If you were a boss battle, what would your weakness be?
If you were a boss battle, what would your weakness be?
If I was a boss battle, I'd be this guy
Cock, obviously.
parasites probably? I don't really dislike anything else as much as parasites.
My weakness would be myself.
Iow self esteem
with every attack i make at the player there is a 100% chance i hit myself with it
Fighting but not knowing why. Weakness is that I'd be hoping I'd lose because of nihilism.
nigga why are u gay?
a warm touch, if someone gently rubbed my head or hugged me it would kill me in one hit
my balls obviously
Right? They would just insult me and my HP would go down
Slipping on a banana peel
I am scripted to only be defeated by the power of friendship.
same... still kinda pathetic
literally the IT monster
Charm would be
This. Easiest boss fight in the game.
hugs from cute girls
I will speedrun u ez pz
It'd be my waifu, if i had to fight her i'd just surrender immediately
The taunt button probably, I start to cry easily if someone insults me, even in jokes.
a touch-starved little girl.
Youre a faggot. Nigger bitch. What an insecure crybaby. No wonder youre on the tranny board.
>tfw no very affectionate but innocent loli gf
Be nice to me. Answer my attacks and lashing out with kindness and I will bawl like a baby from being so unused to warmness from another human being. Be mean and I will crush you with the wrath of a thousand virgins.
undertroon basically.
Not really a weakness but i get a berserk status debuff(minus INT and plus attack) if i see a man and a women team up to fight against me(i get berserk faster if they hurl insults like "fuck you virgin!" "you're a loser LMAO")
id be like a giant snow golem, with a Heart of ice, which you can only melt with love.
If someone insults me then I immediately become weaker. Works all the time in chess, somebody called me trash in an online game and I started making blunders.
Tall thicc women