Doomer night walk again boys

>doomer night walk again boys

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be careful out there user, looks like a ratty neighborhood

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what is the appeal of the nightwalk? so you're technically a nightwalker of something? guess that is kinda cool..

Song recommendation during.

Yeah, i live in a place like that and it's better to wait for early morning (4-5am) to take a walk, the majority of muggers are asleep by then

Looks comfy user. I wish I could do the same, and I have indeed done much of the same many many many times. However it's illegal now here, and I'm older. Keep up the torch.

fucking coyote ruined my walks

>illegal to walk outside
fuck that damn

Just got back home and feel honestly pretty refreshed.
>thanks anons

Holy fucking shit I thought I was the only one doing it today lol.

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