How are you going to avoid taking the Covid-19 vaccine?

If they try to make it mandatory (which is pure evil) what are you going to do about it?

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I'm gonna quit my job of course.

Shit, what the fuck can I do about it?

Nothing probably.
I'll just avoid taking it for as long as I can until I can do it no longer

Why wouldn't I take it?

They won't make it mandatory, no matter how much you love to fantasize. You should take it when it's available so we can finally end this pandemic and go back to normal.

>get infected with covid19 intentionally
>test for antibodies
>should be ok without vaccine now, not?

Absolutely nothing or defy them and commit suicide by cop shooting

one last heroic act before you get killed

I'm probably last in the queue
I wouldn't be surprised if they just let under 25s catch it since that seems to be the way things are going in the US at least

I hope it spreads so humanity goes extinct

>go back to normal
Lol, things will never go back to normal, even with a vac.

They will keep having lockdowns and mask mandates because its just too good of an excuse to control people.

Its like 9/11 when we got the TSA and the NSA and all the mass surveillance under the guise of stopping terrorists and keeping us safe.

Not happening, kid. This virus is a fucking joke. I was hoping that it actually be a real threat and take out a huge chunk of the population but its literally a nothing burger thats been used as a tool for politics.

I was thinking that worst case scenario was that they'd put me in prison and then force me to take the vaccine anyway.

Based and almost wholesome response. It's a very human way to deal with a problem.

It's not a total joke, we should fight to continue this lockdown for as long as possible for the economic and therefore political instability.

Based retard LARPers scaring themselves to death with conspiracies.

why take an experimental, rushed vaccine for a virus you have less than 1% chance of dying from?

>You should take it when it's available
>so we can finally end this pandemic and go back to normal.
how will me taking an injection change anything?
and it's not going to go back to normal after the vaccine

apparently 10% of the planet has already gotten it
the death rate for the US military is only 0.0175%
it's just not deadly enough

"Vaccines shouldn't be mandatory" is American individualism taken to a stupid extreme.
"You can't force me to improve the overall health of the community, it's my right to be a degenerate and spread disease!"
Fucking retards. Just because you live in the USA doesn't mean you can do literally anything you want with no consequences.

GOD I fucking wished this pandemic would have been more serious, if they were going to pull all this lockdown bullshit.

The virus isn't really that deadly, and our politicians have been using it as a excuse to initiate lockdowns partly because they get high off having that kind of power, and partly because they want to ruin the economy.

>"Vaccines shouldn't be mandatory" is American individualism taken to a stupid extreme.
there is no reason why vaccines should be mandatory

>"You can't force me to improve the overall health of the community,
i'm all for that, the government has done a terrible job at it. if they took my advice (banning high-PUFA seed oils for example) Americans would be far healthier

> it's my right to be a degenerate and spread disease!"
but if they get vaccinated how can they get the disease? how can i spread a disease if I don't have it?
how can i spread a disease if they can wear pic related?
there is no vaccine for the common cold or for strep throat or many other things, and the flu vaccine (which doesn't even work most of the time) isn't mandatory. what's the difference?

>Just because you live in the USA doesn't mean you can do literally anything you want with no consequences
my body my choice. just because a virus exists doesn't mean the government has the right to force me to be injected over it

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schizoposters and all polshits in general can fuck off right back to your containment board, stop shitting up the rest of Zig Forums with your fucking shit

if you're a t_d refugee you can doubly fuck off, you were never a real Zig Forums user, go suck dicks on reddit and never come back to r9k ever again FUCKING LEAVE REEEEEEE

you know what goes in all fields

I agree. Many many people die every day from many different things. There's no good reason, i think, why this is special and necessitates the hysterical presentation that it's getting. It's the fear porn, the shaming and ridicule that gets me. Criminally overblown, it's a very low mortality rate. I too think theyre using it to usher in new precedents of social control where dissent is impossible

We can't do shit unless youre willing and able to go off grid somewhere that isnt north america or eu and hide

I'm just some guy that doesnt believe anything but it seems

Every tyrannical, oppressive, evil thing that governments have done throughout history has been sold as something urgently necessary for the good of the community.

Sad and true.
No, since it's not actually deadly it would literally just prop up the NWO if the economy crashes and nothing else.
If it actually indiscriminately killed people (which it doesn't) then I'd agree.


I remember thinking it was gonna be a huge deal. I remember the huge lines at the gun stores.
I really believed that something based would happen. But it's just a nothing burger.

Pay a doctor under the table to sign off on a form.

>Don't take the vaccine, nothing will go back to normal after covid
>Nothing is gonna go back to normal when this Spanish Flu is gone, it's too good of an excuse to keep locking things down and controlling us
>Things aren't gonna be the same after the black plague, the lords will keep using their power to restrict us
retard take