Who was in the wrong here Zig Forums? Not sure
Who was in the wrong here Zig Forums? Not sure
weed addicts are fucking insufferable and obnoxious.
it's also just plain a shit-tier drug on its own merits
i literally don't understand why weed smokers exist.
It's supposedly better than regular cigars?
Both orignigger
Weed is shit just like every other drug. Only underage niggers think doing obscure research chems and foreign plants is """cool"""
As if people who smoke weed dont overconsume junk food and other shit. 95% of the people i met that smoked weed on a regular basis were like real life caricatures of the consoomer meme. Why do these retards always go out of their way to tell everyone that they smoke weed, no one fucking cares
Now that weed is legal I use cannabis almost every day but I don't even think of myself a weed user. When I was a teenager I was an "all day erry day" loser. I just take 10mg of edibles before bed and hit the vape a few times. I'm an alcoholic so that's my biggest problem.
Weeds legal now. So that means its a good thing.
we found out that isn't true so we changed the law
ok? mind your own fucking business
How the fuck do you mind your own business when stoners won't shut the fuck up about their cbd shit or whatever
They what?? I guess they haven't been talking enough, because you have NOT been paying attention
Fuck off you stupid hippie
Those creatures are two different types of degenerates that are native to the North American subcontinent. The fat bulbous junkfood-guzzling opioid addict, and the scrawny not homosexual but likes butt stuff hippie who thinks he is Jesus C. Hrist reincarnate and can do no wrong and is oh so opressed. Yes, this is the end result of this many iterations of MK ULTRA. A godless country will manifest abominations such as these. There is no winning side here, mind you. Both of them are ugly, their souls are but residual. What a shame!
No matter what I'm always on the opposite side of the disgusting toker. Smoking doesn't help you with anything no not even your anxiety.
You do it the same way you would with a christ-kike talking about going to church. You nod your head and walk away. Stop whining.
On another note, when did conformity become cool? I'm not just talking about pot I mean like everything. Old fashioned beliefs have somehow gotten popular. When and why the fuck?
>Y-You're just conformist!!!
No, what's conformist is falling for the kike lies about how everyone should just be whores and do drugs and destroy society, because that's what THEY want. Come by Zig Forums sometime and educate yourself about how society's being destroyed in front of us and people are too drugged out to realize it
Why would I care about society? Society charges me money, gives me nothing, will not care when I'm dead, tells me to suck it up and tries to tell me how to live. I have no reason to care about society, drugs and sex on the other hand are fun.
Typical fucking libcuck response
Enjoy rotting in Hell forever
Gotta be the super dumb to think there's a hell so nope not worried.
>>Typical fucking libcuck response
no actual argument, typical conservacunt response
enjoy being a tragic slave until you die
One guy is just minding his business, and one is berating him with incorrect and hypocritical insults. Hmm, yes I wonder who is in the wrong.
Such a defensive image.
>hey maybe you should stop smoking pot everyday?
>s-shut up drug addict! you're addicted to food and medication! this helps me sleep, i can stop any time i want! addict, addict!
Finally someone who gets it
Fucking druggies
I can tell already that you are a blight on this world
You are an ignorant man
Shut the fuck up you dumbass hippie
Go smoke some weed and watch cartoons
both of them, they are both addicts, they both deserve torture and suffering and nothing else
rest assured, their suffering will be categorically without meaning, as they do not possess souls
Both should be exterminated
>getting called out this hard
Bada bing bada boom. ashes.
When the cage is done with them it comes for you, the newest lowest on the totem pole.