I uninstalled Discord, I will be a wandering online ghost from now on

I uninstalled Discord, I will be a wandering online ghost from now on.

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Why did you uninstall Discord?

Sounds like a good time for you to install Grindr and get TOPPED a lot less drama

I can't fit anywhere, everyone there is a metally ill who keeps projecing his insecurities, the 3 people I still rarely talk to still didn't block me just out of respect (some already did), I lost any intention to join a server or waste time again with making a fake friend.

Welcome my friend. Observe and laugh at those who chose to be miserable by mingling with others.

Sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you. Any server that gets posted on r9k is guaranteed to be AIDS.

Ya true but sometimes its fun group masturbating with robros on discord

This. People really have terrible perspectives on making friends and socializing, especially when it comes to their opinions on discord.

Exactly. Discord is nothing but a platform. It really baffles me to see how often it becomes the object that a person directs their frustrations toward, as if there's something inherently evil about a chat/voice app. I've also never seen people work so hard to remain lonely like I have here on r9k. Robots go out of their way to remain friendless, but yet blame anyone but themselves. Absolutely baffling.

Good job? But why the fuck would you install it in the first place, nobody using discord is a robot, at best he is attention whoring failed normie, at worst he is part of the /lgbt/ cult.

I did the same thing. I gave out my email address to a few people but none of them sent me anything.
I felt pretty bad about it at first but I figure they weren't actual friends then..

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That's too much writing for most people nowadays, which is just sad. They want shallow and quick conversations, aka instant gratification. Have you ever tried doing pen pals with someone? You could probably meet better friends that way, user.

I did try, but most people kind of give up after a few back and forths. Even I did it once, it's tough to get a thing going and keep it going.
I don't know, I think I'll resign myself to being a ghost that can't be seen nor heard.. at least I won't hurt myself that way.
I'd really like to meet people IRL but that's been quite tough, I need to get out more.
I mean, it's not like I'd talk to people if I went anywhere but the thought is there...
Do you have pen pals?

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Is...is this a big deal for people? Do you zoomers understand that Discord is a relatively new thing? And that life goes on just fine without it? The way you people talk...I'm too old for this site

>posting an anime girl
>announcing that he uninstalled discord as if it's an accomplishment

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not everyone has a full time job like you chad

>Do you have pen pals?
Yeah, I have a few. I'm also a very slow writer. It sometimes takes me 2 weeks to write something to someone, and that usually makes people disinterested over time. If you stick with it, though, you can find some good people. It's like that with anything, really. You're not going to have a huge success rate in finding friends, pen paling or adding people on discord or whatever else. Most often you will not be on the same wavelength with them, and it just doesn't work out. But, when you do find a good friend, that friendship is worth all of the effort and all of the emotional hardship you went through, and it's worth it tenfold.

>at least I won't hurt myself that way.
Do you end up hurting other people? What makes you feel that you do?

I'm a very anxious person and when people leave me time or space to think, I tend to let my thoughts grow more and more into the negative.. I don't like the wait between messages, I'd rather see what the person thinks right in front of me, their reaction tells me a lot more than any words they could say.
It's a lot better IRL, I think, but I don't have much experience there yet.
I'm a very isolated, and self isolating person too. It's easy to click a button, much less to get rid of a person next to you.. I know that sounds bad, but I get very tired very easily and sometimes need to force myself a little.

What hapened opop did you get ghosteD?

Possibly a strange question, but did you happen to change your username before uninstalling?

pic is from Nozo no Kanojo X

Oh man, that sounds horrible. I know what you mean, though. I get the same way sometimes. Once the mind starts wandering, then it can imagine all kinds of scenarios and "proof" that a person doesn't like you and that abandonment is imminent. And then those negative thoughts spiral and the anxiety kicks in.

I've worked a lot at not letting those negative thoughts ruin potentially good friendships from developing. It's hard, but learning to trust goes a long way. It honestly helps to be direct with people too, and let them know that you need to hear reassurances every now and then so you don't start to wonder. Just tell them straight up the very thing you told me, and you'll be surprised because most people will try to help you and communicate with you better.

You seems like a good person, just troubled by negative thoughts. Go easy on yourself. You are alright, user.

me too, I was on a incel server and made friend with this one guy, and later I found out thathe actually has friends IRL, that he goes on parties and that he had girls sending him nudes. Fucking normies everywhere, why I just can't find losers like me? Normies even on fucking incel servers

why would anyone want to talk to a robot

why are you bothered by someone having irl friends? that says a lot more about you desu

well no one is a robot here retarded bitch.

the captcha you will complete to maybe give me a gay shitty (you)

just wanna make an alt discord and troll nsfw servers but there's too many fucking kids there. feels like you catch a case just thinking about that shit.

then all the servers around interests i have are shit/quiet and no one fucking talks. they just meet to grab 3 or 4 people, make a private gc and that's it.

I uninstalled sneedcord, I will be a wandering chuck sneed from now on...

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I only wanted someone whom I could talk to and who would recognize me and motivate me, but relationships are not made of want, people like cannot be with others because the attachment will turn into doubt and pain. I can barely be with myself so it is hard for other people to bear with me and for me to bear being with other people. Being alone is what fate has in store.

>tfw still no nice tranner to vc and play games with

maybe if i ever bite the bullet and transition one day i can be this for people but what can i say i do like my peen

>uninstalled discord
>installed Grindr
>gets TOPPED

You don't have to get rid of your peen to transition