Why is it so hard for men to let go of women?
After a breakup, it's always revenge porn, stalking, harassment. Why can't you just get over it?
Why is it so hard for men to let go of women?
its 2020, things are going the other way round son
its grills who stalk men and seek to annihilate them
because we were never in a relationship, nor did we have sex or meet in person
its hard for me to let go of anyone from them past that i thought i had a connection with
it only happens to me though, everyone else can move on and have fun and live full lives
and not remember some nobody from decades past
if only i could forget people who no longer mean anything to me
but everytime i try to do something my brain says guess what?
stop doing that and think about some rando from 10 years ago for 10 minutes of your life you will never get back while they dont even give you a second though while being fucked like a wild beast
so to sum up i cant let go of the past because it reminds me not to do dumb shit like get attached to people who im not realted to
... the end
do you even TFWNOGF newfag? pretend to be a healthy adjusted normalfag somewhere else and gtfo my board
If any girl gets revenge porn put up on internet, it's literally their own fault and they wanted people to see their nudes.
You literally have a choice to not fucking put your nudes online. And no, sending them to your ''bf'' is still putting them online. Phones can be hacked or left unattended. And yes, your ''bf'' most likely showed those nudes to someone anyways.
Men are so terrifying. The reason I don't date is because I'm afraid of turning a guy down or breaking up down the line.
They throw tantrums after a few messages on tinder if you don't respond. Imagine investing months or years into a man like that, just for him to have that much more leverage over you.
imagine investing months, maybe even years and all your thoughts and effort and money into a single girl you fancy only to be literally ghosted because she ''broke up down the line''
but we dont own women so its ok for them to toy with our feelings and show false interest when they like someone else better, we should be greatfull we even had the idea of them
i cant wait to be 80 and look back and reminise about the time i almost scored
I dated a guy for two years who treated me like garbage and extorted money from me. He broke up with me after a tantrum, 6 years later he still is obsessed with me.
I would have stayed with him forever if he wasn't an insane insecure mental patient but you know that's asking a lot from men these days
how much monies did you give him?