All men are gross. take the lespill fembots. it's the only way we can save ourselves

all men are gross. take the lespill fembots. it's the only way we can save ourselves.

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sniff girl pussy...sniff vagina girl...pull girl pant down...pull pant down and sniff vagina pussy smell...

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>all men are gross
True. I'm a dirty little piggy. SQUEEE SQUEEE. Now come give poppa some tender lovin'.

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nah, you need a soft non-weird brad to give you some lovin'

But females don't tickle my fiddle the same way
Why couldn't I be born a lesbian ? Why do I have to be attracted to people I despise ?

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Remember to use "Options" field if you know what I mean robots, now fuck you OP there's no such thing as "fem"bot.

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Seethe mlady

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I really would prefer you just become a lesbian and exit the dating pool for men. I've dealt with too many women that treat men like shit but still need regular dicking appointments. Grow up, faggot.

i agree, men really arent shit. they complain 24/7 about how hard it is to get a girl and yet they never try to improve. trust me, we aren't just born NOT wanting to get a man and start a family. literally, instinctually we want that. youre just a lazy sack of shit that never tries to improve

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>I really would prefer you just become a lesbian and exit the dating pool for men.
Well me too, that's exactly what I fucking typed but with your life I don't give a shit about next to it

I'm a good boy who is works very hard and showers twice a day and keeps my body well groomed, girls don't seem to like that though.

Well what do you do to be worthy of a good guy? You act like all the burden is on him.

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You can't be born a lesbian because lesbians aren't real

Lmao fuck you cunt, there is no way to improve your standing as a male since you don't care about anything we can fix. You all date scrawny men because all you care about is face and height.

>Well me too

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this unironically. women cannot be lesbians

>all men are gross. take the lespill fembots. it's the only way we can save ourselves.
What's a lesbian's favorite toy shaped like?

Gays fuck holes, does that mean they are straight?

They fuck buttholes, which are not exclusive to any sex. But only males possess dicks. Really makes you think

you don't wash your hands after you pee though

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I am not gross! I am a miserable degenerate bastard.

Obviously I do, you know nothing of me, I have a very nice sexy body.

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manslut alert! manslut alert!
also why do you need to shower twice a day? are you that stinky?

that's kinda gross though

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Not him but in my country we shower twice a day. Any less is seem as uneducated.

>that's kinda gross though
Well there are different levels to gross. You might be gross to me.

I usually go to the pool a couple times a week and run some times and shower after. I just like to feel clean. I'm not a manslut since I'm a khhv though.

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why would a man have to improve anyway shouldn't the bottom of men date the bottom of women? the differences between men are all relative anyway because if you compare men who all successfully breed in the past the had unfix-able deformities or injuries, no hygiene and made the equivalent of $500 per year in todays money. So even if men try to improve, they can't stop their competition from improving alongside them, which is why there will always be a bottom cast of men no matter how good everyone is

You will never be a woman you degenerate tranny

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Can the jannies clean up these same threads that keep getting spammed? Ty ily and saged

isn't your skin too dry and flaky?

then let's have a duel and see who can outgross the other person

makes sense now, has anyone ever told you that you're stinky?
as long as you're not a slut online, you're good!

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I posted a picture of my bepis the other day and ceb saved it. But no I have not been told I'm stinky.

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just like that? for free? your father and i are disappointed in you

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