Post ur room bots
No tidying up
Post ur room bots
Another angle of my room
I TOPPED a robot on Grindr with a similar room, you like cock?
Show us your feminine penis and boipucci OP
Post penor tranny scum
No way OP weighs more than 140 lbs desu
He is a twink bottom for sure
>not having fun vidya games and a rodent friend in your room
Normies detected
>Queen sized bed
>Haven't been laid in 3 years
I bet his penis is girly and small
Your floor is disgusting lost more pics and I can see your name on the .medicine
You are all poor and have pleb taste
If you get cum on that bed blanket it will show up easy
This is a square room the panorama makes it look weird
We found the faggot tranny! Zero % chance you are remotely straight
He wouldn't want to get TOPPED on that bed
Looking at everyone else's rooms in this and the last thread.
I'm really starting to consider painting an accent wall and throwing up a lot more posters. My white walls and ceiling makes the room seem empty
Any bed under that user? Like a Futon or something?
This looks like it would be amazingly cozy in the winter. There's some elegance to the colors and pictures I wouldn't expect out of a robot's room
>owning excessive shit
shyyddgy diggy
About the room
>My Bed in the back
>No air conditioning so we got a fan each
>That bright lamp gets more orange and cozy the latter in the night
>Those are Socks and a Comb on the closer bed, not a cum stain
>Kermit Flag
>Mango Fruit Punch Jug
>There's always some kind of clothes on the floor, the bundle there is pretty concentrated all things considered.
I have spare bedding for sex or if I have a guest. I also never get my own coom on it since I bust on my chest.
>This looks like it would be amazingly cozy in the winter.
It is. I can't stand a filthy home so I keep it clean.
OP this rooom was MADE for topping!!
Basically my entire room, it's a cheap uni student accommodation
nice ranger poster
what's the point of owning that much space if you're not gonna use it
Thats kind of funny user
Its basically the same as when I posted it in the last room thread.
are you broke?
My bed is my most favorite possession
Usually i clean for room threads, but im too lazy today
It riles me up when americans put posters of their political affiliation on their windows. Like anyone cares.
Its just virtue signalling
>Come on you guys! look at me and how virtuous I am
>are there any other fellow biden/trump fans near me!?
>lets jerk each other off about being on the WINNING TEAM
stop turning politics into a fan thing. pick the candidate you align with, cast your vote, done. No need to make it your identity and to treat it like a football team
>Moe merchandise
>Plastic water bottles (use a fucking cup and drink tap???)
>Visible Nintendo switch
>Pepe hat
It's OVER for you bro.
POV from my door
If you only had a chance to see the rest of the house...
Stop sleeping on the floor you fucking peasant
>drinks bottled water
Checks out
is that picture on the wall from ikea?
>shitty acoustic foam
lmao looks fucking janky as shit.
>listening to m4m asmr on youtube
yep its one of those days.
Bottled water from the biggest drink corporation no less
fuck i cant even post in the right thread shoot me.
Itt fluoridated tap drinking conservitard