Anyone else here that used to play games constantly but stopped due to it getting boring and now subsists with the...

anyone else here that used to play games constantly but stopped due to it getting boring and now subsists with the coping routine of mindless web browsing + watching various media?

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yes orgininninananana

how long since you quit gaymes?
how old are you?
what's your current routine like now?
what do you like to shitpost?
what media do you consoom?

is he masturbating in the pic?

Totally feel you user. I was addicted to vidya games for a long time but once I got really good at them it stopped being fun, so lately I've just been mindlessly browsing the internet and watching a lot of YouTube.

I'm hoping to slowly phase out my use of the internet too - I just feel so guilty for wasting time.

have a better plan?
instead of waking up tomorrow and playing video games you read a book? go for a walk to the park?

Gaming turned to shit. call me when it's back to a decent new game a month worth playing

>I just feel so guilty for wasting time.
I felt this way for a while before I stopped and thought, what would I do if I didn't waste it? waste it on something different that's more socially acceptable?

there's really good stuff out there but the problem is that the signal-to-noise ratio is abysmal. A lot of the oxygen gets sucked out by the big AAA crap. They aimed for "cinematic" and they made them suck to high heaven just like Hollywood's summer blockbusters do. Below that you have a million smaller and "indie" (I hate that word) games. Some of those are absolutely brilliant but a lot of them are most definitely not, and even with all sorts of reviews and ratings and recommendations it's a big pain to find something that you'll actually find compelling.

>was really into vidya
>experience a significant emotional event
>all intrest in vidya and other stuff gone
This is fucking retarded. Why aren't games fun anymore? The substitutes are boring, but then again, so are the games

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I had a stroke a few years ago so now i no longer enjoy anything

games have always been boring. strip the story and mechanic you are doing the same thing over and over and over again. the story and mechanic are the caked make-up.

I still play my old GTA games out of nostalgia more than anything

I find myself only being able to enjoy coding and school work now. Only occasionally my friends will play something that's interesting but it usually gets boring quick. Once I get burnt out of programming its onto mindlessly using my computer or doing nothing at all.

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My attentions span is too short.
I can only play games for more than an hour if I zone out completely

I used to be fascinated by programming but honestly getting a CS degree and working in the field for a short time beat that out of me pretty thoroughly, I never write anything more than a short shell script anymore if I can possibly help it.

I'm sure if I'd actually tried to do game dev like the stereotypical loser CS kid that I'd probably hate gaming now too, as opposed to just being underwhelmed.

the best part of programming to me is just seeing what you came up with working. like right now a friend and i are making a 3D engine sorta thing for a game and even though sometimes very little progress is made, just seeing it work is great.

its too easy to get burnt out of it though, and it can easily get out of hand in the sense that trying to fix something takes hours until you figure out it was just some stupid one line error you kept over looking.

didnt occur to me

never had anything to be about being good at them, just interest fading out over time, as a boomer
>so lately I've just been mindlessly browsing the internet and watching a lot of YouTube.
lately aka the past few years yea
>phase out my use of the internet
I can't that's the only entertainment I have if I'm at home that is, but you can always do other things

I already dont play them whadyamean, not a large book guy, but I do other things too tho

seems so I havent played anything significant for years
especially compared to the 2000s ish peak

what event? maybe you are just depressed? or moved on
what subsitutes ?

I hear that can fuck you up

maybe so actually

I feel going back to nostalgic games don't have the same effect and won't even be good just harming the memories

>mindlessly using my computer
>I find myself only being able to enjoy coding and school work now
sounds like you are a zoomer, sounds like you are becoming a programmed NPC
alteast this will more productive

think i lost the ability to game for hours on end ages ago, before i stopped complettely that is

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>sounds like you are a zoomer
i am a zoomer but I despise zoomer culture and generally want nothing to do with it. I can't stand playing/doing what people my age typically are but sometimes I wish I could :/
i would rather not become programmed to do what others want of me though, that shits gay

time to do something, anything, just live life

sounds very normie zoomish. atleast you wont as jaded as jaded boomers here though

