This is the ideal female body. Why don't women look like this anymore?

This is the ideal female body. Why don't women look like this anymore?

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not perfect, they lack a child in their belly

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Any femanons with a bush like this want an e boyfriend

i love the bush
Beautiful and natural.
Don't shave femanons

I didnt even notice the bush until a minute later, too busy looking at those BOOBA

bazowy user

These women have too narrow hips and too little fat to pull off such large breasts.
The breasts should always be in proportion with the rest of the body

You should be given an award for somehow managing be to more gay than OP.

spot the porn addict

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Pubic hair, pregnancy aaah, woman are so beatiful naturally, no tattoos, no make up needed.

Quite amusing how arousing it is for me and i'm glad i don't have any fucked up fetishes like most of the people here, even though i've spent so much time cooming since 14 yrs.

I really dont fucking know how people degenerate into shit like lolis, scat, sissy/trannies etc, what the fuck??

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Be quiet flat roastie, now to your titcow goddesses

Yea, they don't seem to make 'em like they used to.

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I agree that these girls have ideal bodies, but I gonna to be real with ya, if a non-overweight femanon(female) was naked in front of me, I would nonconsensually pop a boner.

hair is too long, not muscular enough

muh musculature is a modern vanity complex
real strong, hard working people don't have a six pack

>Why don't women look like this anymore?
Plenty do?

I understand why women shave as its so expected these days, but its easy to ask them to stop once you're in a relationship with them.

and the girls in OP still don't look like 'strong hardworking people' whatever you mean by that

they're just beautiful user

Saying that and replying with literal porn is a funny contradiction

Mom always said I should be a comedian
also you're a brainlet

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they do look like this.
It's just you aren't given to see them.

your typical pedo gay

Did you also crop out their hairy legs cause if you did that's lame

Love for muscular women is a clear tell of unassumed homosexuality

Plus you earn extra points relieving them of that burden

what are you even trying to say in this sentence

>Love for muscular women is a clear tell of unassumed homosexuality
fucking lies
muscles are justice

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doesn't matter what features they have, as long as they have a working vagina it's not gay

only type of body i want to drown in my cum

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Slight definition is sexy on a girl, roided out barbies are homo shit

I wanna take a razor to the girl on the left pubes so bad.

Can you post the sauce please?

Holy fucking shit is she growing a bush down there jesus christ shave it already

user thats a skeleton with skin