Im a lolicon and im tired if hiding it. all of my friends hate lolicons, i feel like im living a lie...

im a lolicon and im tired if hiding it. all of my friends hate lolicons, i feel like im living a lie. i wish i had more friends that i could openly share this with.

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You can be my friend. As long as you don't like g*cha

Yea, shit sucks bro. But what happens when your secret loli tomodachis get in trouble or start spilling your secrets? I know a couple of lolicons but I basically interact with them with a second identity. Not worth the risk desu

i hate it too user, lets be friends...whats you contact?

loli isnt illegal in my country, and i dont have any social media...not sure how they would leak my stuff. i suppose i could use an alt account and be my "real self" there.

The internet is full of pedophile lolicons, especially Zig Forums.
Just keep it online. IRL is boring anyway.

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Why would you want to shate a fetish. Keep that shit to yourself

It does not matter if its legal or not man you know what I mean.

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Pedos (A) might be into loli (B)
Pedos (A) are most likely to molest children (C)
But that doesnt mean that cuz A equals B and C, C and B are the same. Thats a stupid correlation that doesnt prove shit. Its the same argument that some idiots use to "prove" that muh vidya makes people violent. Being a lolicon doesnt mean that you are a pedophile. A pedophile might be a lolicon, but a lolicon may not be a pedophile.

And even if you were a pedo, you are fine. Only chomos deserve a bullet, cause they messed up with someone's life, freedom and property (in this case, the kid's life)

Keep in mind to not broke the NAP and you should be fine!

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I'm in the same situation as you
except it's guro/necro and I don't have any friends.

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im just into lolis cause i like small petite bodies. majority of manga otherwise is fuckin retard sized boobs and ass

murata is such a good artist....yes i suppose i understand what you mean though online friends via discord or something cant fuck with my irl stuff, it should be find in the end as long as i keep things sperate

i should have clarified i want e-friends, and not irl lolicon bros

Imagine having friends lmao

People only lie, deceive, and talk behind our backs. I suggest you to rather stay on your own. Most people dont accept ourselves the way we are, so whats the point of trying so hard to seek for some faggot who would probably hate you?

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Well it would be nice to be able to talk to someone about it without being judged or called a sociopath weirdo and it would help me feel not so isolated, you know?

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I remember when a friend streamed that game for me. I miss him now :c

Interracial lolis....

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We can chat a lit and have a good conv, but I aint anyone's friend. I dont like friending people anymore.

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You should check out the Mantis X video where Illya and Kuro are fucking BWCs and BBCs

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i can be your legal loli friend if you would like

i would like.

im not into guro myself, but its a terrible situation to be in.

yeah it's super niche and since gurochan got taken down I don't know any other place to talk about it. It's not too bad but it's kind of a bummer.

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Based as hell loli bro.
Saying someone is a pedo for liking loli is like saying video games and movies cause violence.

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>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
>You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
>You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was not original.

christ man... chill...

if you are still around i would like your contact then user

^ this user is a fed

is what says true? even if its not im now paranoid about it.....

no im not a fed at all but i can understand your paranoia too. if you dont want to i wont ask again

hm...i believe you! chino#5063

Maybe we should make a discord server for people who like loli? Like not mainly for posting loli, just discussion yeah I know very original idea

Just beat the early access for this game today actually.

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Those get nuked very quickly and they usually terminate any accounts related to them.

>You should check out the Mantis X video where Illya and Kuro are fucking BWCs and BBCs
Who is Mantis X and where could I find this?

and even if they didn't discord is an incredibly shitty platform on its own merits.

get a VPS and set up an IRC server and I'd definitely stop by though. (*crack* *sip*)

Why would you want to share that you are a lolicon? What's the benefit? It only causes issues.

Which is retarded because 99% of people love porn with cute girls with ponytails and high school uniforms. So almost everyone is a moral white knighting closet lolicon. They just don't realise it.

OP you are a fucking pedophile

Hurr durr lolicon != pedophile
Try harder

since i do not like real women, and instead like artwork of fictional characters, not a pedophile.