Height ? 6'4
Race ? Indian
Weight ? 190
Facial Deformity ? No

Attached: uglyasian.jpg (760x608, 58.89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> 6'9"
> Top Fuel
> 420 lbs.
> yeah

>what? no

Is being ugly a facial deformity?

i mean i guess it depends lol be more specific

White british

yes I am losing weight before you post

Everyone on here should get TOPPED on Grindr by some dom man

are you visibly fat at 6'1 220? doesn't seem too bad. i'm 6'4 215 and feel skinny sometimes lmao

East Asian
100lbs, roughly

Yea kind of, depends where you look
my legs are clearly those of a fat man where as my upper chest to face regions are less so

>150 lbs

what type of arab?
brown or white arab?

I'm just ugly without a facial deformity

Damn welcome to the manlet group I guess. We shouldn't really dwell on that though, and find people who don't as well.

Attached: short people eva.jpg (530x363, 25.18K)

>150 lbs
>No, I'm a mentalcel with some serious 'tism.

Ancient Greek God, black hair, black eyes, pale skin
75-110 kgs, changes rapidly each season (80 kgs now)
Perfect jaw line

>5'6 or 167
>230lb or 100kg
>I'm Black

what about BBC theory dumbass?


im not an incel thoguh lol

>No, Im a bit ugly though

>Salvadoran, hispanic

I've actually never tried to ask any girl out.
5'10" and 3/4ths
very uggo

Attached: Elliot-Rodger.jpg (1920x1080, 303.81K)

lose weight you fat chink

269 pounds yeah it's beyond over for your ugly ass

but I like being a fat pig. food is much better than holes anyway.

Attached: story_870_photo_1582277135569651860.jpg (1200x675, 219.53K)

food is nice but not when your'e stuffing your face w/ chow mein 24/7

cope, at least use your weight to be a powerlifter

Whats up My Brothers!

Height , 5'7 manlet
race white guy
weight errmm 190 i swear
face: fuckin ugly
friend count ZERO
god i need some Hookers

ure white stfu

But how do I kill this user?

Attached: C747456F-71EE-4742-A7F6-BF59B30B9A3F.jpg (700x549, 58.76K)

dont be racist you nigger, no woman wants my 2/10 face.