It almost surreal to me that I will never have a cute girlfriend. Most men just don't get to have a cute girl love them...

It almost surreal to me that I will never have a cute girlfriend. Most men just don't get to have a cute girl love them. How do you even cope?

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Mental trauma. That's the only cope offered.

Unironically consider suicide. If you aren't good enough for proper, healthy relationships then the rest of your life will just be pure misery.

yeah i mean really just kinda sum'd it up. Other than that i can only add that i feel with you.

>How do you even cope?

No time for cope. We're gonna make it brother. Don't give up.

I don't, i got a cute gf and she worships me.


Most men dont get love period, not every guy is white

you have to be white to be a man because men are human

Masturbate to chinese cartoons and play lots of vidya.

Life can be enjoyable when you stop worrying about society expectations and do whatever the hell you want (or the things that allow you to do them, aka working/studying).

Daily thoughts of suicide does the trick for me.

I am white and am a 21 year old virgin. I am also bald so I might as well not exist though

nothing wrong with being bald
richest man in the world is bald

Do what other robots do have sex with lonely men on Grindr and get TOPPED

There is something wrong with it if you like cute girls who are like 18-23 years old

>bald at 21

Ya but he can buy whatever he wants this user could at least put a cute dress on and a wig

who fuckging caress xDD

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Nobody is saying all white men will succeed, just consider that the vast majority of men aren't even white

go to SEA and fuck some women

I don't have much money and that just seems pathetic

I dont know user, im content with dating and fucking fat girls. Probably cause I'm half beaner so my standards are lower.

The way I have decided to live is similar. Indulge in hedonism, but set an allotted time to work for my future, and keep my body in good shape. That way I'm ready if it ever changes, ya know? Who knows how I will be in 10 years? Time fixes a lot of things. The worst thing you can do is sit in your room and wallow.

that place is a party, I'm sure you'd have fun. It's almost impossible not to

is this truly the offer of burgerland? why wasn't I born there instead of some other shit smearing mongoloid

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Just fuck some fem niggas with penis and balls

Women don't actually love men the way men love women, so don't worry about it.

I keep telling myself my time with a pretty girl will come. I'm going to keep believing some beautiful, hot girl will take interest in me at my gym one day and will for whatever reason want to have my kids. I'm going to speak it into existence. My body is ready.

this is true. women actually love and care, unlike men. men's love is shallow, based on looks.

I guess some men just detach themselves from that desire which is probably healthy. I feel a deep sense of loss and regret though myself and I have a hard time accepting it. It's only harder in this internet era where you can see virtually any woman in skimpy clothing if not nude.

I think both genders love is pretty much entirely transactional. Men like looks, women also like looks a lot, but also factor in status a bit.

I'm so alienated even if I do end up somehow with a gf I won't even know how to interact or deal with one.

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I get gay.