The lockdowns have me so incredibly angry...

The lockdowns have me so incredibly angry. I swear if this goes on much longer I'm just going to get in my car and drive to South Dakota where it seems people are still kind of free still. It's not like I'm leaving much behind. They've taken everything.

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That's a big change for a small difference. Everyone's upset about the lockdowns, but it's the way it has to be for now

It is most certainly not the way it has to be, and I want to go somewhere it isn't.

Agree to disagree I guess. But yea, if you do move, you probably will not find that much difference there.

Maybe look at countries that have covid under better control, but it does seem like a wild overreaction

Imagine being such a normalfag that you dont see the lockdown as a blessing

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Vaccines are being rolled out. This will eventually die down over the next 6 months.

>Agree to disagree I guess.
Well the problem is that people don't agree to disagree, they want to enslave me and force me to live as they do. I want to live in South Dakota because it seems like the only free place in America.

I still don't want to live in a place where all of your rights are subject to the whims of how your governor feels that day.

what are we talking about? i still go to bars every weekend and it's getting cold anyway. working from home has been fun, but if you lost your job then yeah maybe move.

This virus really has proven just how mentally weak the average person is.

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You could move to a secluded spot in Antarctica

I like life without masks, I like performing, and all these things have been stolen from me with my neighbors cheering it on. I cannot respect them.

This is what happens when nonwhites are in a society

i mean when i walk into a bar my mask is on for like 10 seconds before i sit down, and grocery shopping isn't that bad, i actually do it faster now lol.

i can respect that you perform though, this really was a shitty year overall and they have no accountability for their decisions.

just come to nebraska, its cooler here
not really

Why are Americans so retarded when it comes to make? I wear one likex10 minutes a day when I do groceries or walk to my place in a restaurant and shit, you burgers act like you're the fucking man in the iron mask

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Are you really that pathetic you want to move state because of covid user?
I'm sure South Dakota is comfy don't get me wrong but dang.

Come March they will have stolen an entire year from me.

>I want to live in South Dakota because it seems like the only free place in America
Moving is pretty expensive. Wait at least until the new year, it seems like masks might be a thing across the nation and then your move will be for nothing.

Regardless, take solace in the fact that we're all in the same boat and we'll get through it.

I truly hate these tyrants, and I hate the people who support them.

Your feelings honestly don't matter much in this scenario. The virus is out there, the mechanisms of stopping the spread are in place, all you can control is your reaction to it.

Personally, I don't see it as anything close to tyranny

Asking people not to act retarded is tyranny obviously

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>the mechanisms of stopping the spread are in place
It's done fucking nothing. I endured months of "If Americans weren't so stupid and just wore the damn masks, they'd be over it like Europe is," and now Europe is locking down again. Your governor closing your business or church against your will because he just thinks it should be closed is the very definition of tyranny.

Maybe you should move to another country then

Again, your opinions do not matter, keep that in mind. And you're only torturing yourself by getting wrapped up and emotional.

And everyone is in the same boat too.

>Again, your opinions do not matter
No, my opinions are the only ones that matter in regards to my life and how I live it. Other people are not "in the same boat" as me if they're accepting this authoritarianism, and if they're cheering it on I barely see them as human.

From my viewpoint, you and I are powerless to influence things and I'd just advise to not get emotional as it won't help.
And there will likely be further lockdowns in the future, so mentally prepare for that.
Maybe seek counselling. There's a lot of people that do in these times, so don't be ashamed. They'll help you develop coping mechanisms.

But your "me me me" mentality can directly affect and hurt other people. I love how growing up America would say time and time again that they care about their people and will give you the shirt off their back and all that, but as soon as a situation arises where you need to mildly inconvenience yourself for the good of others and put on a mask, it's just too much for you to handle and people looking out for others and staying home are "less than human".

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>Maybe seek counselling.
Find me a therapist who doesn't enforce the mask mandate and I'll consider it.

I don't view you as less human for staying home. I view you as less human for demanding that everyone be forced to stay home because of a virus that kills almost no one who gets it and poses ~0 risk to almost everyone.

Most people are only smart enough to be told what to do and think
Sit stay and roll over
If you aren't completely against lockdowns and your youth being robbed from you then I'm convinced you are a dog brain

>Find me a therapist who doesn't enforce the mask mandate and I'll consider it.
All therapists are online now, there are tons of them

>I view you as less human for demanding that everyone be forced to stay home
Starting to view you as a pretty garbage person, ngl. That's a shitty thing to say