuff is
cd (change directory), mv (move file/dir), ls (list), grep (prints line with the string you gave it), man (manual), less (less is more, opens a file for reading).