how do i get bigger boobs. i am going to kil mai slef if i remain flat. help. please.
How do i get bigger boobs. i am going to kil mai slef if i remain flat. help. please
Are you transitioning? Also show us your boobs
Purr, fucking stop this shit
no and no
why are you purring at me im cool
You are idiotic and vain.
>killing yourself because waah my body isn't le sexy
End your cringe life.
what's your bra size now? and do you have a bush?
Drink soi milk, I don't fucking know I'm not a girl I don't have tits. I've been sitting here for like 5 minutes trying to think of a genuinely good response.
it is a hyperbole chill
b, which is passable i guess but still smaller than i wish they were
band size? and you didn't answer my second question
well you could always gain a lot of weight, that often (though not always) does it.
This shit had a man on /ck/ growing B cups so give it a try I guess
36. also why the fuck would i tell you if i have a bush or not it's not even close to being relevant here
>had a man on /ck/ growing B cups
hmm, got a link to that thread archive?
get pregnant
take estrogen
do you at least have a big butt?
well I guess you won't be getting any more responses from me, cunt
sweaty, hes a pervert. please stop being so dim
Get pregnant or induce lactation
good god it for sure has like cow growth hormone or some shit but i want it so bad
>why are you purring at me im cool
Shit you looked like some underage bpd e-girl that was begging for attention last week
Also why the fuck are you so hung up on your boobs, is that all you have?
There's a shit ton of guys that obviously don't give a fuck so it's not about that, why do you give a fuck? Because you don't feel like a woman enough or something?
>OP doesn't want to show us boobs
>OP wants advice on boobs
what's the deal here, OP?
why the fuck would you not want to be flat? cow tits are disgusting
i mean. i think i have more than my boobs. i have a high school education adn good taste in music so that's gotta count for something.
>Because you don't feel like a woman enough or something
honestly its probably that yea, or just general insecurity about my body lol.
is it even possible to get estrogen if you're not hormone deficient or mtf trans??
>i mean. i think i have more than my boobs. i have a high school education adn good taste in music so that's gotta count for something.
But still you don't value that enough over your physical looks to be content
>honestly its probably that yea, or just general insecurity about my body lol.
Maybe you have nice nips? Maybe your boobs are perky? There's a lot to love about boobs for multiple reasons.
Do you also want the backpain and stretchmarks that come with the bigger boobs? The guys gaping at your chest more? Having a harder time with finding fitting clothes?
And why is your concern about womanhood with your boobs? There's your hair, your face, your hips, being nice to talk to etc etc
I prefer breasts but ass is more important
honestly yea you have a good point. obviously there are downsides to having big boobs but i think my own insecurity about mine just results in me wishing i had a different body.
>why is your concern about womanhood with your boobs?
a lot of my friends have bigger boobs than me LMAO which definitely has contributed to my insecurity. you're right though in the grand scheme of things it rly doesn't matter.
my ass is also flat. pain.
Another trannie thread
Kys balding homo
You have to let a robot massage them. It will help promote growth.
>but i think my own insecurity about mine just results in me wishing i had a different body
Yeah I understand, it's just that you'll always naturally downplay everything you have
>a lot of my friends have bigger boobs than me LMAO which definitely has contributed to my insecurity. you're right though in the grand scheme of things it rly doesn't matter.
Indeed, now let me objectify you to further prove my point
You already have boobs, you have an ass (you say it's flat, but still, little butts can still be cute and perky and roundish), you have your overall figure, you have your face
Overall if you look cute and pretty, that's more than enough to be womanly, maybe you want to do it with big hot knockers that everyone will stare at, but like I said, there's also: pretty, cute, elegance, girly etc that contributes to you being "womanly"
It's like the catwalk model vs the instagram bimbo thing to put it into extremes
>there's also: pretty, cute, elegance, girly etc that contributes to you being "womanly"
that is true, and while i try not to like change myself to appeal to the male gaze or any of that shit lol i do like to feel pwetty and smexy sometimes. you're cool, mr internet stranger man.
fine. massage them then, no balls
HOLY SHIT YOU WEREN'T KIDDING WTF i need that boobie tea BAD. I NEED it
>that is true, and while i try not to like change myself to appeal to the male gaze or any of that shit lol i do like to feel pwetty and smexy sometimes. you're cool, mr internet stranger man.
No problem internet woman and maybe you're not directly changing yourself for the male gaze, but think about it: maybe you are?
Because you compare yourself with your girlfriends who look more womanly and that "womanliness" will appeal to guys, so it's almost like a competitive thing and you're "out of the race"
Because at the end of the day: why would womanliness matter if there was only womanliness? It's the contrast with manliness and men and the fact that it is desireable to them that makes womanliness something to strive for
>i do like to feel pwetty and smexy sometimes
Pretty you could do easily without boobs or ass, sexy is just putting on a deep red dress and shawty, you'll be lookin fineeee as hell over there in that red
Nah but really, you have plenty sex appeal probably
Birth control pills took me from a b cup to a c cup.
I know they're all made differently though.
FUCK what brand, mine didn't change my boobs at all
Bitch I'm writing whole damn essays on ya tiddies telling you to focus on anything but ya tiddies and all you still see is tiddy growing pills baka
what is your body type