Just curious, how much porn do you guys watch?

Haven't jerked off in 3 days. Feel good. Normally, I was a once a night coomer. How about you guys?

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once a day, I'll get off this wild ride eventually right?

Normally I also coom about once a day
Very rarely do I do more than that
And to coom I usually watch like 10 - 20 mins of porn if I thought the porn was good, I'll try not to coom if the vid wasn't good enough though and look for something else
It can take me some time to find a video initially though

Like 5 or 6 times a day, at one point my cum was watery as fuck and fuck all came out, haven't jerked in a month now feels good but I feel like I'm going to cum in my sleep most nights. What do?

I once watched tranny porn from 9pm to 10am, must've coomed about 9 times that day

I jerk off three times a day recently. Normally about once a day

None since the beginning of november, outside of pornographic stuff I see while browsing Zig Forums. Before that, about 2-3 times a week. I am not really a big coomer.

I stopped watching it about a year ago, I don't like masturbating to porn, it's not erotic at all to me.

Once a day on average, but if I'm badly hungover it can easily be 7 or 8 desperate faps for some cheap dopamine. No load comes out at that point.

By far the best fap sessions are edging marathons on meth, only had 3 of those but all unforgettable. 8 hours of edging and then a coomblast so powerful I lost consciousness for a few seconds.

i havent fapped for 23 days, but i still watch non degenerate porn some times without touching myself

stim fapping is incredible.

too bad the comedowns are so crippling they kill a part of your soul every time.

maybe twice a week, but I used to be a coomer in my teens and early 20s. I think it's just natural for a lonely sad young guy to have the desire to coom all day

>masturbating to momokun
do anons really

varies a lot. recently a couple times a week
just feels like a formality really

Yup that's why I thankfully never did more meth, the comedowns are a paranoid nightmare.

Once every 1-2 days. If i don't coom for 3+ i start having SEX SEX SEX thoughts and fk that

lol no do you think people where like this 20 years ago? this is highly unnatural

Get on my fucking level, coomershit. I haven't fapped since October 30th.

do you think there were this many men in their 20s never having sex 20 years ago?

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At this point I just do it to help me sleep.

not as many, but i dont think the ones that didnt was fapping as much as we're today.

I watch it everyday and jerk off 2-3 times a day

1-3 a day or none at all for like a week

on the lower side of 1-3, usually once at 2am

Every day. And always to IR porn

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disagree mostly because internet porn was already mostly high speed (in US) and free by 2000
25 years ago you're probably right

I JO 3 times a day. Love it. Feels so fucking fantastic.

You NN retards are fucking beyond retarded.

Plus not nutting is terrible for you health-wise, and can give you prostrate cancer

God/nature intended for you to NUT you stupid fucks. Do you see animals in the wild intentionally not nutting ffs

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this desu. It's just a nut

I usually jerk off 4-6 times a day (and watch porn half the time) and I usually feel fine. I wonder if it's because I started fapping and cumming extremely late.

what the fuck???

you coomers always have something dumb to say.

Let me provide a syllogism:

You have a button. Everytime you press it, you feel amazing.

You press that button 3-6 times a day.

Would you have any motivation to pursue any other dreams, RISKS (especially risks) or other endeavors?

Probably not. You'd just immerse yourself in the emotional 'numb' that is feeling good constantly.

2 - 4 times a day. Been clean for 6 days but saw this today. Had to. God why did you have to make big titty japanese girls they're OP

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Before meds it was 1-2 times a day. Afterwards not at all, shit has completely killed my libido and I hate it.

Ever since I discovered AI Dungeon, I don't have any need to physically watch porn.
Text is better.

Who is she tho????

I jack off to stock images, dude

Forgot image. Been doing this as a kid, and something about stock images of petite Chinese businesswomen just don't do it the same as porn

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