Its that time of the year anons, whatchu
>on your black friday watch list
thread theme:
Its that time of the year anons, whatchu
>on your black friday watch list
thread theme:
Open tunings
Tapping with two hands
Of the past
Fucking nothing
>Black Friday
I've been playing for 10+ years, but never went past the advanced-beginner phase. I even bought myself some humble gear but I lack the motivation to play anything. I pick the guitar up, play a few notes and put it down with a lot of sadness.
Unless yall wannabe romantic boys wanna make me a sick guitar beat im not interested
take inspiration from your favorite bands and learn their songs
Fuck all.
Trying to play by ear, don't have perfect pitch.
Of sweet nothings.
>on your black friday watch list
Not murrican
I'm learning Come As You Are. If someone could please give me a good tutorial on switching between chords/ switching between a riff to chords and back I would appreciate. I'm just so slow. Is it just a practice thing or is there a method?
On a Luna LG-70 from way back. It was originally my grandmothers and she passed it on to my dad who passed it unto me.
Just a bunch of chords, getting comfortable with the guitar. I started only a week ago.
Of one day being able to put up dope yt videos of me playing and singing. I am already pretty good at singing so only to get good at guitar now.
Acoustic guitar as previously mentioned
All types of shit. Mostly rye bread though.
>on your black friday watch list
Nothing in particular. I dont really go on shopping sprees anymore.
I wish I was still interested in music and playing guitar. I honestly go days without listening to music now and playing guitar was the only productive thing I really did. I was quite good at it too
anyways, here's what I'm forcing myself to listen to and learn:
hey y'all
alot of bob dylan and Frank Ocean
I've been working on an instrumental cover of Let it Be as seen here:
I play a D'Angelico Excel DC but want a telecaster too
too damn much
>black friday
fuck all.
it must have been easier to learn guitar in the second half of the last century
I dont play the guitar but GOD are boys who play the guitar hot as hell. keep going anons, much love.
1996 squier strat :')
ac/dc's shot in the dark since it's new and all
i dont dream
overdrive pedal
>on your black friday watch list
Still trying to figure out chords
chooooooooooooooords. what the fuck is with this finger placement, it seems like a design flaw or I'm just retarded and my fingers are retarded as well
Of being able to shred mad heavy riffage
An Austin something-or-other electric, guy who gave it to me never told me the model, but it sounds nice as hell when I can strum something properly
nothing right now
>tfw haven'tplayed in like 9 months
>only thing i remember is we will rock you ending
I got his boy yesterday.
Dont even know how to chords
Gene's Rock A Bye
mashed taters and breakfast sausage
>on your black friday watch list
the guitar was pretty much what i wanted.
awfully quiet in this thread
Robots lack the creativity and dedication that learning an instrument requires.
neets man
mostly punk rock and jazz
speed techniques
no dreams here
2013 Fender Modern Player Strat
panini sandwich
>black friday list
nothing at all
guts theme
to play guitar easily without needing 120% of my concentration and brainpower
a nylon acoustic that sounds great but its bowed a little so the action is kinda high
It's no creativity at all, unless you try to write songs.
It's 8000 hours of soul-crushing, fucking boring repetition. Stopped 6 years ago, because it wasn't worth it at all. No one gives a shit about you playing an instrument, unless you get lucky and connect with other people who want to play in a band, or you actually try to earn money with your music.
what gauge do you use robots?
>tfw 9s because im weak
Robots don't have hobbies, they mostly consume or play Vidya
Is it possible to learn the guitar just from internet tutorials? Which are the best?
it is definitely possible, teachers don't actually help all that much ;^)
andyguitar is pretty much accepted as the starting point for many people, but look up songs you like and try to play them, that's how i kept motivation
I go to Berklee for free, and was just accepted for my masters at Julliard ama
11 on solid body's 12 on semi hollow, and hollow both faltwounds
I used to play guitar and jam with friends regularly, but then I fell out of contact with my musical-friends for various reasons. I tried to play guitar again during this whole lockdown, but I couldn't get myself into it. I used to play heavy metal, but heavy metal seems really cringe to me as an adult. There isn't any guitar music that I enjoy listening to, which makes learning/playing guitar feel very moot.
Been thinking of learning bass. My friend said it's easier than guitar to start out with, and most of the skill translate to guitar if you ever want to switch over.
Worth? I'd like to pick up a real hobby that I wouldn't feel like a loser for talking about.
How dark is your original skin?
Im white or I consider myself, am jew though so people here will say otherwise.