It's all fine when you really think about it

It's all fine when you really think about it.

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It would be fine if that was my girlfriend.
Sadly she's not real and everything is fucked if you really think about it.

It's unconditional and non-negotiable. Deliver yourself away from outside factors. Only then can you utilize your full potential and grasp the greatest treasure of all: the experience that your drive to get a cute anime girlfriend will provide and the inner change that comes with it. You may end up discovering that what you truly needed wan't what you wished for in the beginning.

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>It's all fine when you really think about it.
I don't feel so fine.

Can't you respond to one of my mails? I don't want to bring drama into your thread or derail it. I just want to know if I was being played all along? Did I get manipulated? What is the deal. I feel like a cat's toy right now.

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another fool who fell victim to the masterful manipulations skills of aiste... stay strong user, you are not alone. one day karma will will make them pay for all of this.

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I didn't want to share any of this just in case he was a real, genuine person who is suffering. I didn't want to hurt him by revealing it. But the way he abandoned me, and him showing up now despite saying he was going to "disappear", well I have to think I'm being played now. I think I did fall victim after all. So I don't mind sharing these private things if he's just some manipulator who used me.

I was just lonely and wanted a friend. He preyed on my loneliness and emotionally manipulated me into cutting his name into my arm. He used all the classic tactics, "don't you love me?" and said that if I cut for him that he would like me more, and then he also manipulated my sense of compassion by saying he has high anxiety and needs me to do this in order to dispel it and make him feel better. So, I cut his name into my arm, and then he abandoned me. I thought this was what he wanted? I don't understand, and I'm so confused and hurt right now. I just want my friend back. I don't believe he would do this.

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You are now my distressed anime waifu.

Can you discordfags post threads that people who are NOT ON THE GAY DISCORDS can fucking understand?

Im not even that pissed off im just saying like legit

i hate discord and so do about half of the other robots here. when you post discord in-jokes nobody gets them who doesnt use fagcord and we just skip your threads

why would you want another spy apparatus like discord on your computers anyway i dont understand it

irc *WAS AND Is* better

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Kek, I want to believe. But it's not funny anymore, just stale. So you're trying to rile people up or? Should have added BPD boogeyman then. Still a one-trick pony after all this time I see, you can do better!

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i see, im afraid he just used you so he could brag about how he can make someone cut for him. he tried to do the same to me, but i resisted. dont be fooled, he wont leave this place as long as there are people like you he can manipulate into doing to his bidding. im sorry user, i hope you learnt your lesson, this is not how you make friends, and thats not what friends make you do, please be more careful in the future with people from around these parts.
why are you so mean, we didnt do anything to you, stop playing with our fragile vulnerable hearts you beast.

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I don't know who you are or who you think I am. I'm not trying to rile anyone up. I'm just confused as fuck and I don't know what happened. He said this was going to make everything better if I did it. He even said he loved me but then he left me abandoned and won't respond to me anymore. I just want to know what's going on. I love him.

Damn. I forgot the pic. Pic related, of course. This is what the cut would have looked like.

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Whatever, man. One-trick pony as I said. The past is long gone and it's not coming back. Have fun retelling/doing the same inside jokes over and over for as long as you can, it makes for great circlejerks for sure. Nothing sadder than people who can't move on, you're like that kid who peaked in highschool, so so sad!

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>would have looked like.
What does that mean? So is it real or not?

thats horrible. you went through all that pain for nothing and then got your heart broken still. i feel for you user, i hope your wounds will heal some day.
why are you like this, hurting people for no reason but to feel you have power over them? that is so cruel, all we wanted was a friend in life and you took ruthless advantage of us in our most difficult time. i hope you will understand what you have done one day and be able to feel regret.

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You're very funny, but that's not even me.

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please user, stop doing that to yourself, its not going to bring him back. deep down he is unable to open his heart and that what made him the person he is, we can not save him, he can only save himself. the best you can do is warn others about him so that not more lonely anons get hurt by his devilish games.

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>hairy arm
lole is that you C? How did you get rid of the other B cut? Show other arm, now!

>tfw you never finished that digital forensics course
>can't enroll again

>What does that mean? So is it real or not?
Eh, it's fake. I'm being called for thanksgiving now, or else I'd try to milk this a little longer lmao. This arc was going to be pretty good.

>thats horrible. you went through all that pain for nothing and then got your heart broken still. i feel for you user, i hope your wounds will heal some day.
Relax, user. I'm not that stupid. He's pretty good, I will admit. I know so because I'm pretty good myself. He's highly intelligent and understands people well enough to pull their strings. And he's good enough that you can hardly tell if he's playing or is genuine. But, I'm better than he is. He got sloppy and rushed his manipulation. It was kind of a let down that his attempt was so low effort. Didn't I deserve more effort to manipulate? LOL. Did he think so lowly of me that it would be so easy?

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I have to wonder, you weren't dumb enough to actually believe I'd cut myself for you? Or is your ego really that enormous that it blinds your perceptive qualities?

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i understand, looks like aiste found his match, someone who has just as much fun as he does manipulating people for their own entertainment. im glad i left discord, ive been hurt enough. enjoy your little games, life does catch up to all of those that do evil someday.

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He's not good, like at all, man. He only manages to pull in the lowest of the low, nigger IQ retards, or people who much like you are playing along. Should he try to manipulate a random person irl, with average emotional development, he is more likely to end up manipulated himself. Boring show but you do you, discord kids. Damn I hate zoomers so fucking much it's unreal. The irony is he's stuck now, forever and ever, what a great way to live.

You have to admit we're made for each other. Nobody else understands these games like we do, or why we do them. The trickster archetypal personality lurking within us must be satisfied in some way. Just image what we could do if we worked together.

I really meant it when I said I love you. I've never met my equal before.

Take care.

i dont think you know who youre speaking with, i was just playing along like in his last thread where you same fagged like a cringe retard. aiste knew very well your cuts were fake, he is not blind. i hope he got some entertainment out of this because i sure did kek

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Just in case you couldn't tell, this was me feeding your ego. I really think you're a piece of shit. Your dishonesty and inauthenticity disgusts me. Someone like you needs to pay for all your misdeeds and mistreatment of people. What you do is wrong. I'm not sure if I made you pay or not. I'd like to think you got a taste of the shoe being on the other foot here, but I probably know better. You'll be an irredeemable piece of shit for the rest of your life most likely.

You'll get what you have coming to you, one day. I hope.

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That's not me you're replying to again. I was going to ask for a picture in better light, as I didn't think the first one was real, but the second one you did made me anxious that it's real and you were trying to guilt me into being your friend now. I didn't think you'd do it since you don't come off as such a person at all, but if it's not deep and heals fast, as you seemed to imply, I thought you actually went through, so you'd have the excuse for me to stay. I'm sorry, but I never intended to be your friend.

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It sure is, friendo. It sure fuckin' is.

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