What happened to your old Pokemon cards, user?
What happened to your old Pokemon cards, user?
I still have most of them. They aren't worth anything.
I think the coin I have from the base set starter pack is worth more than all the cards in it.
Got them in a place i cant reach
Gave them to my little cousins like five years ago. Same with my yugioh cards
On that contrary, i managed to get them
>have a fuckton of old yugioh cards
>think they're worth a fortune
>turns out they're worth SHIT
Here is the first page
this might take a while because muh 2 mb file size
Great start already, forgot the fucking picture
I found some.
I hope this satisfies your fetish OP.
Second part of my collection
Still have them in a tin with all my Yujihohs too. I'd say my greatest memory of them was that my grandmother used to try to get me out to the library, and we'd walk down there together and read some books. On the way back there was this old local collector shop, and we'd stop in there and she'd let me choose out a few cards. That was great.
I doubt any of them are worth anything, pretty much the fanciest card I have is this full card holofoil pidgeotto. Same with the Yujihohs, I just got cards I liked the look of. I think I have a bunch of MtG cards too, and I've never once played the game.
Part number III
numbuh 4
Part 5
fuck sake bot let me post
aussie internet is shithouse, part 6
thank god i was born in a 3rd world country and didn't have any of this nerd shit growing up
okay, part 7 is right up here
heres part octopus, timestamp coming up next
What the hell did you do to that Rainbow Energy?
Cute hand.
Can't remember
thank you for the hand comment
part 9 with the timestamp
And now for the final part, number 10 (sorry for the light)
Nice cards. Very cool.
my parents introduced me to mtg when I was 4 or 5 and I played it all the way through my childhood and high school, a few years ago I sold a lot of my old cards and bought a nice pc and mattress with the money
Thanks for that compliment user
Mom threw em out. No such thing.
i still have them. i show them to anons i talk to on discord sometimes
Looks pretty good fren
thank you very much freno
>Got them in a place i cant reach
you put them in a rocket and took them to space?
>you put them in a rocket and took them to space?
Yeah but they came back down
I grew out of Pokemon, and burned them all. Unlike that one faggot who keeps posting about his fucking shiny Pokemon finds or whatever, like anyone in the world gives a goddamn shit
I still have mine, but one time I had them washed. I accidentally kept a Lucario DX in my pocket and mom washed it. Looking back I never battled
Somebody's jealous~
When a girl asks you to show her your Pokemon collection, whatcha gunna do, punk? Huh? That's right. Nuffin'.
nobody cares edgelord
you're a faggot
Another faggot who just makes a stupid, pointless comment in a thread he doesnt like
>durrr i click on threads i dont like and get mad about it, time 2 flame and not reply to anyone like a pussi hurr durr
how about i just get my shinies and show them in here? Hows that sound
This. Imagine purposefully entering a thread about something you don't like, make a low effort flame and not back yourself up
>lol i troll u lol
thats what he's thinking when he called that user who showed his collection a faggot