Let's have one of these chart threads, I like reading up on you guys

Let's have one of these chart threads, I like reading up on you guys.

Attached: Chart_Temp_No_Contact.jpg (2000x2500, 1.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:


still cba to finish drawings

Attached: Game - Anon's Favorite 4 - (!).png (2000x2500, 1.2M)

sure thing mr cia nigger[glows in dark]

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pretty good vidya taste bro
i haven't seen ipman in a hot minute, i remember liking it tho

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damn, ig chart threads are just dead.

spot on film taste

I too have a fondness for the Calvin Harris era

++IASIP, BillBurr, Hitchikers
good picks in books, shows and movies generally

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next time don't compress the template

OP fucked up the file. also yea nobody really cares about this bullshit

They just take time

it was acceptable in the 80s

Who is the comedian?
I recognise the baldness of him

Vinesauce Joel aka Vargskelethor

Brazil is a good film

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Sam Hyde++
Tv Show+++
Old Boy+
the lobster+++
tame impala++

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Hello. Self esteem a little low because isolation. Haven't really had friends since I moved in 2019.

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oh hey i remember you from the /soc/ chart thread
i didn't know women[unconfirmed] posted outside of /adv/ and /soc/

haha woman on the internet? weird.
yeah, but I think Zig Forums is pretty cool

Give prize please.

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PEE PEE POO POO, look how unique and quirky I am guys WOOOOOOOOOOOOAH PEEE PEEE. These 4th grade art projects are really netto huh?

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dr Manhattan fuckig sick
i love tame and paula
cute wife

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>Let's have one of these chart threads, I like reading up on you guys.
this chart is way better

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late to the party but here is mine

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bump for chart threads

These charts are mostly just boring.
I'd rather just read what people write about themselves than look at some predetermined chart of what food or music they like.

the fuck is them for? your partner or archenemy or what

have sex
Damn, aren't you a big boy
You look autistic m8, ngl
Shitty and low-effot. Please kys and die
I don't think you would want one of the most sensetive parts of your body protruding out of your skull
You don't wanna be a tradwife, unless you want your husband to be some fat, autistic, schitzophrenic Zig Forumsfag
tf are these creatures next to you in "THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE" section?
Ok. Your prize is a microwaved hotdog
Based penischad
You will never have a tradwife
Nigga, like anyone is autistic enough to do this shit
Cringe nazbol

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Rate me fgts

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Minnesota is pretty based if you stay out of Minneapolis/St. Paul. I went there for hockey tournaments a lot. It's nice to see a femanon with actual values and self-respect so good on you for that.

>Hates ontario

fucking based I was cringing at anons in this thread specifically liking Hongtario. Absolute shithole that should be nuked.

>hey! I spent ages writing out my shit, just because I don't cater to your visual learning style and you don't like to read, doesn't mean I should kms
Yes you should, faggot. Please livestream it if you're gonna kys
Wait, shit, thought that was Quebec for some reason

>World on a wire
>The Lobster
>Clockwork orange
Good shit, I haven't read many of those books but I'm considering downloading some given your kino choices in shows and film

Good picks, esp. the cleaver

copy and baste

I never played SoulSilver but I really liked Emerald

I laff

+Boneless wings
I mainly watch womens rugby for pervy reasons but it's still a fun sport to watch, rugby league even moreso

>don't watch TV
nooo, you have to absorb the programming! Stop listening to synthwave and tune in to the televised screencandy

>Shitty and low-effot. Please kys and die
hey! I spent ages writing out my shit, just because I don't cater to your visual learning style and you don't like to read, doesn't mean I should kms
Kino old TV picks, outdoorshit and ol' Dostoy are cool too.

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smoke a fat bowl of my pubes you zoomie pooftah

Attached: 2020_11_23_090732.png (499x499, 164.54K)

Pubes aren't smokable, you smegma-loving faggot

Nigger you doubt the absolute degeneracy of doing shit for attention online:


what the fuck i love this guy. absolute ledge

>A Britbong who unironically wants to become an Amerishart goblin