My bf and I are both virgins, but hes a porn addict and has been watching porn since he was 9. Hes nearly 30 now. Should I marry him? I feel like his brain is addicted to novelty and he might be unable to fully love or pair bond with me properly now. Thanks to overloading his dopamine receptors and frying his brain, with hundreds of hours worth of thousands of different naked girls for almost 2 decades.
My bf and I are both virgins, but hes a porn addict and has been watching porn since he was 9. Hes nearly 30 now...
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The fact that women even date guys who watch porn blows my mind, I could never. Its just a matter of time before he can't be turned on by you without imaging you with a penis.
>men who dont watch porn
Pretty sure they dont exist. I cant find any guys who dont watch porn, and the ones who do are usually recovering porn addicts, which is bad too because they can relapse at any moment.
Just fuck each other ffs
My virginity means a lot to me and I dont want to lose it to someone who cant even appreciate or enjoy it properly due to his deathgrip and porn addiction
When it comes to the modern sexual relations between men and women both sides have gone to shit.
Most men that are not Chad are porn addicts
And the women of today have far too many sexual partners
Bear in mind this goes for both sides
you arent going to find a man that doesnt watch porn while single. The question is if that will change after he has someone else to satisfy his needs. That said, if you love him enough to marry him, make your intentions clear that you do not want porn in the relationship.
If I were planning to marry a girl I would stop porn for a long while before asking her hand in marriage. Of course, I don't think I could ever love a woman, they're all cunts.
It means nothing you, you're a human you're meant to fuck your partner. He'll probably stop watching it if you fuck
>porn addicts can get virgin gfs
>I cant
Clown world