Give it to me straight, is this recoverable?

Give it to me straight, is this recoverable?

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At least people message you so you're already ahead of me

what did you say? seriously, that's kind of an impressive response to get. you must've said some really stupid shit to get a text temper tantrum as a reply

Yeah I suppose, this bitch has sent me on a crazy rollercoaster ride. We went on 2 dates, she ghosts me for 2 weeks. Tell me she needs a slow pace, but then a few days later says she is dating somebody else. Then tonight she tells me it is her birthday tomorrow and she is getting hammered tonight. It seemed weird and I said, hammered in a fun way or a sad way? Maybe that felt judgy and maybe I underestimated how hammered she already was

Maybe it seemed judgmental and I underestimated how drunk she already was, idk

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>crazy bitch gets doted on for 2 weeks by a beta while she is dating someone else
>i can't even get a date
you beta's are something else.

Im sorry Im not quite as pathetic as you my friend, truly

Thats the last msg my mom sent me

Sorry to hear that user, clearly I can sympathize

She's just drunk, don't take it seriously you didn't say anything.

Tell her to apologise tomorrow

So many red flags. Walk away.

I wouldn't even respond and just play vidya

oh she was drunk already. the new guy let her down somehow. so she went back to you for a confidence boost. but you didnt read her mind properly so now she mad. put down the phone until she sobers up. or go all in and offer your dick as a birthday present. but really this is a big red flag and you should lose this crazy bitch's phone number before she ruins your life.

>this is a big red flag and you should lose this crazy
This. I'm expecting OP to still go for the pissy tho. I've went through too many crazy bitches in my life that shit like like this would be an immediate block and not even worry about it.

what a fucking lunatic, admit her to the nearest psych ward and then stop talking to her

>Give it to me straight, is this recoverable?
sounds playful

I hit her with this after she finished her tirade, I will need to tell her to apologize

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I love when girls talk like this because it means you can tease her about being a slut, a whore, insult, degrade and neg her without her taking it to seriously. So you get to be the sexy asshole who women go cream for and be playful at the same time
Most guys will be kissing her ass or getting easily butthurt by you so you place yourself at an advantageous position if you start being a dick to her. Just don't act butthurt when you do it.
Also call her a whore when you fuck her and put your hand around her neck without asking if she's into it. Start to apply pressure without going full autist retard strength and see how she reacts

Yeah, a little bit bananas for sure, didnt seem this way in person but apparently it comes out when she is drunk

(But of course I still am in to her)

This is beta. Now that she's drunk is the perfect time to engage with her. You should talk with her for a bit, banter with her, be a dick and aim to meet up with her TONIGHT. She's obviously bored and drunk and she took the time to send that many messages to you
Don't listen to virgins like this:
No offences bro but you have no idea how to deal with a roastie

You don't have to be a psychic she's playfully admitting it's a sad way and she's lonely. FUCK HER TONIGHT stop being beta

Eh maybe beta, glad I kept my cool but didnt want to engage with her bullshit.

i dont waste my time with mentally ill whores, if you wanna do that then thats on you

my ex acted just like the foid OP is talking to and i dumped her

Eh, not my game

some good advice here OP, just don't become a psychopath like most guys are

Dude she's literally flirting with you. The whole ''respond slowly and ignore some of her messages'' rule to seem like you have. a lot going on should be overruled when the bitch is getting drunk alone, implying she's sad and is flirting with you

it will come out when she's sober the more she gets comfortable around you. when nobody else is around. this is how you get an abusive relationship. either fuck her tonight or lose her number forever. offer to bring her that water you told her to drink, or whatever else she might want/need. it's her birthday, afterall.

Maybe bro, fucking hell, not the type of flirting that I want to engage with. Maybe this bitch is just too crazy for me. But I am inexperienced faggot so idk.

listen, crazy sex is the best sex. just use a fucking condom so you don't knock her up and get stuck with that crazy. take a leap and find a way to invite yourself over. offer to take her out for burritos. there's always a taqueria open somewhere, even during quarantine. bitches love burritos. and then you give her yours.

i could jerk off to this desu OP follow this guys advice and do this.

You gotta drop the Disney crap. Girls got bored of that when they were like 12. They just want to be treated like whores and fucked by an asshole 99 percent of the time. There's a few exceptions but trust me, I can tell you it's not this girl
You'll might get more into putting women in their place after you experience what they're really like after a few relationships. Then it feels empowering to be the uncuckable badass guy who sees through their bullshit

ahahahahaha thats fucking pathetic, imagine being such a lonely virgin that you have to justify the fact that the only foids you can pull are xanax addicted roastie whores who have fucked like 20 guys before you

embrace hedonism, fuck the sluts. they do the fun nasty shit that the good wifey material girls will never consider. and if you don't have one of those wifey material girls on the line, no reason not to have your fun. just use a condom so you dont end up with an std or a bastard.

It's not even that crazy. It's childish maybe but it's not really that abnormal to act like when there's sexual tension. Just think like Vegeta and Bulma in DBZ when he's an asshole to her and she's a bitch to him

>embrace hedonism
bad idea
>good wifey material girls will never consider
sounds like they aren't good wives then

>t. 19 year old virgin who has never even kissed a girl

If you find the rare girl who's too autistic or sheltered or whatever to be a thot, she's still going to need you know how to fuck her good and to know how to talk to/deal with women, get them wet and get them into bed
Even she's going to do this kind of shit when she's in the mood. She's not some extreme case of a crazy bitch, they pretty much all get like that and act like children

this was actually true 10 years ago. so insightful user.

thats not acting like a child, but the rest of your comment is correct. listen up OP

>they pretty much all get like that and act like children
which is why i stopped trying after my last gf. too much hassle.

I lost my virginity when I was 15. I simped for her then or acted like one because I didn't know what the fuck I was supposed to be doing, but I learned my lesson after that. And then I learned it again a few times more until it really solidified that I need to assume all women are sluts from the get go

So now you're a 29 year old virgin who kissed a prostitute but chickened out on sex?