Why are all these christfags proselytizing all over Zig Forums when buddhism is clearly and obviously the superior doctrine that leads to complete liberation from heavens and hells alike? Break the cycle and escape the matrix, anons. Don't let these fools scare you out of liberation. God can't do it for you. Jesus can't do it for you. You have to do it for yourself.
"By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm."
How do you even become spiritual? I feel nothing in that regard. I want to, as it sounds incredibly based and peaceful.
Nathaniel Sanders
Obviously it's working for you, retard. You seem real fucking happy.
Samuel Allen
Have you tried fasting? It's a sure fire way to become spiritual. Black coffee, Tea, multivitamin, salt and water are your friends to fasting.
Ian Watson
Buddhism is a super gay waste of life and if I'm going to pick a religion it's going to be for the kind of society the religion produces.
The religion is dying too, it was particularly vulnerable to the degeneracy of our times, buddhist monks are all orphans, basically repressed kids, and the modern ones have become fucky from consumerism. I once met a group of buddhist monks on a bus and they were treating this watch they collectively owned like it was the one ring and they fought over who got to hold it. Also this is the last dalai llama, he said he isn't going to reincarnate this time.
Buddhists from outside of tibet are ultra cringe weirdos trying to obtain super powers on earth so don't even go there.
Robert Ramirez
Meditate a whole lot.
Cameron Allen
Doesn't Buddhism mean that you need to un-make this post and shut up? STFU
Because there's no such thing as the 31 realms of existence. There is no rebirth. No karma, no hungry ghosts, no devas, no mount meru.
There is no point to buddhist practice, because the goal only makes sense when you take the religious nonsense to be true, which I dont. Because its nonsense.
Levi Young
Accept Jesus or you will burn forever
Hudson Long
>Because there's no such thing as the 31 realms of existence. There is no rebirth. No karma, no hungry ghosts, no devas, no mount meru. user has a good point, the Buddhism we get in the west is all about mindfulness and escaping the self. Real devotees of the Bodhidharma have a long list of magical comic-book tier bullshit they believe in that makes the Book of Revelation seem reasonable.
Angel Martinez
The three skills gained in all awakening are knowledge of your own past lives, knowledge of how beings are reborn and die, and knowledge of how to put an end to the asavas.
> no hungry ghosts, no devas They don't communicate with humans, though there used to be a bit more contact in the past. Devas don't like humans much since we have very little virtue anymore these days and we literally smell bad (/bad energy) to them (though I'm sure that's not the whole picture) because of that. Various lower level beings are different.. those you don't really want to contact until you can protect yourself. Also many of the Devas living on the earth have had their habitat destroyed, since they like to live in deeply forested areas, like the Amazon rain forest for example. I'm not sure what that means for them.
If you develop your virtue and concentration to a high degree and develop a buoyant brightened mind full of good-will they might become interested, though it's not very common. Being able to communicate with them in any meaningful way is extremely uncommon and a very high level skill, don't hold your breath for this one.
I won't claim anything personal, what would that even mean to you since you know nothing about me or my character, you should be careful to take people on the internet at their word about their attainments, most are completely deluded. What I've written is mostly just a summary of the information you can find in Ajahn Mun's Biography, which you should read 100%, it could be one of the most life-changing books of your life.
Leo James
Early Christians believed in reincarnation, Gnostic Christianity/Gnosticism + Belief In Reincarnation + Hermeticism + Asherah queen of heaven is the right religion, also Jesus went to India for a while to study Hinduism & Buddhism.
Jaxson Morales
Can you hear yourself dude? Literal schizo tier nonsense. Literally, you sound fucking insane.
Dominic Robinson
Meditation either guided meditations you can find online, repeating a mantra, or focusing on breathing or body sensations (Mindfulness). Start with a few minutes a day and slowly increase or try to make it a daily practice. Be in nature, going for a walk or being outside helps connect you with the divine reality in nature and grounds/recenters you. Join a spiritual community whether online (Redditt or other spiritual forums) or in person (Meetup groups or spiritual circles) to surround yourself with like-minded individuals on the same path. The spiritual path is wavering and sometimes we fall off course, but you do your best to redirect yourself on the right path and keep on striving.
Colton Russell
This is true. It's a disappointment once you actually start getting into TruBuddhism.
But that doesn't have to detract from the transcendentalist, enlightenment-seeking principles that underlie Buddhism and which quite obviously outdate it.
These principles are not tied to one particular culture or religious practice. They go back to the dawn of human consciousness.
If you want a good western and refreshingly cynical guide to this stuff, read Schopenhauer. He really should be the patron philosopher of Zig Forums. He hated women, after all.
Why would I wanna escape the heavens and hells? I'd rather explore all possible realms and dimensions of spirits, meet and fuck demonic and angelic entities. Becoming ''enlightened'' and stop existing? Nah.
All religions get dabbed on once you comprehend solipsism and it's meditations about death and reality
Nathan Green
my mind has been giving some Buddhist imagery lately for some reason
I don't want to be an incel
Cameron Green
tell us more robot
Austin Clark
Western ''buddhism'' had disastrous results. It was a reaction to the repressive Christian mindset that focused on aversion of passions, of course they were bound to swing back with terrible force.
So there was a surge of creativity and the ideal of ''free spirit'' but it was very far from it. It had a lulling effect and these somnabulates were in fact impressionable and controllable. Just like in your dreams, objects and narratives change and you just go with it.
So that's what relaxation and hypnotism do to you. Focusing on a stimulus likewise tires one of your senses. It weakens your will and your fancy is left open to receive things indiscriminately. Those things are not always bad, I'm not saying it can't produce something good and beautiful, but your willpower is still weakened. It is crucial to excercise your willpower, while certain feelings should be coupled with the will. Male and female should be together.
The new age movement only seeks the feeling, which left unguarded by one's will is taken away by someone else's will.
Jordan Diaz
Luke Phillips
Jesus should accept me; and he will.
Jason Powell
lt's a sign user.
Gabriel Long
Do you think people who meditate get possessed by demons as well?
Nathan Cox
I don't need any religeon to make myself feel good or elighten myself. I just do it myself.
Elijah Butler
I got both Buddhism and Christianity (at least Jesus and God as in Love), and neither of them, at the same time. These religions are just a "comprehensible by mortals" representation of higher metaphysical forces/entities/states.
Blake Baker
many such cases actuaIIy
Parker Morris
Not really demons, rather their own habitual thoughtform and thoughtforms of others when so exposed. It's is important to conceptualize whatever ideal you deem preferable before meditating. Never said meditation should be avoided altogether. Weakening of the will is natural, if that were so people could wageslave day and night with no problem. Yet exercizing it is crucial, don't you think?
Aiden Butler
idk you're the expert on telling people to avoid the truth for some reason
Jacob Davis
Buddhism is just as shit. The only good religion, is no religion