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its normie zoomerish to not like zoomer culture?

yeah doing that atm

I purchased "Catching Hell" and "Catholics vs. Convicts" on Amazon Prime among others and it was really well researched and organized. Then I went back to Youtube and I got a Wolf Girl VTuber Explores Virtual World! I'd still rather play video games than mindlessly browse the internet since it's interactive and I hope it will lead into programming. For example I started a mental math trainer then upon browsing the internet I lost my gumption to get it done.

Yeah. Last game I actually played was Mass Effect 2. It's just the same shit over and over again in a different skin: run here, collect these monies, shoot this guy, kill these monsters.

Get a real hobby.

I am kinda depressed, but I have at least have tried to claw my way out of it by getting a job, going on a trip for a week during the summer and talking more to my peers. The substitutes are Zig Forums and YouTube.

Try Call of Duty Warzone, it's honestly great. I didn't wanna play it at first because it's cod and battle royale, but I tried it and it's actually brilliant. It's got a different engine from all the other cod games, so it doesn't feel like shit

Used to be my problem but i just went back & replayed/discovered old gems from the past
no drm
no fag fandoms
no microtransactions
just pure fucking fun, that's what made me love video games so much in the past & i think the oversaturation of the gaming industry is what made me & many others just kinda fade out slowly

idk but you are a normie zoomer by the sounds of it, better off that way


>I'd still rather play video games than mindlessly browse the internet since it's interactive
that's part of why it's annoying, feels like work, and it's interactive and not passive CONSOOMtion, which means I have to make an effort in it and cant just watch it passively while i do something else like eat for example
idk it's just so tiring now a days



heres a (you)

I think I wouldn't even enjoy old games at this point either though
I feel you have to be all in in games to enjoy them you cant dabble
I dont know anymore
getting tired... might go to sleep

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>playing video games takes too much effort
holy shit

I played video games every day starting when I got an N64 for Christmas and ending when I went to college. I coasted through high school and rarely did any homework. When I went to college I chose a difficult major and was in over my head. I stopped playing video games because it felt irresponsible to waste time like that when I was constantly behind on my work. I eventually dropped out, but but haven't played video games regularly ever since. I enjoy it more than watching YouTube and browsing Zig Forums, and I occasionally go on a little bit of a binge, but most months I don't play at all. Instead I waste all of my free time doing things that I enjoy less, for no apparent reason.

It doesn't help that I have become a died in the wool freetard. I hate Windows, consoles that require Internet connections, pay to win, loot boxes, etc. It used to be that the game was the product. Now it seems like you are the product. The same is true of almost everything you do online, of course. One of the factors at play is that YouTube and similar services are designed to be addictive.

It also doesn't help that gaming used to be something that I did with my friends, and now I don't have any close friends. Most of them moved away when I did, and I didn't make any knew ones in college because I'm a bit of a recluse. I still see my old ones occasionally, but I don't have anybody that I hang out with all the time, like I did for my entire childhood. As a result, I haven't even held the controllers for any of the current-gen condoles. I spent a lot of time playing single player games alone as a kid, but having friends that tell you about games they like and stuff helps keep you into it.

I used to read a lot, too, and I don't do that anymore, either.

Whatever the causes are, though, the result is that the stuff I do when I have some time to relax is much less fulfilling than the stuff that I spent that time doing as a kid. I'm right there with you. I wonder how common this is.

Frenly reminder to all in this thread. If u spend time being bored, everything becomes much more fun!!
No blackpill

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i've probably beaten over 100 games this year and still counting

I've actually played games today. Hyrule warriors, age of calamity, for about six hours. It was refreshing and it reminded me of better days.

I will answer even tho it was like 5 hours ago
>2-3 months
>... Zig Forums, youtube, music... drink every other day
>media? Zig Forums?

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