In 20/30 words or less, explain why you are the biggest loser on r9k

>be me
>Originally positive so I go to the gym got jacked trying to improve my life
>Didn't make a difference, still a 30 year old virgin weirdo
>Realised I can't fix my severe speech impediment and ginger Ron Weasley look alike face
>Completely gave up and eat junk food every day

Does this warrant shooting up a shopping centre?

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>more than 30 words
are you stupid?

Im allowed to go over, it's my thread

Treat your social abilities like lifting.

Do you practice social situations as often as you go to the gym? Do you try as hard to not be weirdo as you do to get that PR? Chances are you don't, and that's why you fail in that aspect.

hitting the gym will only get you so far mentally before you crash hard, happened to everyone i know. Lifting is a meme and you fell for it.

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you failed at your own thread, loser

I remember going to the gym for self improvement it didn't help me with anything but looks and some muscle but other than that I still had anxiety and a shitty job.

Wouldn't matter, I have a speech impediment, stutter. Nothing will fix that, my brain doesn't work properly. It runs in the family, 2 other people in my family have a severe stutter.

No matter how many times I try, Ill never be Able to even say my name properly without having to pause for 5 seconds.

Its like a living hell.

I'm the biggest loser on this site

I am a huge loser but cant really go fot the title biggest loser

Yeah, I'd say I'm in the 99 percentile, definitely up there for sure but it'd be outright cocky to claim I'm the biggest loser, I've still got a little ways to fall, not much left at this point but I'm not a tranny so still up

Op here, so looks like I get the title.

Imagine Ron Weasley with mental issues and a severe stutter. That's basically me

Yeah everyone on this board has mental issues and looks ugly, don't be so cocky loser, you might be pathetic and a loser but you're not the biggest loser, there's probably trannies getting blacked while shooting up heroin afterwards or some shit out there with more mental disorders then you can count, I might be pathetic but I'm not that pathetic

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>cute Tranny getting blacked by BBC boyfriend
You are describing a faggot, not a loser.
Faggots aren't loser's, they are faggots. I'm a loser.

pls pls pls pls be my buff ginger bf

You will never be a womann

Faggots are faggot losers which is 2x more powerful then normal losers, just admit it bro, if even losers look down on them, they're got mega loser energy

>almost 30y old
>living with parents

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pretty similar to me , didnt get that jacked but got to 10% body fat while lifting and running and looked pretty good
got a good job in my field i wanted
couldn't deal with avoidant schizoid stress of dealing with people at work so fell into alcoholism
quit work to drink full time
and here i am 3 years later, still neet and still alcoholic at age 30 , only this time i have completely given up because I already "made it" and realized i gained nothing from it as i will always be a depressed avoidant schizoid no matter how i look or what job i have :)

Okay, okay, you've made your point

Paranoid schizophrenic mute crippled unemployed single friendless depressed tranny
Under 10, bitch.

i'm a biological female and i'll prove it if u just be my buff ginger bf

Alrite, I'll lick your pussy/Boi pussy if you want me too

i have nothing, i literally have nothing. no woman has ever chatted me up and all the men despise me. i barely feel like a human any more.

aare those 2 other members of your family married ?
maybe they didn't let it get in the way of getting laid
im a bigger loser tha nyou

Its my cousin. He is a 33 year old bum. Will never get married, he said so himself

>Does this warrant shooting up a shopping centre?

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>almost 30 khv
>never "talked" to people
>get panic attacks even writing here

So you gonna prove it or not

Try opiates. This could help your stutter.

Perhaps you are right

I'm pretty sure I am. Opium gets a bad rep but alcohol is much worse for you.

I used to use both meth and heroin. Certain batches of meth would give me a temporary stutter. It was terrible. Opiates took away the stutter immediately.

Got into drugs cuz better than killing myself, right? Got off drugs, got a great job again, and now again thinking about killing myself... back where I started..