Which would you rather date? Left or right.
Which would you rather date? Left or right
Whichever one pours more hot candle wax on my face.
right because shes more aesthetic.
right is cuter and is wearing less clothing.
Left and right are the same person. Both are mentally ill
I think it's cute when the same girl can act like both.
i know that. right is the patrician choice
The one that isn't a degenerate whore.
>both are degenerate whores
Well then neither.
right x10000
Left looks like she'd discuss vidya with you at Starbucks.
Marriage material.
fuck right, marry right, kill right ainec
This sort of girls, both left and right, have 20+ different dicks in them before they turn 20 yo. Neither, I'd be afraid of STDs and too conscious of my average sized pp.
right, of cou-
oh... neither
She looks like less of a slut
You just know her pussy FAT
>She looks like less of a slut
>dyed grey hair
>tumblr glasses
>hog ring
>She looks like less of a slut
this is why the cock carousel has no consequences, and why putting a new coat of paint on a money pit house works
Would rather fucking shoot myself
good point user, you know your stuff
That's the only sign I need to know they're a huge slut. Unironically pin them down to the floor and fuck them hard, guarantee they'll be moaning loud and yelling harder.
Left looks like a boring bitch who did an english lit degree and parrots leftoid talking points. Right is an uberthot weeb kinky bitch. Idk. Right is hotter but now I think about it she'd probably just cheat on me. I guess I'll go right and hope that she isn't a boring bitch.
The one on the right because the left one has a nose ring.
I'm far more attracted to right but I'm also probably way too boring, inhibited, and vanilla for her
I know a chubby classmate with choker. If there was presential classes, I likely would have tried to fuck her once
Just on looks? Left
Who would want to get with some bitch who would willingly post that type of image online, shes better looking but fuck I can tell what type of person she is with this one image.
I'm incredibly attracted to the one on the left, can I meet arthoes like this if I'm 30 and if so where?
What? You think these girls are actually interesting? The only thing they have going for them is how they look and they have the most cookie cutter personalities, she looks like every ig "alt" girl on there
Did she get hip implants too? Where are these women getting them oney for plastic surgery and fat injections?
no, I meant that she would probably find me insufficiently interesting. or maybe insufficiently exciting and entertaining is a better way to put it.
The one who would date me
They get the $50 for Photoshop and call it a day
You could be the most fun man in the world and most women will get bored of you. Remember this. Women crave drama, not a sole man's attention. They need EVERYONE'S attention.
irrevocably based fetish
except not in the eyes pls