Pitbulls are one of the few things i just can't wrap my head around

pitbulls are one of the few things i just can't wrap my head around.
there are breeds of dogs that are cuter, more peaceful, reliable, and just overall better in every way and people still defend these fucks. they were literally made for killing and cause like 90% of all dog attacks and people adore them for whatever reason. it's insane how many of them "snap" and people still trust them around their kids

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If they stop ignoring the pitbulls, then they can't ignore the niggers. That's where the cognitive dissonance comes from.

>they were literally made for killing
Tons of breeds of dogs were bred specifically for killing, whether it be pests, other dogs, or people. Pit bulls aren't inherently a problem any more than German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Mastiffs, Tosas, etc. I grew up with a big lazy baby pit bull who never wanted to do anything but snuggle and was extremely well trained.

Surprise surprise that when niggers get a hold of something they ruin it...

pitbulls are the niggers of dogs

Poodles were made for killing (wildlife). Standard poodles are incredibly smart, well-tempered dogs.

I actually think they are cute so I'd say their cuteness is why people get them. I'm going to get a dog but I wouldn't get a pit because they are so strong energetic and not smart.

I can smell your smeggy cunt through the screen

huh? I'm a man and unfortunately, circumcised

Women believe that they can "fix" people. this is actually what women want in general - they want things to "fix" because it shows power, compassion, and femininity. There's a reason serial killers and mass murderers get "fans" in prison - women would rather attempt to tame a wild, violent animal than control a docile one.

Pitbulls also fulfill this need, as do niggers and italians.

Pics or you're a hole

poodles are fucking dangerous in the wrong hands. I was a dog trainer and one of the most batshit insane dogs i have ever met was a poodle.

Pitbull owners identify with the dog. "He looks strong and scary, but if you get to know him he's the sweetest and most caring."
Next question

So are pit bulls that come from reputable breeders and have been well handled. You ever met someone with a bitey yappy small dog? They can be just as shitty and violent but they're small and not a threat so their aggression is brushed off as cute. Owners make the dog, dogs are literally bred for thousands of years to be whatever people want for them. Bad dogs are just mirror images of bad people, every time.

>and italians
>lumping Italians in with niggers and pitbulls
Wanna know how I know you're a retarded amerishart?

>Well you just need a reputable breeder
Nope, won't solve your problem. No dogs are as smart as standard poodles. NONE.
>owners make the dog
And genes. Genes play a huge role in intelligence. That is why standard poodles are so smart.

>Genes play a huge role in intelligence.

You mean niggerinos?

no that's gay. if you don't think most people find this cute I think you are being disingenuous.

>Owners make the dog
no, innate characteristics in breeds are definitely real
>dogs are literally bred for thousands of years to be whatever people want for them

I don't get the allure of pit bulls. Everything written by OP is correct. It's like pitbull owners have some kind of personality disorder where they have to be contrarian on this issue for some reason. Pitbulls are the velociraptors of our era.

forgot dog pic

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Show me your cock or you're a hole. Easy as.

If that's the case then I got one dumb ass poodle. The thing isn't brave either, she will piss herself and leave you for dead the first sign if danger. At least she is obedient though.

Women have a fetish for the "domesticable beast". Ghetto people like them because they've been bread to literally fight in pits and fighting bowls. It's really that simple.
What I'm confused about is why girls find pugs cute.

>and italians
holy fucking based

The thing is people don't understand that dogs are tools. People need to stop anthropomorphising things that aren't humans ffs. Dogs are tools.

Pits are fucking ugly dogs.

That just shows how shitty of an owner you are.

Is it a standard poodle?

There's an element of truth to this but pitbulls are inherently more violent and need an experienced owner. People mainly cite bad owners being the problem but I don't think the average person is good enough either. They should be handled by those that actually understand training wild and dangerous animals.

Lmao the pitbull association of america says you can't leave a pitbull alone with a smaller dog

I think it's adorable! Look at the little smile :)

I'm smart and tough so if I had a dog, I would want my dog to be smart and tough too.

IDK how smart pitbulls are. I could definitely go for a pet wolf though.

It really depends on the pit. Some pitbulls were bred by niggers for fighting, generally speaking that's the American Pitbull. Other pitbulls, like the Staffordshire terrier, while high energy, are super sweet with people.

I have a pittie myself, and she is super sweet with children, and cats, and anything that's smaller than her. She's had problems with bigger dogs, but she straight up let a kid stab her with a twig once. That kid was in more danger of me punting it than her biting it.