Manlets, where you at? What's your height and what is your planned suicide method?
Manlets, where you at? What's your height and what is your planned suicide method?
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i am 5'2 and my method is inert gas asphyxiation using helium.
5'5. Planning to hang myself sometime soon. Why do short men even exist if nobody wants to fuck them? How are these manlet genes even spreading?
this only applies if you're ugly. Im 5'9 and tall girls have approached me first. believe me or not, but it's true.
5'9 to even 5'7 is passable. 5'6 is the official suicide threshold.
But only a real 5'7", most people add an inch or two to their height
In my experience most comments like this are from girls who just got stone walled by a short guy, so they say some bitter shit like this. But who knows.
Nah, most women pretty much feel this way. It may not be as strict as Zig Forums makes it out to be, but you're fucked if you're too short.
5'4. gonna go to to america wait and buy a gun and shoot myself.
I'm 5'3'' and I plan to hang myself with my belt tied to my chair's armrest. But it's a myriad of reasons not just height even if it's a large contributing factor.
5'9 Reporting in. Chronically under-GFed but not considering an-heroing.
Possibly, yes.
Fellow Shortbots, remember that standing upright is more important than standing tall. And those females literally arent worth a fuck. The only qualities they possess have peaked in their early 20s. Once that fades, they will hit rock bottom really hard, as Chad will turn to better looking, younger women and anyone else offering true love will have found more lovable partners, while these shallow persons will at the very best be the weird wine aunt, warning their siblings daughters she wished were her own about lustful men with thei rest of their time being spent shitposting for the #khive.
What is considered manlet nowadays?
shit, you're right user. I know 5'11 dudes who are still pretty self conscious about their height and it's so sad. Just own up to your height. Tom cruise is 5'7. Joaquin Phoenix is also 5'9 and marlon brando was 5'9
>What's your height
>what is your planned suicide method?
Let me hit you with a bit of reality, kid: you are coping right now.
We are a sexually dimorphic species, no matter what lefties try to tell you. While there are some aspects of gender and sex that is arbitrary, there are overall trends that every single culture in the world follows. The biggest being height.
Literally every single culture in the world celebrates strength in men. Modern cucked western culture is the very first one to try and subvert this, but it just doesn't work. Women get wet when they see hulking man beasts kicking the shit out of each other. They want to be dominated - no, they NEED to be dominated. If you can't even lift up your own girlfriend then you already failed as a man. Sex and love are intertwined, and if you cannot be sexy then you cannot be loved.
I am 5'5 and I'm fucking ugly. There is not a single thing in the world you can tell me to convince me that height doesn't matter or that things will get better. Take the fucking blackpill.
My grandpa: 6'4 chad
Marries a short girl
My dad: 6 foot semi-chad
Marries a short girl
Me: 5'11 manlet
Have a crush on a 5'4 girl
Even the girls who say they don't care about height care about height. They will mention it all the time.
Doubt I'll kill myself over this but I'm 100% done with dating.
A Manlet is a male person with a height less than the 9th decile on the height distribution, so it varies with time and place. Someone who might be a Gigachad in 16th century japan may just be lowly manlet in the western world of today.
First off: Dont confuse Lefties with SJWs. Both Socdems and Commies of the old days would cringe until their teeth break if they looked at whats gets attributed to leftism nowadays.
Second: 5'5 is slight bit on the short side by current standards, but there are shorter women still. If you can get Zig Forums enough to at least lift like 60kg, then strength isnt an issue. Of course if you try to chase vapid females like the one in OPs image, you're not gonna have much success. Shorter women need love too, you know!
Finally: Ugly? In what way? If it isnt some major deformity, then you can surely fix it...? Go to a hair dresser, straighten your teeth, get fitting clothes and you'll be scoring at least in the mid tier of the market. If pic related can do it, so can you!
>5'11 manlet
Try to not get hit by planes mid-flight up there!
>Shorter women need love too, you know!
So women generally prefer men that are at least six inches taller than them so they can rest their head on your chest. At 5'5 that leaves me with women that could be legally considered midgets.
