Prove you're not a blind hater. Say ONE (1) thing you like about Donald Trump
Prove you're not a blind hater. Say ONE (1) thing you like about Donald Trump
He opened talks with NK. Honestly the best thing he did imo.
He's funny.
And I don't mean that as a "he's so bad at his job it's hilarious!!" joke (Which have never been funny) I genuinely mean that. Unlike Bush, I wasn't laughing cause of the stupid shit he was saying, I was laughing because of how he said shit.
Let the Patriot Act expire, and told Congress he would veto it if they tried to pass it again
>Let the Patriot Act expire
user, I...
>pulling an "I-" on Zig Forums
go back to twitter
The NK thing was cool, even though I feel like America should stay out of Korea's business.
I also think Trump is fucking hilarious and charismatic as fuck. People talk shit about him constantly doing rallies, but that was a really great move of his. He made his supporters feel like he was their friend, to the point that they're willing to die for him. More politicians should pick that up. Just go do a rally in a random city and treat it like you're doing standup.
He also changed American politics forever. The way politicians go at each other on Twitter now didn't exist before him. The way they'll cuss at each other online and shit like that. We've yet to see if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
He's also driven the country into a way deeper recession/depression than was necessary and set China up to become the #1 economy in the world, which is actually better because China doesn't seem to have a history of trying to colonize and conquer the way the US does. Even in Africa, the relationships they build there are mutually beneficial, rather than China just sucking resources from Africa the way the West does. So I like how Trump accelerated the downfall of the American empire.
Honestly, asking what I dislike about Trump would prove that I don't have a blind hatred for him like this conservative liberals do. They just hate him because he's a meanie-bo-beanie online. I hate him for policy reasons. I'd be a supporter if he actually helped people, regardless of his online behavior.
He put trannies in camps.
During his 2016 election run he was a pretty incredible debater and was able to rip into people effectively and in a relatable manner. He also seemed to care about america not being cucked in trade deals. His foreign policy was pretty tame, especially in comparison to the obama administration which got literally zero criticism for its absolutely fucking horrendous results.
Honestly He fucked up handling corona, but other than that he wasn't worse or better than most other presidents. George Bush jr was significantly worse and any one who says otherwise is brain dead.
>old Zig Forums memes are so old that retarded newfags think they come from twitter