If I buy 3 liters of wine at the store (2 1.5L bottles of wine) will the cashiers probably think I have a problem...

If I buy 3 liters of wine at the store (2 1.5L bottles of wine) will the cashiers probably think I have a problem? I am thinking I can pass it off as Thanksgiving buying. But they may see right through me and see I am a sad alcoholic. I just don't want to disturb people.

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They honestly don't care.

nah they prob think youre just having a party unless you do it every week/every few days. i was buying a few bottles every few days dring corona and had to swap liquor stores every trip

I bought 1.5 L of wine on Saturday, and on Friday. But other than that I have not gone shopping for wine in several months now. I just feel in the mood for some wine this week. I am so bored and alone this Thanksgiving I am not really even an alcoholic normally I would just like to feel comfy this week.

How is a liquor store? I am too autistic to use anything but self-checkout desu I don't wanna be bullied by liquor store chadshiers

i mean if youre usig self checkout noones going to know. even if you werent odds are you arent getting the same cashier. i like lquore stores but again i do try and balance trips out between a few so i dont seem so alkie

Who gives a fuck what they think? Buy your shit and go.

Do you know how many alcoholics they help out a weekly basis?
Dozens. Join the club.

Ew a wine drunk. Buy liquor like a man, pussy boy. Also no one working in retail gives a shit about a single detail of your life. They probably want to die more than you do.

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I've been a cashier for years and I don't think they'll think anything of it. Usually cashiers are just on autopilot moving from one transaction to the next. A cashier can see the same customers everyday for years and then not recognize them outside of the store, I've done it many times.

wine is good, but I agree I should start buying liquor because it is more efficient, but there aren't self checkouts in liquor stores unfortunately

>there aren't self checkouts in liquor stores unfortunately
Bro are you literally so terrified of human interaction you cannot handle ~10 seconds of small talk with a liquor store owner...

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>Bro are you literally so terrified of human interaction you cannot handle ~10 seconds of small talk with a liquor store owner...
Yes, I am. I am very awkward and try to avoid interacting with cashiers. Self checkout is usually short enough that they don't notice anything off about me or at least we don't interact long enough for the experience to be too awkward even if they think I'm a weirdo. This is Zig Forums after all so there are in fact some people as autistic as me browsing.

What kinda wine ya gettin fagot

who cares what the fuck, get your wine. People gonna think shit about you even if you do everything correct. If you don't go to that exact store often then there is nothing weird about buying that amount of alcohol. Good luck

Theh dont give a fuck and neither should you. I used to buy a handle of cheap bourbon every day at the local liquor store for years. Cashiers never said anything to me once.

Bro self checkout should require an ID check still just suck it up

yeah I know it does but when you go through ID check you don't usually make smalltalk, I'm headed out right now though fuck it

>Getting drunk of wine
What are you, a women with 7 cats coming home from wiping elderly ass' and not being met by a bf because you have become 30+ disgusting wrinkly failure?

>being this paranoid

originality is nice

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At some stores, you get a discount for buying six bottles at a time. They even have carrying boxes for those sales.

why would you care what the cashier thinks?

This whole thread makes me realise just how self involves the average person is. Look at you all. Boohoo, you're too nervous to face a fucking cashier. You're too nervous to buy a lot of alcohol. Poor you, you little baby. Go suck on your mum's tits you outrageous bunch of faggots. If you had a severe anxiety disorder and had panic attacks when you leave the house, sure, I'll feel bad for you, but your self diagnoses of "autism" (oh lol, i'm soooo autistic, lmao) is fucking cringe and you should be ashamed of yourself. You all remind me of my retarded 19 year of housemate who tells everyone she's autistic (she has no diagnoses) because she's just sooo silly teehee. Fucking cunts. Honestly fuck fuck fuck you.

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Ok, by "whole thread" I meant just OP and maybe one other but still fuck you. I like to generalise.

>2 bottles
Nigga that's like what, a day of buzz

Nobody will bat an eye

I get weird looks from cashiers all the time. I was even threatened (explicitly) by a cashier once. Only about 1/4 of the time do I manage to act normal enough for everything to go well, so I generally try to avoid contact with others. I have very awkward mannerisms, talk funny and my eye contact has been described as very intense and unnerving. I kinda look like I'm on drugs. People have taken videos of me before in public and at previous retail jobs I have had. I'm also very burly and have noticed being a weirdo + looking stronger than most people causes people to feel insecure or something and they feel like my awkwardness is insulting to them and they have to be the big man and be rude/confrontational with me.

I don't know if I have autism or not, but I know there is probably something wrong with me. In fact some people have bluntly told me many times they think that there is something wrong with me. I just use the word autism because that's a word people use around here a lot, most people do not mean they have been diagnosed with autism when they use that word.

It's for these reasons I try to keep to myself as much as I can, I do not think this is "self-involved" because my anxiety over these things has gotten worse over the years as I have had more and more experiences like this. I should probably seek psychological help but haven't gotten around to it yet and only really noticed how bad it was this year.

I know the feel user I just went to the store and even though I mess something up at the self-checkout 1/2 of the time I always keep my head down and never make eye contact with anyone even when the staff lady is helping me fix what I messed up

>buying alcohol at self checkout
Where the fuck do you guys live? The self checkout system doesn't let you buy alcohol here

If you're buying to to get drunk why not buy something stronger and get you drunk for cheaper. I drink wine to get drunk because I can make a gallon at home for $6.

No no we need more people in the world like OP.

You're doing great man, keep it up

Not OP but wine hits the sweet spot...wont have you pissing too much like beer, doesn't burn your throat or make you gag/hurl like spirits, easy to chug a glass or two at a time or just take it slow. Plus in some places wine is sold in grocery stores whereas spirits aren't

Even if they think you're an alcoholic, they've seen worse.

Try to go sober, or drink less, though.

Thank you user I appreciate your kind comment.

How do you make wine at your house user?

Same reason I drink wine pretty much. I never see spirits in grocery stores where I'm at in America. It's easy to pair with food too, and I like sipping on it and finishing a bottle over 1-2 hours.