Good morning Zig Forums

Good morning Zig Forums
How are you doing today? Do you have a girlfriend?
(I'm still searching for my polish gf)

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the few times girls showed any interest in me i was either too slow to react or pushed them away because i was worried i was going to hurt them
i was probably right, but it still hurt making that mental decision

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Why don't you just go to Poland user? I'm sure there are more polish girls there then here.

I'm basically suicidal. Good luck with your search
I have no girlfriend as i am a failure at everything

What made you sure that you are going to hurt them? It seems to me that you were too scared to be in relationship and telling yourself that you are going to hurt them was your way out.
I live in Poland!! but finding girlfriend irl is way too hard for someone like me.
I'm thinking about killing myself a lot but I would never actually do it. I'm a failure as well but I still have the strength to at least search for someone.

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I am drinking already and wish even more than usual that a meteor would fall on me
being born was a mistake, this whole shitty universe was a mistake
please kill me

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i'm not a very nice person. I'm a very hateful, tempermental, violent-minded person and every time i saw it happening all i could see is how horrible things could get if they got any closer, that i wouldn't be anything like the person they knew
i'm sure there's some deep psychological reasoning involving my parents/childhood but whatever

I'm okay just relaxing. It's still dark outside actually it's midnight right now. Just finished seeing Parasite for the first time after putting it off for almost a year. I didn't want to watch it because I thought Joker should have won best picture last year, and after watching it, I still stand by that.

Attached: Parasite.jpg (960x1440, 385.25K)

Good morning
No, I don't have a gf

doing alright i guess. no, i do not have a girlfriend.