Where do E-Girl/Goth/soft grunge girl types hangout irl?

Where do E-Girl/Goth/soft grunge girl types hangout irl?

The last thread gave some good info, another user was asking where E-girls congregate irl so I decided to make my own thread.

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Art schools and anything to do with them -- experimental film showcases, regular movie nights -- director dependent -- and any dive bars near a University are good places to look. It's difficult, though, you won't find many outside of a University setting, so if there isn't one near you, you might be SOL

>confirmed SOL
Thank you for the info user, this makes sense the way you put it. Take care of yourselves.

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what was last thread if still around?

home cuz i don't want to die

Narcotics Anonymous. Especially at larger meetings you can usually find a few.

Stop impersonating me, I'm op

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Starbucks, shopping for clothes and Chad's apartment. Did you think they were special and "different" because they dye their hair and boast about how they looove anime? What else did you expect from the niggers of the gender, females, fucking dumb zoomer? It's a shame the old robot scene on this board is dead, zoomers need to be redpilled on women it seems. But sadly most of this board is full of dumb normalfags.

Well, for the most part, they don't. If they do, it's with their friends in bookstores or record stores or punk shows or malls or stores that sell edgy shit or video game stores or other stuff.

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Imagine being living life on such an easy mode you cake yourself in edgy makeup, put on some quirky clothes and enjoy elevated social status from that alone, without doing literally anything else. It's faggots like all of you who keep enabling this type of behavior and this type of people. Neck yourselves