I don't want to fuck a literal midget, user. My standards are low but not that low.
>Ugly? In what way?
I'm kind of fat, and a lot of the fat goes to my face, and it looks horrible. It's a really bad self-perpetuating cycle. I don't work out because I hate my height and my face, but because I don't leave the house I keep gaining weight and looking worse. Really, is there any point to losing weight if I'm this short already?
>A Manlet is a male person with a height less than the 9th decile on the height distribution
So what exactly is that then in today's average?
Generall =/= Universally. Lots of women prefer lesser height differences up to equality in sizes. I've even been asked to be the BF of a Girl that was half a head (probably 10cm) bigger than me. She also rested her head on my chest on occasions, just as a growth-resticted girl did. Denying that is cope.
>Kind of Fat
Where are you from? If it's the US, then 'Kind of fat' is still way below average in wight. If you have complexes about your weight to such a degree that working out outside your home is out of the question, get some workout gear for your home. Dunno too much about it, but the first steps to burning fat/muscle build up should be doable that way. After that, if you feel more comfortable going outside, you can hit the gym properly (be careful not to get the 'rona, though!).
Good question. I dont have any height statistic on hand right now.
But going by this:
The 9th percentile might lay somewhere between 180cm to 189cm. My Guess would be therefore that the cutoff point right now by the criterion stated above is 6'2 or 6'3
>Tfw I proved statistically that I'm an official manlet.
Thanks, user. You're not exactly wrong, and I'm sorry I was hostile at first. I've just been really cynical about dating because I had a girl reject me recently. It kind of really hurt my self esteem.
5'4-5 depending on how straight I stand. I've come to accept my pseudodisability, I just want to get strong to at least negate it a bit.
I like that picture did you add the Disheveledness on it yourself?
Well if you're from 5'6 to 5'11, you're considered average height
I see. I'm sorry for you, my mate. Most of us know that feel and it feels like shit. But fuck that girl, they're a dime a dozen. If she really rejected you on grounds of factors like height, then enjoy seeing her in decline a few years down the road getting rejected herself en masse while you will find a sweet kind-hearted gf who will love you for who you are. Plus, shallow bitches fuck like shit, cuz they expect the partner to do all the work.
You will make it, my man. You will make it!
But do you not feel like it's unrealistic to expect looks to play no part? Even in your 30's and 40's appearances matter.
Yeah. in that sense, being 5'9 is the most average of the average. It is so goddamn normie tier. On the other hand, total average is has its perks. With it being the lowest common denominator, it has very broad appeal and on the other hand, being totally unremarkable allows one to blend in without drawing much attention.
I'm your height, fat, broke af and wear glasses and I have a gf that's 5'8, we've been together for five years. She's not fat or ugly, she's what you'd call an e-girl with great legs and an angelic face. We've helped each other trough a lot of rough stuff and moved in together a few months ago using corona as an excuse. Life CAN get good, don't let anyone, even your brain, tell you otherwise.
Hm. You're right. Appearences do play a part, but theyre not the be-all end-all factor. Most people would pass off as 'fine' (i.e 4-6/10) looks-wise. And lots of these people are in loving relationships. And it is my belief that one can usually reach there, it just takes some effort at times. A good female friend considered us both a 5/10 and i do have my flaws. If i worked on them, I could climb to 6/10 or 7/10 brad-status.
Even if you thought of height as a factor dminishing your appearence, you can compensate that.
But these are just the looks factor.
Another one is courage. You had the guts to ask that girl out, otherwise she couldnt have rejected you. Focus on the part that you had the courage to ask her in the first place. That alone is good as gold. If you dont lose that, you will ask out more girls in the future and even if it comes down to a pure numbers-game, you will eventually succeed. Plus, if your approach reflects your courage, it leaves a good impression which easily beats any disadvantages, appearance-wise or otherwise.
Thats a good example. Congratulations to you both! If you care, how did you two meet and how were you able to enter into a relationship with her?