It stopped hurting. What does that mean?

It stopped hurting. What does that mean?

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balls ded
you will never be a woman

It's probably fixed itself and you never had it. Especially if you got the pain by edging.

fuckin TT posting, i fear for my life when I see this shit. I feel like i'll get it

Looking at this picture fucking hurts

Christ man

Nigga go to a doctor before you lose your testicle for good.

If you haven't been to a doctor and confirmed it's torsion, you might just have had a big cyst that went away/shrunk. From what I've heard, torsion pain is debilitating. Like you can't function as a human being because of how much it hurts. I had some pain in my testicle and thought it could be something serious but after seeing a specialist and getting an ultrasound, it turned out to be a cyst (yes it can happen, on the testicle itself, not the scrotum). I was given medication for it but I had a bad reaction to it, so instead I was told to just not touch my testicle for a while and it will eventually go away. And sure enough, it did.

What is this about? I get pain when jerking off too long and have tried finding answers via google bit came with nothing?

It's happened to me at work at random times and I just worked through the pain. It would normally stop if I ejactulated, even the tiniest bit would do me. And I worked as a sandwich artist at Subway.

If you feel it on your testicular cords then it's only temporary and occurs from too much edging. Only what I've found though I'm not a doctor.