I grew out of Pokemon, and burned them all. Unlike that one faggot who keeps posting about his fucking shiny Pokemon finds or whatever, like anyone in the world gives a goddamn shit
What happened to your old Pokemon cards, user?
I still have mine, but one time I had them washed. I accidentally kept a Lucario DX in my pocket and mom washed it. Looking back I never battled
Somebody's jealous~
When a girl asks you to show her your Pokemon collection, whatcha gunna do, punk? Huh? That's right. Nuffin'.
nobody cares edgelord
you're a faggot
Another faggot who just makes a stupid, pointless comment in a thread he doesnt like
>durrr i click on threads i dont like and get mad about it, time 2 flame and not reply to anyone like a pussi hurr durr
how about i just get my shinies and show them in here? Hows that sound
This. Imagine purposefully entering a thread about something you don't like, make a low effort flame and not back yourself up
>lol i troll u lol
thats what he's thinking when he called that user who showed his collection a faggot