Manlets, where you at? What's your height and what is your planned suicide method?

Hm. You're right. Appearences do play a part, but theyre not the be-all end-all factor. Most people would pass off as 'fine' (i.e 4-6/10) looks-wise. And lots of these people are in loving relationships. And it is my belief that one can usually reach there, it just takes some effort at times. A good female friend considered us both a 5/10 and i do have my flaws. If i worked on them, I could climb to 6/10 or 7/10 brad-status.
Even if you thought of height as a factor dminishing your appearence, you can compensate that.
But these are just the looks factor.
Another one is courage. You had the guts to ask that girl out, otherwise she couldnt have rejected you. Focus on the part that you had the courage to ask her in the first place. That alone is good as gold. If you dont lose that, you will ask out more girls in the future and even if it comes down to a pure numbers-game, you will eventually succeed. Plus, if your approach reflects your courage, it leaves a good impression which easily beats any disadvantages, appearance-wise or otherwise.

Thats a good example. Congratulations to you both! If you care, how did you two meet and how were you able to enter into a relationship with her?