Why don't men look like this anymore?

Why don't men look like this anymore?

When you look at pictures of men >100 years ago, their faces are totally different.

Attached: abraham lincoln.png (1023x1502, 1.95M)

i know a guy that looks like that except without the fancy clothes and hair

Testosterone levels are dropping,
and who gives a fuck?

I've seen some methheads downtown looking like that.

Nobody looked like Abe but Abe.

Talking points with no authenticity put into them

Compare this picture of Kaiser Wilhelm to one of his modern descendants. Grayscaled the new one for a fair comparison.

Men used to have this cold, austere look to them. Modern men look softer, more neotenic. Did something biologically change in humans?

Attached: kaisers.jpg (1495x1158, 504.84K)

Apex fallacy, we only or mostly have photos of historical legends and generally good looking people, I promise if you could go back and see for yourself you'd see some pretty ugly fucks just like today

only reason this kaiser guy looks so solemn is because pictures used to take forever to take back then, I bet he didn't want to smile for like 15 minutes for a fucking picture

isnt that the guy from "you"

over socialisation. the average middle class male is now mentally a female within a male body.

Hard living. My great grandfather fought in World War One. Guess his age in this photo.

Attached: 25A0F421-A4E6-40BC-B56D-149AC6C0EA0C.jpg (1797x2048, 496.12K)


46. He was born in 1896. This was taken in 1942.

Yeah the food and water. Also electric pollution and endocrine disrupters.

I have a disposition closer to the left than the right. I think it's because I had quite a shit childhood with almost no parental support and living in abject poverty.
I went to quite a good school and most of the other kids were upper middle class with cushy lives.
I'm still friends with some of them but after highschool our differences really started to show themselves.
Since they are the softer, more pro social type my presence had a tendency to make them feel uncomfortable. They live in a world where abstract things like social gossip etc actually mean something. They love to get along with others and seek to simply go along with whatever the tribe deems good. My nature to be more detached and stoic about almost everything left a constant social rift in our engagements

lighting, more blur on the left, face angle is not good for guy on right.

they are two polar opposite facial expressions

>their faces are totally different
Id disagree with you on that

Literally just a change in culture regarding getting your picture taken here

Thanks to centuries of inbreeding, he is probably more related to his great grandfather than you are to your cousins.

Yeah there's lots old pictures of round faced men

They were starving, we're fat nowadays.

lol you faggot. you posted one formal pic and one informal pic. thats not a fair assessment.

Because life was tough as shit, even for wealthy men, they often enlisted in the army because it was a status thing and even if they didn't they still had to travel for weeks, deal with the poor higenic conditions, backwards medical practices, unsanitary everything and do a fair lot more physical work
Now days men look younger, live longer and better. Even with the shit diets
Women didn't let their daughters play under the sun and it's true, the sun is good but too much sun on the skin will age you

How old is each one in the picture?

Both were 43 at the time of the photos

If you took a picture of any guy today with the same equipment used to take pics of men back then, you'd see that they look exactly the same.

The Kaiser looks old as fuck.

Because of electronics and moderen medicine. Sterlization and foods/chemicals.

There is radio and satilite waves always messing with your brian.

If we discard fat guys, the changes are mainly the way people dress and the facial expressions we make, particular in photographs.

We wear clown clothes, or childrens clothes, even in adulthood now. And we make goofy or feminine or tawdry or low-class facial expressions that men 100 years ago would have found beneath their dignity.

oh right, people back then never smiled. broscience moment

Unironically chemicals in the water and s.o.y.

>Men used to have this cold, austere look to them.

Because that was the look back then for photos, it really isnt hard to understand.